Biden blames Trump for his Afghanistan debacle

Good day all. It’s been a year since the worst president* in American history, Joe Dementia Biden initiated the Biden Bugout from Afghanistan. This disaster is considered even worse then the Fall of Saigon. We saw, once again how the Democrats will always snatch crushing defeat from the Jaws of Victory for the United States.

Almost from the very beginning, Bumbles Biden and the perfumed pansies known as the Joint Chiefs of Staff have tried to deflect the blame to anyone but themselves. Right on schedule, Dementia Joe has now named who is to blame, and it isn’t Joe Biden. No, he’s blaming The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

The White House on Thursday released its review of President Biden’s fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, dropping the long-awaited report days before the Easter holiday while former President Donald Trump’s indictment dominates headlines. 

In a 12-page outline, Biden officials defend the president’s decision to withdraw, calling his decision to end the two decades-long war “the right thing for the country.”

We will be going over the whole mess that the War on Terror and the failures of the Bush and Obama administrations in crushing the Taliban once and for all. President Trump and his State Department were working on a final withdrawal plan when the Tainted Election of 2020 installed the Senile Pedophile into office. Once Biden was ensconced, he threw out the plans that the Trump administration had been developing.

The report does not appear to acknowledge any mistakes made by Biden. However, the document repeatedly criticizes the Trump administration for constraining the conditions of American evacuation, during which 13 American soldiers died in a suicide bombing while protecting the Kabul airport.

Well, there is a nice load of manure. The Trump plans didn’t call for sneaking out of Bagram in the middle of the night without telling the Afghan government, nor did it call for abandoning all the aircraft. That was completely on Biden.

The review does acknowledge that the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan should have started sooner, but blames the delays on the Afghan government and military, and on U.S. military and intelligence community assessments.

“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the document states. 

As we can see, Biden is doing his usual thing of blaming everyone else for his own screw ups. In this, he’s like Bill Clinton instead of Harry Truman. Truman’s motto was “The buck stops here.” meaning that he was the one responsible for what happened in his administration. Bill “Bubba Horndog” Clinton’s unofficial motto was “The buck never got here!” when things went south in his administration. Biden’s seems to be “The buck belongs to Trump!”

The White House accuses Trump of emboldening the Taliban by engaging in peace talks without consulting U.S. allies and partners in the region. The document emphasizes that at the same time, Trump was decreasing the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan with a series of drawdowns throughout 2020. 

“During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies,” the White House says. “Indeed, there were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away.”

There was a reason for that. It was during Ramadan, when fighting in Islamic lands basically comes to a stop. The plans that the liar in chief says didn’t exist were being put together. Since no one would have been fighting and it was a holy period, this would have provided a lot more time to get everyone out. Instead, the Biden maladministration decided to break the agreement and screw things up.

The document released by the White House gives a broad overview of the administration’s actions and recounts the details of the Afghanistan withdrawal from their perspective.

I understand it’s on the New York Slimes list of best selling fiction.

“As you all know, over these many months, departments and agencies key to the withdrawal conducted thorough internal after-action reviews, each of them examining their decision-making processes, as well as how those decisions were executed,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Thursday. 

“Today, they are making those reviews available to relevant committees in the Senate and in the House, as previewed by Secretaries [Antony] Blinken and [Lloyd] Austin in testimony last month,” he added.

Those two are a major reason for the Kabul Debacle and the loss of billions of dollars of equipment. They continue to lie about what happened, and considering that the military is starting to collapse from Austin’s outright incompetence, I doubt that this “report” is going to be believed in the House. Now the Democrats will wave it all over the place, but we all saw what happened and we all know that this is on Biden and Biden alone.

He has been screwing everything up since 12:05PM EST January 20th, 2021. he can try and lie his way out of it, but it won’t work. Even Barack Obama knew what a lying, corrupt, incompetent fool Biden is.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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