Groomer judge upholds Education professionals to groom children

Good day all. With the latest indictment of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, a number of very important stories slipped under the radar. One of these was a suit by parents to prevent the schools from grooming their children.

Over the last few years, we’ve been seeing more and more “Educational Professionals” molesting children, grooming other children into thinking they are opposite of what they biologically are and providing them books you would normally see in a porn book store.

Needless to say, this has pissed off parents and they have been taking actions to put a stop to it. They have been running in local school board elections, contacting their legislators and governors, (Unless they are wholly owned by the teachers unions, think blue states), and in some cases suing the local districts. Now we have a judge who has told parents they have no right to protect their children from education predators. Here are the details from Fox News:

A federal court in Maryland decided Thursday that parents can’t opt their kids out of reading books with LGBTQ+ content in Montgomery County Schools.

In Tamer Mahmoud v. Monica B. McKnight, parents sought to reinstate a MCPS policy that would allow them to opt their children out of reading and discussing books with LGBTQ+ characters in elementary schools. The parents argued the content in these books was a form of indoctrination that violated their families’ religious beliefs. 

I believe a lot of these parents are Muslim. Traditionally, in the Middle East, the parents would be throwing a lot of these “Educational Professionals” off a roof of a very tall building. Here, they are working through the system as a good American should. Of course, when you run into a judge who is as corrupt as the “Professional Groomers Educators,” then you have no chance.

The court disagreed. Judge Deborah L. Boardman, a Biden appointee, concluded that the parents’ “asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.” 

The judge denied the parents’ request for a preliminary injunction that would allow them to opt-out their kids when school begins on August 28.

“Because the plaintiffs have not established any of their claims is likely to succeed on the merits, the Court need not address the remaining preliminary injunction factors. Nonetheless, because a constitutional violation is not likely or imminent, it follows that the plaintiffs are not likely to suffer imminent irreparable harm, and the balance of the equities and the public interest favor denying an injunction to avoid undermining the School Board’s legitimate interests in the no-opt-out policy,” the judge determined. 

“The plaintiffs seek the same relief pending appeal as in their preliminary injunction motion: an injunction that requires the Board to provide advance notice and opt-outs from instruction involving the storybooks and family life and human sexuality. For the reasons stated in this opinion, the Court cannot conclude the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of an appeal. The plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction pending appeal is denied.”

You may be wondering who appointed this potential child predator. I’ll give you three guesses, but you will only need one…Maybe two.

Judge Groomer is wrong across the board of course and like many judges, most of whom are either Obama or Biden judges, will always move to strip rights and prerogatives from people and parents in favor of “The State.” Judge Groomer is also completely misunderstanding the anger and fear of the parents. This can lead to “misunderstandings” of a very dangerous sort.

Eric Baxter, VP and Senior Counsel at Becket – the law firm representing the families – said the ruling “flies in the face of parental freedom, childhood innocence, and basic human decency.” 

“The court’s decision is an assault on children’s right to be guided by their parents on complex and sensitive issues regarding human sexuality. The School Board should let kids be kids and let parents decide how and when to best educate their own children consistent with their religious beliefs,” Baxter said. 

The LGBTQ+ books added to the district’s curriculum are included in pre-K through eighth-grade classrooms and feature references to gay pride parades, gender transition and pronoun preference. 

That is 100 percent, without question, utterly inappropriate for children in that age range. Frankly, this is something that should be handled by parents or people who have matured. (18+) There is only one reason the schools are shoving this down the throats of children and parents and that is to groom them as sex toys for the perverts.

MCPS has come under fire in recent years for a series of sexual abuse controversies. Since 2009, the public school system has disbursed more than $1 million to settle civil lawsuits involving students who were sexually assaulted by teachers or staff, ABC7 reported in 2018. In 2021, a track coach at Northwood High School in Silver Spring was arrested on felony child sexual assault and molestation charges. 

I think the only answer is for the parents to not let their children go to this school system. Pull them out or otherwise keep them home. There is, in my personal opinion a significant threat to the children by this school system. I would go one step further and say that if one single child is harmed by these perverts and grooms, then the judge needs to be arrested.

I assume that this is going to be appealed of course, and the blatant assault on the parents by this school system with the willing connivance of this corrupt Biden Judge should get that injunction put in place. As for the Biden judges? Consider who is nominating them. It easily explains this decision.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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