Militant Pro-Abortion thugs attacking pregnancy centers

Good day all. This story came out a few weeks ago, but I’ve been busy with real life issues. When the Dobbs Decision was handed down, overturning the Roe vs Wade decision and sending the Abortion matter back to the states, the Progressives went ballistic.

They were already starting to cause trouble when the decision was leaked several months earlier. Things ramped up after the official decision was was published. One of the targets for the left’s ire are what is known as “Pregnancy Centers.” These centers provide pregnant women and new mothers with assistance with their babies, finding jobs, medical things, all sorts of benefits that they really can’t get from the Government.

These centers are now being vandalized and destroyed by leftists pro-abortion radicals. (They’re also finding themselves being dropped from search results on Goolag, but that’s another issue) one of the questions has been, where are these terroristic thugs getting their information. It turns out a couple of radical university professors put together a map. Here are the details from the Epoch Times:

Radical pro-abortion activists are reportedly using an interactive map developed by two University of Georgia professors to plan their violent attacks on pregnancy resource centers.

These centers, which typically offer pregnancy tests and counseling services from a pro-life perspective, have been vandalized, smashed, and set on fire in growing numbers across the country in the weeks leading up to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The attacks have been ramping up, and you have certain members of congress, (Elizabeth Warren), egging them on. Many of the centers have been forced to hire armed guards and to “Armor” their offices in case of gun fire. (Considering most of the leftists don’t have guns, this might not be needed, but better safe than sorry)

While these centers’ locations are public knowledge, perpetrators have been using online tools that collect and organize this information in a way that makes it easier for them to find the next target.

As I mentioned earlier, Goolag has been shadow banning these centers. This can make it hard for those who actually need their services from finding them. The downside is it also makes it difficult for the terrorists as well. However, a “Solution” has been found to this “problem.”

One of such tools is the Crisis Pregnancy Center Map, a project led by Andrea Swartzendruber and Danielle Lambert, both professors at the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department at the University of Georgia. The interactive map identifies the exact street addresses of over 2,500 pro-life clinics.

According to the story, this map went online in 2018, long before the Dobbs case had reached the Supreme Court. I have been digging into these two, and I’m not liking what I’m finding. It appears they were going after these centers, calling them “Fake Abortion clinics” and not accurately presenting the facts. I’m hoping I am misreading what I’m seeing, (My first source has done some digging, however Fox News has also mentioned them), but at first glance, it doesn’t seem so.

The stated purpose of the map is “to provide location information about all of the crisis pregnancy centers operating in the U.S.” The website also refers to these centers as “fake women’s health centers” primarily aimed to “prevent people from having abortions.”

There’s reason to think that people seeking health services may not know exactly what these centers are and the services they offer,” Swartzendruber said in 2018 when the CPC map first went online.

The problem with this statement is that, in general, it’s very inaccurate and disingenuous. While there have been a few such places, that number is very low. The actual pregnancy centers help pregnant women and new mothers. A lot of these women are actually teens who need help in handling the changes in their lives that a new baby brings.

I followed the link to the interactive map, and was hoping these two had put up some sort of disclaimer regarding using this for criminal activities. Sadly, it doesn’t appear that these two have done so. Right off the bat there is this statement:

CPC Map identifies crisis pregnancy centers (also known as “fake women’s health centers”) in your area. CPCs primarily aim to prevent people from having abortions.

There’s reason to think that people seeking health services may not know exactly what these centers are and the services they offer,” Swartzendruber said in 2018 when the CPC map first went online.

There were a handful of sites that did misrepresent themselves, but the overwhelming majority are what they say they are. Women will go there who are pregnant, in many cases, teen age girls, and they have no idea what to do. For the pro-abortion types such as these two professors, the only choice is abortion, period, end, stop. That isn’t choosing anything. However, the problem now is that domestic terrorist organizations such as Antifa are using these sites to plan their attacks.

According to Fox News, far-left extremists are using the map to mark their next targets while trying to refrain from explicitly calling for violence.

Oh, they are calling for it all right.

Puget Sound Anarchists, an Antifa-affiliated group operating out of Washington state, included the CPC map in a post celebrating the vandalism of a pro-life clinic in the state by another radical group. The group itself in May publicly claimed responsibility for vandalizing four different churches in Olympia, Washington, because of their supposed ties to pregnancy resource centers. +

You can find your nearest fake abortion clinic on the Crisis Pregnancy Center Map,” the post read.

The Epoch Times and Fox News stories list all the threats by these groups. One thing they all seem to have In common is that these are in Blue states where the Progressive Ruling Elites have gutted their police departments and told those remaining to not interfere with Antifa’s terrorism.

One of the latest attacks on pregnancy resource centers took place on Saturday morning in Longmont, a northern suburb of Denver. According to the police, the building was set ablaze and covered with graffiti messages such as “Bans off our bodies” and “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

The facility is run by Life Choices, a Christian non-profit organization that offers free services related to pregnancy and sexual health. In a statement, Life Choices Executive Director Kathy Roberts said the center is “devastated and stunned by this frightening act of vandalism.”

My question is, where is the FBI and the DoJ? They certainly aren’t doing anything about these attacks, at least not that anyone can see, and that includes members of Congress.

“What we hope the perpetrators of this act understand is that an attack on Life Choices is ultimately not an attack on a political party or act of,” Roberts said. “It is an attack on those who walk through our doors every day in need of diapers, pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, clothing, financial and parenting classes, support, and so much more. It is an attack on a place that is supposed to be safe for women, men, and their families.”

These thugs don’t care. They are domestic terrorists. I don’t have the video, but I saw one such attack that was caught by a security camera. It showed several people in hoodies vandalizing one of these centers. One of the attackers appeared to be female. Its likely they came from one of the local colleges. If they are tracked down, they should be prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law and if convicted, be locked up until they need Geritol.

As for those two professors? They appear to know that their web site is being used as an intelligence source for domestic terrorism, and they aren’t doing anything to stop it. They haven’t even bothered with a disclaimer on the main landing page. Frankly, the university needs to confront them, and if they remain unrepentant, terminate their employment asap. If anyone is hurt or killed, then these two should be prosecuted as accessories. (Once they knew their web site was being used to facilitate criminal activities, they, at the very least, could have contacted law enforcement authorities)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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