Progressives Law Professors want Constitution torn up

Good day all. Since the Obama Regime, we have seen the Progressive Left dropping the facade that they believe in individual rights, the Constitution and the United States. The reaction to this was the election of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Even with all the lies and a low grade coup by the Deep State, President Trump did remarkably well in digging out the swamp. His second term would have been Hell on Earth for the Deep State. The answer to this was the Tainted Election of 2020 and the installation of the worst president* in American history. Since then we have seen the full weaponization of the Federal Government against anyone who doesn’t bow down to the Progressive Narratives.

Thanks to President Trump and Cocaine Mitch McConnell actually doing something right for a change, we have a Supreme Court made up of justices, for the most part, who actually read the Constitution and understand that it means what it says. They have been issuing rulings that have been restoring things to what the Founders intended. This has set off the Left, and we now have a couple of “Law Professors” demanding that Joe Biden go full tyrant and tear up the Constitution of the United States. Here are some of the details from The Hill:

I shall resist any illegal federal court order.”

When “the Court’s interpretation of the Constitution is egregiously wrong,” the president should refuse to follow it.

Those two statements were made roughly 60 years apart. The first is from segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace (D). The second was made by two liberal professors this month. In one of the most chilling developments in our history, the left has come to embrace the authoritarian language and logic of segregationists in calling for defiance and radical measures against the Supreme Court. 

In a recent open letter, Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet and San Francisco State University political scientist Aaron Belkin called upon President Joe Biden to defy rulings of the Supreme Court that he considers “mistaken” in the name of “popular constitutionalism.” Thus, in light of the court’s bar on the use of race in college admissions, they argue that Biden should just continue to follow his own constitutional interpretation.

I looked up these two and as you would expect, neither of them has any real experience in the “Dreaded Private Sector. They are also hard core Leftists and typical of their “Type,” hate everything about the United States and want it destroyed. That they are demanding that Biden, or those who are actually running him, essentially tear up the Constitution because they don’t like what the Justices have ruled doesn’t surprise me one bit.

The use of the affirmative action case is ironic, since polls have consistently shown that the majority of the public does not support the use of race in college admissions. Indeed, even in the most liberal states, such as California, voters have repeatedly rejected affirmative action in college admissions. Polls further show that a majority support the Supreme Court’s recent decisions.

As I’ve said before, scratch a Progressive, find a racist. Liberals, Progressives and Democrats, (But I repeat myself), are utterly hung up on people’s skin color. Everyone else couldn’t care less about what color someone’s skin is. Progressives are the one’s pushing the “Great Replacement Theory,” where they see the so call “White majority” being replaced by people with different skin tones.

Everyone else says “So what? Who cares as long as they’re patriotic Americans.” These are the melting pot subscribers. They believe we take the best that other cultures have from people who lawfully immigrate to America and melt it into the American culture. Liberals call this “Cultural appropriation” because it makes America stronger as a nation. These days, we’re seeing the “Great Melting Pot” moving to the genetic level as people of different ethnic backgrounds meet, fall for each other and have children. This drives the true supremacists on the Left stark raving bonkers.

So despite referenda and polls showing majority support for barring race in admissions, academics are pushing to impose their own values, regardless of the views of the public or of the courts.

Like I said. The Progressive are, deep down, flat out racists and see anyone who isn’t white as inferior and that the only way they can succeed is if they are “Helped,” primarily by white Progressive liberal Democrats.

However, even if these measures were popular, it would not make them right. It is precisely what segregationists such as Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss.) argued, that “all the people of the South are in favor of segregation. And Supreme Court or no Supreme Court, we are going to maintain segregated schools.”

How did that work out for you? By the way, if you study history, which progressives never do, you will see how the old time segregationists and white supremacists, (Not to mention the KKK), were all Democrats.

Tushnet and Belkin cite with approval Biden’s declaration that this is “not a normal Supreme Court.” Biden’s view of normalcy appears to be a court that agrees with his fluid view of constitutional law, by which he can forgive roughly a half of trillion dollars in loans or impose a national eviction moratorium without a vote of Congress.

One of the problems for Tushnet and Belkin is that they are bubble people. They live in a bubble and don’t associate with anyone who doesn’t espouse the same view they do. They also have no grasp of the real world and what their ideas would mean. This is why they are so quick to demand that a tyranny be instituted “For the communist common good” of course.

Tushnet and Belkin know their audience. 

Guess what? So does the people in Flyover country and they are watching them very closely.

Biden has previously evinced little respect for the Constitution or the courts. Take the eviction case. In an earlier decision, a majority of justices had declared that Biden’s actions were unconstitutional, confirming what many of us had said for months.

Which it was. It was a classic violation of the 5th amendment, specially:

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

That was exactly what was happening. The Department of Health and Human Services flat out ordered landlords to let people continue to stay in their apartments rent free and at the property owner’s own expense. I can’t say this for sure, but I suspect that these two commies don’t actually own their own homes.

