China threatens to shoot down San Fran Nan’s plane

Good day all. For the last few days, there has been some noise regarding Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan. China doesn’t like that and has been ranting and raving about it. The Bumbles Dementia maladministration, for once, has a simple response. “Get over it.”

Needless to say, the Chinese Communist Government isn’t happy with that response and announced that Pelosi’s plane could be shot down. Here are some of the details from Newsmax:

China on Friday warned that U.S. fighter jets escorting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan could be shot down.

“If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is [an] invasion,” tweeted Hu Xijin, a columnist for the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Global Times. “The [People’s Liberation Army] has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction.

“If ineffective, then shoot them down,” Hu added.

First, Pelosi’s plane would probably be coming in from Japan, possibly Okinawa, and that would be a big stretch for Chinese fighters. Second, if American fighter escorts were provided due to this threat, they would probably be F-15’s and F-22’s out of Okinawa and F/A-18’s from the USS Ronald Reagan currently moving into the area. They will have Tanker and AWACS support, and frankly, the Air Force and Navy pilots and aviators are a hell of a lot better then the Chinese. (More flight hours per month for starters)

Second, and this is a big one, you should always research the person you are threatening to kill. Nancy Pelosi is not well liked in the United States. In fact, she is flat out hated by a majority of Americans. If China were to shoot her plane down and kill Pelosi and her entourage, provided they didn’t actually hurt the Navy or Air Force personnel there is a good possibility that some wise ass would start a GoFundMe program to reimburse the Chinese for the fuel, munitions, wear and tear on the aircraft and to provide a big bonus to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force pilots.

In all seriousness, Pelosi is acting like…Pelosi. Utterly arrogant and not thinking beyond the next photo op. I doubt that China would do something as stupid as shoot down the plane of the Speaker of the House. That would force a full scale war, and in short order, the removal from office of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Frankly, China has far more to lose then we do. (Say goodbye to the Three Gorges Dam for starters) Still, if the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, had not had the election stolen out from under him, I doubt that we would be even considering this discussion.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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