Remember all those weapons Biden left the Taliban? They’re in Gaza now

Good day all. When Dementia Joe Biden bugged out of Afghanistan, he left some $80 billion dollars worth of military hardware behind and intact. Many experts in the filed said that those weapons were going to end up on the black market and eventually in the hands of terrorists.

Well, guess what? The Hamas terrorists who murdered 1400+ Israeli men, women and children appear to have had some of that equipment and more of it may be in Gaza. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

An Israeli commander said that US small arms that were left behind during President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 have found their way into the hands of Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip. Weapons the US abandoned during the tumultuous and deadly withdrawal were seized by the Taliban.

Following the August 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw 13 servicemembers in killed, billions of dollars in US weapons and equipment, including Black Hawk helicopters, fell into the hands of the Taliban. An Israeli commander told Newsweek that IDF has seen the weapons in us by terrorist organizations in Gaza.

No one is at all surprised about this of course, with the exceptions of Joe Biden, General Milley, the Joint Chief’s of Staff, the New York Slimes, the Washington Compost and the Democrat Party.

The weapons continue to be a revenue source for the Taliban, who have sold and smuggled the weapons out of Afghanistan. The commander was also concerned that “…they can research capabilities and then learn how to manufacture them. I’m talking especially about Iran.”

Iran already has the plans for most of that stuff, just like the People’s Republic of China, Russia, etc. The problem is not so much Iran being able to build more of these systems, it’s the ones currently available ending up in terrorist hands.

“The other problem,” he added, “is that we are very worried that some of these capabilities are going to fall to Hezbollah and Hamas’ hands.”

Without question, some of these weapons have made it into Gaza. The money to pay for them probably came from, drum roll please, Joe Biden and his maladministration. They’ve been shipping money off to Iran and the Taliban since that moron bravely ran away and abandoned who knows how many American citizens.

It has been widely reported that Tehran has been reverse engineering US weapons technology including drones.

Honestly, that probably isn’t going to be that big a problem. The Ukrainians have been showing how to use drones that are dirt cheap, throwaway models. The Predators and Reapers we use cost millions and aren’t something you’re going to use to ram a tank or a fuel truck with.

According to Newsweek, the Biden administration has alleged that Tehran has copied the US design for TOW anti-tank missiles “…to develop the Toophan system, which has been wielded by Hezbollah and fellow ‘Axis of Resistance’ militias in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.”

The TOW Missile has been around for 50 years and is actually obsolescent. The Javelin missile, while a bit smaller has the advantage of being a “Fire and Forget” system. You fire it and then take cover, move and/or reload. The TOW missile is a wire guided system and you have to sit out there and guide the missile to the target and hope that you don’t get shot. Still it does pack a punch and can destroy a tank.

Speaking with Fox News on Sunday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “I want to track the serial numbers of the weapons that Hamas is using against Israel. And I want to know if they came from Afghanistan or if they came from weapons that we provided to Ukraine.”

I’m sure any weapons the Israeli’s have captured are already being checked out. However, I don’t think they are coordinating with the Garland (In)Justice department. They’re probably calling the manufactures or other “sources” they may have. The last thing the Biden Maladministration wants it hard proof that weapons left behind have ended up in the hands of terrorists.

On September 11, President Joe Biden released $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran. The move, which was highly criticized, was to secure a prisoner swap deal in which five Iranians imprisoned in the US were handed over to the Islamic Republic in exchange for five American citizens who had been jailed.

Yeah, how did that work out?

At the time, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted that the unfrozen money would “be available only for humanitarian trade.” Yet, during an interview on Sunday with NBC News Blinken defended the move but conceded that the Islamic Republic has “always” put money towards funding terroristic operations.

Blinken stated, “Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas. And it’s done that when there have been sanctions, it’s done that when there haven’t been sanctions, and it’s always prioritized that.”

In 2021 Biden “restored” $235 million in aid to the Palestinians despite concerns that the money would fund terrorism.

Which it did. Who knows how many rockets and other weapons were bought or built by Hamas that were used against Israel? How many Americans were killed by weapons bought with American tax dollars because Joe Biden is a damn incompetent moron?

At the time Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, “I am deeply troubled by recent decisions from the Biden Administration to turn a blind eye to behavior by the Palestinian Authority.”

He added, “In 2019, the Palestinian Authority provided $343 million to subsidize ‘Pay to Slay’ attacks where terrorists and their families receive cash rewards for attacking Israelis and Americans.” Graham alleged the Biden administration was “subsidizing terrorism.”

As the old saying goes, “Rigged Elections have Consequences.” We’re now seeing just how bad things really are under the worst president* in American history, Joe Biden. Never mind his degrading mental state, his actual intellect has always been questionable. Biden is stupid, the people actually running things pretty much hate both the United States and Israel, and now we are one step closer to a true World War.

Israel is planning for a long war against Hamas. They are going to carefully grind the enemy into paste. How many IDF soldiers are going to be killed or wounded because Dementia Joe had to destroy everything the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump had put in place? And what about Taiwan? Since Joe Biden is wholly owned by the Red Chinese, they might be thinking that this would be a good time to try an invasion. What will that bring?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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