President* Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden, even with 800 booster shots, has the Fauci Flu

Good day all. When it comes to “Just Desserts,” no one deserves it more then that epic failure, Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden. After a year of trying to force people to be injected with the experimental Covid vaccines, and purging the military of people who refused it, Dementia Joe has contracted the Fauci Flu.

Since that Senile idiot took office, he has been trying to force people to take both the various covid vaccines and, since it was determined that the original vaccines don’t really work very well, trying to order everyone to take boosters, which also don’t work all that well. One of the things that Dementia Joe’s handlers have been doing is also trying to shame people into compliance by example. This means that Biden has had at least one, and probably several booster shots. Now, he is testing positive. Here are some details from the New York Post:

President Biden on Thursday tested positive for COVID-19 — one day after giving a gaffe-filled speech that spurred health concerns and less than a week after returning from meetings in Saudi Arabia with killer Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Biden, 79, is the oldest-ever American president and his advanced age puts him at elevated risk of serious illness or death, though he has received four shots of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, reducing the risk, and is being treated with antiviral drug Paxlovid.

Four shots and he still caught the Fauci Bioweapon? That doesn’t say much for the efficacy of these “vaccines” now does it? If you are vaccinated against something, then you should be immune, and in many cases, for life. (An occasional booster might be needed, perhaps every 10 years or so. Not every other month with the Coronavirus boosters)

The president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, said in a morning statement that Biden “is currently experiencing mild symptoms, mostly rhinorrhea (or ‘runny hose’) and fatigue, with an occasional dry cough, which started yesterday evening.”

A raspy-voiced Biden released a video message Thursday afternoon, saying, “Hey folks, I guess you heard. This morning I tested positive for COVID.”

But I’ve been double-vaccinated and double-boosted, the symptoms are mild and I really appreciate your inquiries and your concerns. But I’m doing well and getting a lot of work done, gonna continue to get it done.”

What Dementia Joe and his handlers have failed to understand is that they have just proven what many people who don’t want to take the shots have been saying all along. They just don’t work. Bumbles Dementia Biden has just admitted that he’s been injected with gallons of that junk and it DIDN’T WORK!

Biden’s health was widely discussed on Wednesday when he shocked listeners by claiming during a speech in Massachusetts that he has cancer, using the present tense. The White House hastened to clarify that he was referring to skin cancer from before he took office.

Do you know what most people thought when the Idiot said he had cancer? It was “Oh, his senility is kicking in again.” Biden’s problem, (Of many), is that no one believes anything he says. He is a pathological liar and just plain stupid. I suspect that if it hadn’t been formally announced, no one would have believed him about the China virus infecting him.

At least he isn’t alone here. Pretty much all of the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi leadership has managed to catch this thing. The list includes Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi, Fascist Fauci himself, as well as Heels Up Harris and most of their minions. Of course, the younger ones tossed it right off, including Heels Up. It’s the older generations, particularly those in poor health that have been dying. Of course, Harris has been very sympathetic to Dementia Joe’s plight.

Of course, people will say that I should be sympathetic to Bumbles Biden’s illness. To this I say, “Why?” As far as I am concerned, he can drown in his own bowl of melted ice cream because he is to stupid to lift his head up. (I have heard the Secret Service has orders to get Dementia Joe inside at any hint of rain. They’re worried he will stand there, looking up with his mouth open and drown) The sooner he is removed from office, the better for everyone else. I don’t care how it happens. Illness, resignation or impeachment. He just needs to go away.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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