Govno Numbnuts Newsom announces plan to repeal the 2nd Amendment

Good day all. One of the worst governors in the United States is Govno Gavin Newsom. Granted, he has a lot of competition, however his destruction of Kalifornistan puts him above the likes of Wretched Gretchen Whitmer and Kathy Horrible Hochul. Numbnuts likes to go out and tell other, far more successful governors how to ruin run their states. He’s also sniffing around, hoping that Dementia Joe Biden won’t run for reelection after all.

One of the things this hair gel addict has been doing is working to suppress the 2nd Amendment. Kalifornistan is one of the worst when it comes to people who aren’t criminals getting guns and being able to use them to protect themselves. Numbnuts has been one of the louder elected officials demanding that people be forced to hand in their firearms. Now he’s decided that the time is right to demand the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Here are the details from Fox News:

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to change the Constitution to curb gun rights. Fed up with inaction on gun control, Newsom unveiled a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution on Thursday that would implement “commonsense” gun safety measures he claims have widespread bipartisan support.

“Our ability to make a more perfect union is literally written into the Constitution,” Newsom said Thursday. “So today, I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to do just that. The 28th Amendment will enshrine in the Constitution commonsense gun safety measures that Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and gun owners overwhelmingly support — while leaving the Second Amendment unchanged and respecting America’s gun-owning tradition.”

The level of hypocrisy in this is stupefying. Numbnuts Newsom’s ideas of “Common sense” gun control are to strip away a right enshrined in the Constitution. Right off the bat, he want’s to use the constitution to ban “Assault weapons.” Of course, since there is no such thing, that means that they can ban anything since it could be used as an “Assault weapon.”

The Democratic governor’s proposed 28th Amendment would not abolish the Second Amendment, which establishes a right to bear firearms for personal self-defense and other lawful purposes. However, it would raise the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21; mandate universal background checks to purchase firearms; institute a waiting period for all gun purchases; and ban “assault weapons.” 

In other words, it repeals the 2nd amendment. As to raising the age to 21, you may as well go across the board and strip 18 year old’s of their right to vote, and basically raise the age that people are cnsidered adults to 21. I’m sure that will make you very popular you moron.

Newsom’s proposed amendment would also affirm that Congress, states and local governments can enact additional gun control measures. 

In other words, outright bans, confiscation, etc. The article goes into how such an amendment can be passed, either through Congress and then sent to the states for ratification, or through an Article V convention. There is no way such an amendment could pass the House and Senate so Numbnuts is going the Constitutional Convention route.

Instead, Newsom is calling for an Article V convention of states to convene and draft his proposed amendment. Two-thirds of the state legislatures must pass a resolution calling for such a convention before it can convene to consider an amendment to the Constitution. If such a convention adopts a proposed amendment, it then heads back to the state legislatures for ratification. 

Since this requires two thirds of the states to agree, it’s not happening. More then half the states have implemented Constitutional Carry, and there is no way they are going to support an Article V convention to strip rights away from their citizens. (They’re not suicidal, politically or literally)

Newsom said he will campaign to build grassroots support and lobby other state legislatures to move forward with an Article V convention. A news release from his office included supporting statements from California lawmakers in the state Assembly and Senate. 

Newsom is a moron, but we all know that. (It’s all the hair gel he uses. It seeped into his brain and rotted it) Most of the states consider him to be a joke. He is also in the habit of telling other states everything they’re doing wrong and using Kalifornistan as an example of how to do things. He especially likes to attack Texas and Florida.

As you would expect, his proposal is not being warmly received.

Gun rights groups were quick to condemn Newsom’s proposal as an attack on the Second Amendment. 

“Newsom’s latest publicly stunt once again shows that his unhinged contempt for the right to self-defense has no bounds,” the National Rifle Association said in a statement. “California is a beacon for violence because of Newsom’s embrace of policies that champion the criminal and penalize the law-abiding.  That is why the majority of Americans rightfully reject his California-style gun control.”

It’s also why people are fleeing Kalifornistan in droves. Unfortunately, some of these people are bringing the California plague with them. (Such as a blond actress who played a vampire for 8 years and after moving to Tennessee, called the 2nd Amendment archaic) Even though they have moved to a deep red state, they generally live in cities that are solid blue, with the usual crime issues you see in Democrat run locations. Others “Wake up” and leave their liberalism in the 4th world hellhole California has become, hence the name Kalifornistan.

While they often try to hide behind legislative proposals and hush open talk of abolishing the Second Amendment, here we have a potential future presidential candidate now coming out and openly admitting what they’ve wanted to do all along,” Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America (GOA) said. “GOA will strongly oppose this proposal as we work to protect and restore the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.”

Newsom is an arrogant, narcissistic privileged idiot. He considers anyone not of his social level to be inferior and not worth considering. He also has his own armed security because he is one of the “Special People.” He’s also ignorant. (I know, repeating myself) Like all of his ilk, he doesn’t know or understand why the 2nd Amendment was written by the founder of this nation.

Consider that we had just defeated the most powerful empire in the world and secured our independence from the British Empire. We did it with the guns that the “Civilians” as Numbnuts referred to the average person, had as their personal property. A lot of those guns were actually better then what the British army had at the time.

The Founders, when they were writing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, understood that there would always be the potential for the government to go tyrannical. They wanted people to have the tools they would need to resist, and if required, destroy that government. Numbnuts Newsom is exactly the type of “Leader” that the Founders envisioned when they were coming up with the 2nd Amendment.

During the Great Panicdemic of 2020, that two legged diaper stain was throwing people in jail for literally walking alone on a beach. He destroyed the economy of the state and was one of the last to finally end the “Emergency” that he used to indulge in his inner dictator. Newsom has long said that he would like to do to the rest of the country what he’s done to Kalifornistan. He doesn’t seem to comprehend that most people consider that to be a threat against them.

His “Cunning plan” is going to go nowhere fast. People have already voted with their wallets and are buying guns and ammunition in increasing numbers. The number of new gun owners is increasing every month, thanks to the Progressive policies on crime. (They encourage it) Newsom is just making noise in his attempt to unseat Dementia Joe Biden. Still, we need to be on alert and attack Newsom and other like him, using actual facts and figures as our primary weapons and ammunition. Facts are to Liberals as sunlight is to a vampire. (Yep, two vampire references. Sue me)


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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