Dementia Joe Biden didn’t disappoint at Howard University

Good day all. Last week I wrote about the news that Joe Biden was going to deliver the Commencement address at Howard University. The question I asked in a poll at the end of the post was simple. Would Dementia Joe say something stupid or insulting?


Well, Biden has delivered the address and yes, he has once again put his foot deeply in it again. Here are the details from Fox News:

Conservative Twitter users ripped President Joe Biden for claiming that White supremacy is the “most dangerous terrorist threat” in America during a commencement address at Howard University this weekend. Critics accused Biden of using the opportunity to inflame racial tension in the United States.

Does this really surprise anyone these days? The Democrats have been working to divide Americans into groups for decades. As for White Supremacists? There might be 5 or 6 around who aren’t part of some federal task force that’s investigating white supremacists. The joke is that most of these groups are made up of multiple federal agents from different organizations who set up the group in the first place to catch people who don’t actually exist.

The 46th president addressed the  graduates from the historical Black college at Washington D.C.’s Capital One Arena Saturday, speaking to them about the threats they face from the division among their own country.

Well the biggest threat to the United States was giving the commencement address at Howard University.

Biden provided a line on White supremacy being the main threat to the nation including the graduates as they go forward with their lives after school. After he hammered home the dangers of White supremacy, he assured his audience he wasn’t just saying that because he was at a Black school.

At the beginning of his statement Biden talked about America’s battle with racism from the time of its inception, saying, “We know American history has not always been a fairy tale. From the start, it’s been a constant push and pull for more than 240 years, between the best of us – the American ideal that we’re all created equal – and the worst of us, a harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart.”

“It’s a battle that’s never really over,” he said, adding, “But on the best days, enough of us have the guts and hearts to stand up for the best in us, to choose love over hate, unity over disunity, progress over retreat…” 

Actually, until Barack Obama was elected, things were going pretty well. Of course there were issues, but there were decreasing. Most people just didn’t, and don’t care about someone’s skin color. Then came the Obama/Biden maladministration and Obama’s hatred of the United States, and his own racism came into play. Now we have Mush for Brains Biden, who is well known for spewing racist crap all the time, doing everything he can to make things worse for people, not better.

Biden then zeroed in on White supremacy, saying, “…To stand against the poison of White supremacy as I did in my inaugural address.” He then called it “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland.” The audience erupted in applause. 

Here’s an interesting fact. Over the last decade, give or take, all of the so called “White Supremacist” incidents have turned out to be faked by the people claiming to be victims of so called hate crimes. (See Jussie Smollett) The FBI has been desperate to find any traces of actual racist white supremacists, to the point of manufacturing things.

Pointing his finger, he added, “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.” The audience laughed. 

Conservatives are not taking this load of manure from Biden.

Foundation for Economic Education managing editor Jon Miltimore tweeted, “The Democratic Party spent most of the 19th Century and much of the 20th using overt racism to win elections. They are doing again in the 21st century. The racism just looks a lot different than the 19th century version.”

The Liberal Progressive Democrats are the biggest pack of racists since the Nazis. The worst are white Liberals. If you pin them down, you will get them saying things that amount to “Black/Hispanic/group of nonwhites of your choice people are to stupid to know what they want.

We, the educated liberal elites, predominately, (But not exclusively), Caucasian, must take the lead and tell all these inferior people who to think and behave. If you think this is hyperbole, just listen or read the crap these morons put out. They make the KKK look good.’s Clay Travis found the statement completely ridiculous. He tweeted, “I mean, this is completely bonkers. Did anyone talk like this in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s or even 2010s? Of course not. Yet suddenly white supremacy is the BIGGEST THREAT in America? I don’t even think…”

No, no one did. Things started changing after World War Two, and accelerated with the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s. What people like Biden try to hide, (And we all know that Dumb Dumb Biden didn’t write that speech), is that it’s been the Democrats that have been doing everything to “Keep blacks on the plantations” so to speak. (See Lyndon Baines Johnson)

Journalist Julie Kelly replied, “No you’re saying it because you’re a pathological liar propped up by the media to help fuel dangerous racial division.”

Ms. Kelly should understand that being a pathological liar is part and parcel of being a psychopath. Biden exhibits the classic indicators of being one.

And New York Post journalist Miranda Devine simply tweeted “Pure evil” in response to Biden’s line. 

That is exactly what the Modern Democrat Party and its current leadership is. Pure evil. As someone who reads a lot of history, what Biden and the Democrats are doing has the exact same feel of what the Nazis did in their rise to power. All you need to do is change a few words that Biden and the Liberal Progressive Democrats use, such as white supremacist and MAGA Republicans and replace them with the word “Jews.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted a world where people didn’t judge one another by the color of their skin. In general, most Americans have embraced this concept. The one group that hasn’t, and is actively moving in the other direction or Progressives, Liberals and Democrats, (But I repeat myself). Joe Biden has always been a bigot, among other things, but the sycophants in the Democrat Propaganda Corps, aka the Main Stream Media, have actively covered up for him. It’s far past time to start confronting the Progressive Racists and show the world what they truly are.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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