Say Hello to the No Labels party and watch the Democrats tremble

Good day all. Recently, I’ve been seeing news stories on a new political party called the “No Labels” Party. I thought it was just another third party group that won’t be going anywhere, but this one seems to have developed some legs, and that is scaring the Democrats.

There are several “Third Parties” in the United States, with the Libertarian party being the best known. None have amounted to much, although the Libertarian Party has been very successful in getting Democrats elected by siphoning off Republican voters. Now the No Labels Party appears to be poised to do the same thing…To the Democrats and they are not happy about it. Here are the details from PJ Media:

The “anti-partisan” group No Labels has raised $70 million in an effort to get on the ballot in all 50 states. In an election that’s expected to be very close, could it really be a decisive factor in the 2024 presidential election?

The group hasn’t decided whether to field a presidential candidate in 2024 yet. But surely, an effort to get on all 50 ballots won’t be wasted on down-ballot candidates. No Labels wants to change politics in America, and Democrats like things just the way they are.

Of course the Democrats like the things the way they are. They’ve spent decades, over a century, working to rig the system in their favor. There is no way they are going to allow some upstarts to undo all their hard work.

The Arizona Democratic Party has filed suit to block No Labels from ballot access in that state on procedural grounds. And Republicans in several states have launched their own research projects to determine what negative impact, if any, No Labels would have on the prospects for their candidates.

From what I’ve been reading, it’s not the Republicans that are looking at potential loses to the No Labels party, it’s the Democrats.

But it’s Democrats who are sweating the entry of a third-party candidate with crossover appeal. And they appear to be lining up to stomp on No Labels to keep it from pulling votes away from their candidate.

The only way you can justify this is if you really believe that it doesn’t really matter if it is Joe Biden or Donald Trump,” said Stuart Stevens, a former presidential campaign strategist for George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, who now works with the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. “So it is sort of a test. If you live in a world where it doesn’t matter, this is kind of harmless. If you live in a world where it does matter, it is dangerous.”

So it isn’t the Trump supporting Ultra MAGA deplorable wing of the GOP, (The base), it’s the Establishment, Globalist Uniparty RINO’s that are worried. If they manage to make another Bushlike Milquetoast the Republican candidate, then I can see a large number walking away from the GOP as well. As for the Democrats joining the No Labels party?

One of the co-founders of the group, William Galston, a Brookings Institution policy scholar, says he’d leave No Labels if they ran a presidential candidate.

I am proud of No Labels’ record of bipartisan legislation, and I know its leaders want what is best for the country. But I cannot support the organization’s preparation for a possible independent presidential candidacy,” he said in a statement. “There is no equivalence between President Biden and a former president who threatens the survival of our constitutional order. And most important, in today’s closely divided politics, any division of the anti-Trump vote would open the door to his reelection.”

The Brookings Institute is not noted as being a conservative think tank. It’s actually just to the right of Lenin. They believe in central control and aren’t all that supportive of the Constitution. If they were, they would be calling for the shut down of any department not specified as a federal responsibility in the Constitution.

I suppose if you believe the election of Trump is a really, really, bad thing, then the group will collapse when the Democrats in the group resign in disgust. But it appears most of the No Label Democrats are just fine with fielding a candidate in 2024 and some may even join the effort.

And who might they get to be their candidate?

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin hasn’t announced his intention to run again in 2024, but his name has been tossed around as a potential No Labels presidential candidate.

If enough Americans believe there is an option and the option is a threat to the extreme left and extreme right, it will be the greatest contribution to democracy, I believe,” Manchin said in an interview. When asked whether he would participate in a No Labels ticket, he said, “I don’t rule myself in and I don’t rule myself out.”

Manchin may not have ruled himself out, but everyone else has. He finally screwed over his constituents one time to many. He’s probably going to lose his reelection in West Virginia next year. Of course, the No Labels Party is putting together a “Deep Bench” to select from.

The same reaction came from former Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan.

I think it is really important to have that option. Because we have never been at the point we are today in America,” Hogan added. “The vast majority of people in America are not happy with the direction of the country and they don’t want to see either Joe Biden or Donald Trump as president.”

Larry Hogan is a TransRepublican Never Trumper and an abject failure as governor of Maryland. His political career in the GOP is over, much as Manchin’s is over on the Democrat side. It makes sense for them to join a third party that will probably siphon off Democrat voters. The No Labels party isn’t really going to amount to much other then as spoilers.

Third parties in the U.S. start out with a lot of excitement and glowing media coverage but always end up with 2% or 3% of the vote. Except for this time, 2-3% of the vote might decide the election.

No wonder Democrats want to sabotage No Labels and keep them off as many state ballots as they can.

The Democrats have a long history of destroying anyone or anything that stands in their way to absolute power. They also have no problem using other third parties that siphon off Republican voters. (See the Libertarian Party) It will be interesting to see if they can keep No Labels candidates off the ballots. You know that will be used by the Republicans against the Democrats. This is going to be fun to watch!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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