When David Hogg says you’ve gone to far…

Good day all. The blatant attack on the Constitution Rights of the citizens of Albuquerque, New Mexico by Govno Michelle Lujan Grisham has exploded all over the Internet. Two members of the New Mexico Legislature have called for the impeachment of Grisham. (Considering it’s Democrat controlled, that may not go anywhere)

Throughout the country pretty much everyone on the center/right has blasted her suspension of the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens of Albuquerque. Law Enforcement officers in the state have said flat out they will not enforce her edict. Court challenges have already been filed. What is also interesting is that some of the most militant gun grabbers out there have said she has gone to far. Here are a few details from Town Hall:

When David Hogg and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), some of the most active gun control folks out there, are telling Grisham to slow her roll while also calling her out for making up legal statutes, it’s a pretty good sign that this order doesn’t have much of a chance to be upheld in court. You can’t just do whatever you want, Michelle. We fought a pivotal war when a king from a particular English-speaking Island nation tried to do the same here in the 18th century.

That gun grabbing spoiled brat, David Hogg, who peddled his way to fame after the Broward shooting, (Where the Cowards of Broward hid instead of doing a Nashville and charging in after the criminal), sent out a tweet saying that Grisham had overstepped.

Ted Lieu, who is a card carrying tyrant in the People’s Republic of Kalifornistan also thinks that Grisham jumped the gun, so to speak with her decree to revoke the 2nd Amendment.

The responses to the tweets by these two can be summed up as “Has Hell frozen over?” I think what has happened is that Govno Michelle Lujan Grisham figured that she could use this as a first step to disarming the innocent, law abiding people of New Mexico. It was meant to be a test case, with the follow up being the complete suspension of the 2nd Amendment with a resultant order to confiscate all the guns.

Instead, she is getting slapped down hard in the court of public opinion with the court slap down probably coming tomorrow. Her only hope will be an Obama or Biden judge, but even they can’t be so suicidally stupid as to uphold this illegal order.

There is also a lot of talk of suing Grisham for willfully violating the civil rights of the citizens of Albuquerque. I understand there is a law on the books and it runs $2 million per violation. I wonder if it’s on the taxpayers or if it hits the one who actually violated peoples rights? Grisham would be bankrupted very quickly.

She also needs to be removed from office. Her comments saying she can pretty much do whatever she wants are also not going over to well. This would mean an impeachment and removal through the state legislature. The problem is, it’s controlled by the Democrats, and we all know they will always protect their own.

Perhaps it’s time for people in New Mexico to call their reps, even if they are on the other side and let them know they need to get Govno Lujan Grisham out of office asap. Setting the phones on fire does tend to get the attention of the political class. They live in fear of losing gheir phony baloney jobs after all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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