Even after the majority declared it unconstitutional, Biden wanted to reissue the national moratorium. White House counsel and most scholars told him the move would be blatantly unconstitutional and defy the express ruling of the court. Instead, he consulted the only law professor willing to tell him what he wanted to hear and did it anyway. It was quickly again declared unconstitutional.

First, we know that Biden isn’t making any decisions, he’s just doing as he’s told, nothing more. However, prior to the President* In Name Only, (PINO), mental decline, he showed just how contemporaneous he is for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. (See Bidengate and Biden selling his office to hostile foreign powers) When his mind is functioning, which is increasingly rare, he acts like any tyrant would. Now people who’s brain’s actually function, so to speak, are also showing the utter contempt they have for everything that America stands for.

Other commentators and academics have gone from implied to open contempt for our constitutional norms. 

Georgetown University Law School Professor Rosa Brooks was celebrated for her appearance on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” after declaring that Americans are “slaves” to the U.S. Constitution and that the Constitution itself is now the problem for the country.

MSNBC commentator Elie Mystal called the U.S. Constitution “trash” and argued that we should simply just dump it.

I had to look up this clown. Since he considers the Constitution “Trash,” then he has no objection in being sold into indentured servitude. No constitution means no 13th Amendment which means slavery is legal.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has questioned the need for a Supreme Court.

In a New York Times column, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for the Constitution to be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.”

Do you know what really concerns me about these idiots? These are people, with the exception of the truly stupid Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, who have theoretically studied the Constitution, the history of it, read the federalist papers and should actually understand what the founders intended. These columns and commentaries show that they either do not understand what the Constitution is all about and what it’s meant for, or they just do not care. I suspect it’s the latter since these lunkheads have nothing but contempt for the needs and desires of the average American, wither native born or naturalized.

Many have called for the court to be packed with liberal appointees to bring it back to what Biden views as “normal.” Some of these calls before Biden’s Supreme Court commission echoed the same views as Tushnet and Belkin. Indeed, they cite Harvard professor Nikolas Bowie, who rejected the notion that “the constitutional interpretation held by a majority of Supreme Court justices should be ‘superior’ to the interpretations held by majorities of the other branches.”

What has happened that is different is that the progressives and statists have finally lost control of the Supreme Court. For almost a century, we have seen the court rule pretty consistently in favor of the Government and against the people, especially the individual. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they don’t like it one bit.

Tushnet and Belkin show the release that comes with rejecting constitutionalism. They declare that it is not enough merely to pack the court: “The threat that MAGA justices pose is so extreme that reforms that do not require congressional approval are needed at this time, and advocates and experts should encourage President Biden to take immediate action to limit the damage.”

In other words, they are calling for Biden to declare himself the final arbiter of what the Constitution means and to exercise unilateral executive power without congressional approval. He is to become a government unto himself.

Biden, even if he wasn’t suffering from dementia, is a moron. He has never concerned himself with anything other then what is good for Joe Biden. (as we’re seeing with the Bidengate investigations into his extorting bribes from Burisma) He is the classic definition of a psychopath.

Of course, we know that Biden isn’t running anything, so it’s likely that Tushnet, Belkin and the others who think as they do, meaning the “Secret Deep State cabal,” (Now how is that for a nice conspiracy theory? Sometimes I amaze even myself), are the ones they want to, basically, rule by decree.

You are not incorrect if you noticed that their description of “popular constitutionalism” sounds exactly like dictatorship.

This is what Tushnet has advocated in “taking the Constitution away from the courts.” Once the courts are removed from constitutionalism, however, we will be left where we began centuries ago: with the fleeting satisfaction of popular justice.

And fleeting it will be. These morons seriously do not comprehend what would happen if they got what they wanted. Biden’s well known antipathy to the 2nd Amendment would lead him to outlaw private ownership of guns. He would then start sending out federal agents, possibly troops, to go door to door and start confiscations. That won’t end well.

These fools should be removed from any classrooms they are in, and flat out fired. I suspect they all have tenure, and that firing them would be extremely difficult to do. That they are actively calling for the Worst President* in American History to ignore the Supreme Court shows that they are not competent to teach the next generation. Now as to what you can do, spread the word regarding these fools.

Throw lots of sunshine on them and make their lives a living hell, all within the letter of the laws they don’t like. This means no doxing, no threats, no getting in their faces and screaming at them. Force them through polite public discussions to be exposed as the losers they are. Throw sunshine on them. If you attend their classes, confront them, politely. Force them to defend their ideas. Make them do something stupid, actionable or illegal.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
9 months ago

I do hope the rank and file police realize that they are the obvious first targets if this is pushed beyond the breaking point. Civil wars are nasty things. Private firearms were always illegal in El Salvador and they showed astounding ingenuity in arming themselves during their recent civil war. I am beginning to believe that they really do want a war, I just can’t figure out what they think it will profit anyone but China.