Progressives are now demanding the Supreme Court be abolished

Good day all. Since the Dobbs Decision, along with the Bruen Decision, the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis have gone, not just off the rails, but down the embankment and are now a steaming wreck in the river. They are calling for the abolishing of the United States Supreme Court and demanding the United Nations have the final say on internal American matters.

The issue, of course, is that the Left has been stacking the courts for generations with progressives who will ignore what the Constitution actually says. You also have a RINO judges who are all in on big government, just not to the level of the Progressive Judges and justices. Then came the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and he put hundreds of judges on the lower courts who read the constitution and understood that what it says is just what it means.

Finally, we come to the Supreme Court. When Antonin Scalia died suddenly, people on the right were horrified at what was coming since the 2nd Worst President in History, Barack Obama, would appoint his replacement. He selected Merrick Garland, who was known to bend over backwards in favor of Federal control at the expense of the Individual and the states. His nomination was blocked by Cocaine Mitch McConnell and when President Trump won and took office, nominated a constructionist to the court.

The final nail in the coffin of the Progressives on the bench was the death of Notorious Ruth Bader-Ginsberg. President Trump replaced her with Amy Barrett, securing the court for Constitutionalists for decades. Even the spineless wimp, John Roberts, who hates actually doing his job, was neutered. The end results were the overturning of Roe vs Wade and the Bruen decision not only upholding the 2nd Amendment, but ordering courts to read the actual text of the amendment. (This basically kills most gun control laws in the United States)

With these two decisions, along with others, the Left went nuts. We’ve seen them threatening justices, with one attempted assassination. The Dementia Joe Biden maladministration, and the corrupt Merrick Garland DoJ, are refusing to follow the laws on the books regarding intimidation of the justices. The Left is also calling for the abolition of the court and in a few cases having the United Nations render judgment. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

The recent decisions by the Supreme Court’s conservative majority on abortion and guns appear to have pushed Democrats deeper into seeking radical changes that would shift the court back into liberal hands. While, for many, simply packing the court with more left-wing judges was the answer before the recent decisions, a new survey found support for killing the court, electing judges, and even allowing the United Nations to have the final say.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey sponsored by the Heartland Institute, for example, found that 39% of Democrats would let the U.N. reverse Supreme Court decisions it viewed as human rights violations. The reversal of Roe vs. Wade could fall into that category.

That tells me that 39% of Democrats need to be removed from the United States. Most Americans despise the United Nations and want the United States to pull out of it. That these people would surrender American sovereignty to an organization that is run by corrupt thugs from dictatorial Third World Countries would be considered nothing less than treason in pretty much any other country on Earth. (The United States as a constitutional definition of treason which is intentionally hard to prove) This poll also makes me wonder how they would enforce an order by the UN? It would be ignored by most state governments. Would these 39% of Democrats bring in UN peacekeeping troops to enforce the order? Have they considered what the response would be?

Worse, a majority (53%) of Democrats would support legislation to “abolish” the court and turn it into an elected chamber with judges picked on ballots. Just 21% of Republicans agree with that proposal.

That would be a nightmare. We have seen some elected judges go right off the rails with their decisions, with the federal courts pretty much reaming them a new one. Now term limiting federal judges is another matter and I could get on board with this. Of course, abolishing the Supreme Court or making it an elected position would require a constitutional amendment, as would term limiting them. The term limits has a better chance, especially if it includes Senators and Representatives.

And 64% of Democrats support packing the court with 13 judges, up from the current nine. Just 19% of Republicans agreed.

Packing the court would be a disaster. Considering that the justices they want are the ones who would essentially rule the Constitution unconstitutional, you would have a full blown civil war in no time, and you would see justices being assassinated. (It wouldn’t be the usual nuts going after them either. It would be people who know what they are doing and probably an actual conspiracy. Let’s avoid that shall we, hmm?)

Driving the liberal anger, according to the survey, is a feeling among Democrats that the Supreme Court is “racist” and “sexist,” despite having two black people and four women sitting on it, all but Justices Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett being liberals.

In the survey, 56% of Democrats said the court is a “fundamentally racist” institution. And 67% said it is a “fundamentally sexist” institution.

That’s due to most Democrats being Racists and Sexists and projecting what they are on others.

All that said, it is no surprise that Democrats generally don’t like the court. According to Rasmussen’s preview of its survey being released later Tuesday: “In the wake [of] a recent string of decisions strengthening the Second Amendment, reining in the power of the Environmental Protection Agency, and ending the constitutional right to an abortion, however, Democratic voters mostly disapprove of the Supreme Court. Only 33% of Democrats view the court favorably, while 63% have an unfavorable opinion of the court, including 40% of Democrats who have a Very Unfavorable view of the Supreme Court.”

In my utterly unscientific poll of just myself, I have determined that the Progressive liberal Democratic Communazis are suffering from a serious case of sour grapes. As I mentioned earlier, they have controlled and used the courts to impose their agenda on the American People who are not Progressives, Liberals or morons for decades.

From what I’ve been reading, the Democrats plans to use both Abortion and Guns as “Winning Strategies” for the 2022 midterms is blowing up in their faces. Most people who follow the abortion debate on both sides are fine with it being returned to the state legislatures. They can engage with their elected officials and let them know where they stand.

As to the 2nd Amendment Bruen decision, and other cases now working through the courts, (With some being sent back to the lower courts for review in light of the Bruen decision), the voters, in general, have already spoken and are continuing to speak…with their wallets.

Gun, ammunition and training sales are through the roof. More and more people who have never owned a gun are buying them and learning how to use them. They will not put up with the Communazis plans to take their guns away and any attempt would not end well…for the government.

Depending how the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election goes, things are going to get a lot worse for the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis. I expect that they will escalate their violent attacks against people who disagree with them, and if local law enforcement refuses to do their jobs, eventually people will decide that the time has come to deal with this the hard way.

However, you will also have people in office who will clean out the Aegean Stables that is the Justice Department, and the new “Sheriff’s” will move in and deal with the criminals and terrorists from Antifa and the BCLOM movements. It’s going to take a generation to clear this all up and it’s not going to be pretty, all because the spoiled brats aren’t getting their way.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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