Govno Newsom annoying southern democrats

Good day all. The current governor of Kalifornistan, Gavin Newsom, is making noises about running for President in 2024. f course, this would mean that the current liberal infestation in the oval office, Joe Biden, is prevented from running for reelection. In that vein, Newsom has been visiting conservative, “Red” states and basically insulting everyone there.

This is annoying the Democrats who are trying to hold on to their seats. They are not thrilled with Gruesome Newsom’s “Advice and comments.” Here are the details from Politico:

Gavin Newsom is showing up behind political enemy lines, taking on conservatives in southern states like Alabama and Texas, where the California governor’s presence is not always welcome — even among the people he’s supposedly there to help.

The issue for Newsom, which he is to blind and self centered to see, is that people are looking at the disaster that used to be California, as well as talking to refugees from that failed state and understand that he is a major cause of the problems out there.

Newsom just finished a spring break tour of the deep South, visiting civil rights landmarks and beleaguered Democrats and picking fights with Republicans like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

His new PAC, seeded with $10 million of his leftover campaign money, is a bet that the potential presidential aspirant — not now, his people insist — can go even further and become a serious player in helping Democrats actually win in red states and districts across the country.

There is a small problem with Gruesome Gavin’s plans. It’s called, “Reality.”

But, like a California cabernet left out on a humid afternoon, the Newsom brand may not travel all that well.

Montgomery is a long way from Sacramento, and Newsom’s political machine has only been tested in friendly territory, where his party enjoys a supermajority. Many Democrats will be glad to spend his money, but it’s far less clear that they’ll want his advice or his obsessive focus on the culture-war contrasts between Democratic and Republican states.

Newsom is, to put it mildly, despised by anyone who has seen how he operates, and while the Democrats won’t say so publicly, (for the most part), they see his help to be about as useful as Obama’s or Bumbles Biden’s.

They will do much better if they will strategically fund operations in Texas that are overtly political and engaged in actually winning races,” said Matt Angle, who directs the Lone Star Project, a Texas committee devoted to defeating Republicans.

Considering how utterly corrupt the Democrat Party has become, and that, at least in Texas, they are starting to be seen as a flat out threat to people’s safety and freedom, the long term view for them in Texas is not good. (Of course, they can always count on the likes of Cocaine Mitch McConnell to help them)

Florida Democrats echo that view. State Party Chair Nikki Fried said she’d welcome extra resources “to highlight the failures of Ron DeSantis,” but there are limits. She also said Newsom’s favorite California-versus-Florida framing, which resonates with some West Coast liberals, would backfire in DeSantis’ backyard.

What would not be helpful is a comparison between the two states,” Fried said. “Florida is very different from California.”

Florida is where a lot of refugees from the Newsom Nightmare known as Kalifornistan have fled to. Most of them have left their progressive politics out there as well, which is why the Florida Republican party did so well in the midterms last year. Newsom, of course, sees himself as the “Savior of Soviet America!” He thinks that all the press coverage bodes well for him.

In a Thursday email to supporters, he touted press coverage of the tour as evidence that “it’s working.”

It’s not an unexpected play from a governor who has long portrayed himself, and California, as a defender of democracy, enacting world-leading environmental policies and gun restrictions and expanding abortion access for people from out of state.

First, that paragraph is from Politico, which is a Democrat propaganda organ. They will always try to support the progressive liberal elite. Basically, they’re just another Democrat Fake News site. Still, they do have their uses. The other problem with the statement is that it fails to take into account that the rest of the country isn’t populated by coked up meth heads taking a dump on the city streets. They see what is going on in Kalifornistan and want no part of it.

But this strategy bets that the message of a California governor — who made his fortune in fine wines and has deep ties to elite San Franciscans like Nancy Pelosi — can resonate elsewhere. While Newsom’s advisers comprise the dominant campaign team in California, they have little experience with the politics of conservative America.

Try no experience. These people don’t talk to conservatives and those on the center-right. In fact, they hold them in utter contempt and make no bones about that contempt. Gruesome Gavin Newsom is a classic Limousine Liberal. He has no understanding of the average American, doesn’t give a damn about them or the United States and thinks he’s the smartest person in the room.

While he may run for President in 2024, he might not make it past the primaries, and if he does get the nomination, the shipload of baggage and his desire to completely destroy the United States, (He has stated he wants to make America just like California), will keep him out of the White House, provided the 2024 election is actually an honest one.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Govno Newsom annoying southern democrats

  1. killingthemonkey says:

    We need Gruesome in the South like a fish needs a bicycle.


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