NH Democrat legislator insults parents

Good day all. Usually I comment on the idiocies of the Federal government and on state and local governments around the country. Sadly, I have been lax in paying attention to the morons and moonbats in my own state of New Hampshire. Now we have one of our State Legislators who may have just ended his political career when he called parents “Incompetent.”

Normally you don’t see much happening up here in the Granite State. However, we have also suffered from the stupidities brought on by the Great Panicdemic of 2020, which included closing the schools. Like the rest of the country, parents found out just how bad a lot of the schools have become.

They started asking pointed questions and getting very angry at what they are seeing and hearing. State legislators, not just in New Hampshire, have started looking into things. Up here in the Granite State, the Democrats, like everywhere else, are bought and paid for by the teachers unions. They have been attacking parents who dared take issue with what is allegedly being taught to their children in schools. Sadly we have one of these moonbats up here. Here are the details from Fox News:

A New Hampshire Democratic lawmaker is drawing attention for telling a parent Wednesday to “shut up” and “let the teachers teach.”

The parent had emailed New Hampshire state Representative Tommy Hoyt urging him to support a law that would establish a parents’ bill of rights in education. 

Silly parent. Did he or she actually think that a Democrat representative actually represented the voters in his district?

“Do you know why children’s results tanked during covid? Their parents were incompetent teachers. Do your children a favor, let the teachers teach, and shut up. You’re clearly no professional,” Hoyt responded.

Thus ends Mr’s Hoyt’s political career in the State of New Hampshire.

The parent took a screenshot of Hoyt’s response and the image began circulating on social media.

American Federation for Children senior fellow Corey DeAngelis drew attention to Hoyt’s message on Twitter and told Fox News Digital, “Representative Tommy Hoyt let the mask slip. These socialists think they know better than parents. They despise the very notion of parental rights because they really believe kids belong to the government.”

Hoyt was contacted about the remark and confirmed he said it. (I’ll give him props for admitting that he is a moron)

Hoyt confirmed to the New Hampshire Journal first that the email was authentic and said, “The way I feel is that children’s test scores in school performance dropped off drastically was because they didn’t have teachers. And the parents that thought, ‘We can replace them and can tell them what to do,’ was not effective. I probably could have used better words.”

Obviously, Hoyt has completely misunderstood what is going on. Parents agree that the best place for their children to learn is in the schools. That isn’t the issue. The issue is what is being passed off as education.

The parent, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Fox News Digital, “I was sending an email to all the New Hampshire State reps because SB272, the parental rights bill, was up for a vote and I wanted just to tell all the reps as a parent of four Children in New Hampshire that I wanted them to pass the bill.” 

The parent said the reply from Hoyt is an “illustration” of why a parents’ bill of rights is needed, “Basically, what you’re saying is that teachers are better parents than parents.”

That is the impression I got as well. Of course, as a lackey for the Teacher’s unions, I would expect nothing less. Of course, I suspect his constituents along with everyone else in the state expected more from him.

“That’s the mentality that we’re fighting against, which clearly says, ‘You’re stupid, shut up. We don’t care what you think.’ So that attitude and mentality are the reason that we even have to be trying to pass a parental rights bill.”

That is the standard mindset of the typical Progressive Liberal Democrat. These are the people who believe, (I can’t use the word “Think” since that is not something they’re capable of), that they are the smartest people in the room and that it is their right to rule over the lesser people.

Chairman of the Hillsborough County Republican Party Christopher Maidment said Hoyt’s comments were “a typical attack” from opponents of school choice yet still “really disheartening.” He explained further that to assume parents are all “bad people who want to hurt their children” is “a perverse way to view the world.”

It’s called “Projection” Mr. Maidment. It’s what Democrats do.

“I’m sure a number of interest groups and concerned Republican activists will be looking to let these representatives know they were let down today, and they’ll have a chance to make their voices heard during the next primary,” Maidment said.

The only problem here is the large number of Massholes that have immigrated to the Granite State. They also brought their mental disorders with them, such as Progressivism, Liberalism and all around moonbattery. Then we have the fraud vote that comes up from places like Umass Animal Amherst to vote illegally. (And yes, I have seen it happen)

Fox News Digital obtained a copy of the parent’s full email, which, after a name introduction, began, “I am a parent of four children in Hopkinton, New Hampshire. I am asking that you pass SB727 without any amendments.”

The Fox News story quotes the letter, and I’ll let you read it for yourself. One entry I noticed was this:

“The frequent arrest records of teachers and school personnel in NH would suggest that they are no better parents than anyone else. Please stand up for families and pass SB272 without floor amendments!” it concluded, with screenshots of news stories about New Hampshire teachers accused of sexual assault attached.

Even one of our former governors had a spouse that mishandled a sex abuse allegation as a school administrator. Sadly the bill was narrowly defeated when the usual suspects, (Democrats), pulled their usual crap out of their asses.

The most contentious part of the bill is regarding parents’ rights to know about their children changing gender identity. Multiple Democrats alleged these provisions would put children at risk of violence or even death at the hands of their parents. The ACLU of New Hampshire called the legislation “harmful” and “a direct attack on LGBTQ+ students.” 

This is yet another lie by the groomers in the Democrat party. There is, to my knowledge no record of parents harming their children in these matters. There is a great deal of evidence of many of these alphabet soup people doing harm to others, including children. We have seen this happen, with Nashville being the most recent event.

We are also seeing members of the so called “Community” issuing flat out threats against anyone who disagrees with them and their goal of grooming and mutilating children. Right now, parents are working within the system to change things and insure they safety, well being and education of their children.

Parents have had it with the Woke groomers pretending to be “Professional Educators” and they aren’t going to be putting up with elected officials who back the groomers and the Teachers Unions. I suspect that Hoyt is done in politics. Whoever challenges in 2024, provided we’re allowed to have an election, is going to use this against him. Stick the fork, he’s done.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to NH Democrat legislator insults parents

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    It is ironic that “professional educators” howled for years that the failure of public schools is solely the responsibility of parents not being involved in their children’s schools, but now that parents have become involved these same “educators” want to call out the militia to forcibly uninvolved them again.

  2. Diane Guinn says:

    Its shocking to see what is happening in the class rooms to these innocent children who have become victims. Its the PARENTS who need to pay attention and put an end to it. It has to stop.


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