Surprising no one, White House falsifies Biden transcript

Good day all. The incompetent fool currently infesting the White House recently gave a speech. In it, he emulated the fictional character Ron Burgandy. Burgandy was a news anchor who would literally read anything on the teleprompter. Last week, Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden did just that.

The speech in question, like Biden himself, is unimportant. What is important was Biden reading the director style instructions that came up on the screen, such as “Repeat the line.” The White House minions, once they stopped beating their heads against their desks, edited out the remarks from the official white house transcript. They also flat out lied that it had happened in the first place. The only problem with this, it was all caught on video. Here is the video in question.


Once again, we see that Dementia Joe is absolutely unfit to hold the office of the presidency of the United States. Kamala Heels Up Harris is also notorious for generating massive amounts of verbal cole slaw when she speaks off the cuff, but at least she’s got all her mental faculties. She may not use them for anything, but she does have them.

Recently, Biden said that “Of course I’m running for reelection.” What he isn’t seeing is that the Democrat Party is looking to push him out, preferably sooner rather than later. The Democratic Propaganda Corps, aka the Main Stream Media is now starting to report on just how bad Dementia Joe is, (While skirting the issue of his senility). He might be able to hold on until 2024, but he will not be the nominee.

In the old days, before the Teleprompter, politicians had to learn to speak off the cuff, and when giving a speech, write it and then memorize it. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, used to practice his speeches for hours in front of a mirror, working not on just the words, but how he would present them.

Very few of today’s political hacks would even bother to try and memorize a speech, let alone practice it it to get everything just right. We really need to bring back the Lincoln/Douglas style of political debates. Most of the Democrats, and quite a few Republicans would be ground up into political fertilizer, and rightfully so. As for Biden, the sooner he’s gone, the better.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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