Nothing to see here. Illegal alien wanted for murder caught in NH

Good day all. Thanks to the criminal incompetence of the Biden Maladministration, we’re seeing dangerous criminals and wanted terrorists crossing into the United States illegally. We have general criminals coming in, wanted RIF Terrorists, members of criminal gangs such as MS-13 and now a mass murder from Brazil.

The last one hits close to home. Recently a criminal wanted in Brazil for murder was captured in New Hampshire. He is one of the millions of criminal aliens who Joe Biden and his handlers have happily let into the United States. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

An extremely dangerous illegal immigrant has been arrested in New Hampshire after fleeing to the United States over his alleged role in a Brazilian massacre which included murder and physical torture.

Antonio Jose De Abreu Vidal Filho, a 29-year-old former Brazilian military police officer, was arrested and taken into custody on Monday in Rye, New Hampshire by immigration officers. Filho escaped to the US in 2019, and has been listed as a fugitive on the Interpol Red Notice, which is an international wanted notice that provides information about a suspect that has been charged or convicted of serious crimes, according to the Boston Herald.

2019 was when President Trump really locking down the border. The usual suspects in the Deep State did everything they could to block this, and this walking diaper stain got in. I have a sneaking suspicion that he didn’t come over the Mexican/American border though. He may have had help.

Officers from Boston’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) took Filho into custody without incident, according to reports. Filho will be held in Immigration and Customs custody pending a hearing before a federal immigration judge.

I suspect he was caught by surprise. There is also the issue that if he had tried something, the agents probably would have just shot him. This criminal would have been better off hiding out in Massachusetts instead of New Hampshire. Up here in the Granite State, we have Constitutional Carry and Stand Your Ground. (We also have Sig Sauer and Ruger)

In Massachusetts, like any Democrat run state, you have no rights, only duties such as the duty to be robbed, to be raped and to be murdered, and don’t you dare even think of defending yourself or your family! In any case, this slug will be on his way back to Brazil. Hopefully we can find out how he was able to get around the Red notice. I can’t see this guy walking up from south America. Now we just need to round up the other 20 million criminals and ship them out as well.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Nothing to see here. Illegal alien wanted for murder caught in NH

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    “Now we just need to round up the other 20 million criminals and ship them out as well.” 100000% Agree, but we will end up building homes for the illegals and giving them everything free. Whatever it take for democrats to get a vote.


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