More indications that the Democrats are writing off the 2024 election

Good day all. One of the things that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, wanted to do was cut the number of federal employees during his first term. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to get rid of anywhere near the number that need to find real jobs and they worked to sabotage his plans to Make America Great Again.

Add to this the issues he had with Congress. In the House you had Paul Ryano, who was just another Neocon Deep State Uniparty drone, and in the Senate you have Cocaine Mitch McConnell, who’s only interest is Mitch McConnell. There was some dead wood clearing, mostly at the State Department.

President Trump’s people started looking at how they could truly downsize the bureaucracy without running into the issues caused by civil service protections. (Something that has been abused and needs to go away) His team came up with a plan they intended to implement after the election. Well, we know how that worked out, what with all the questionable election issues resulting in the Tainted Election of 2020.

Once the Worst President* in American History had been strapped to the chair behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, (So he wouldn’t fall out), his handlers began a massive hiring spree. Now with things looking up for the country in November, (Meaning that Dementia Joe Biden loses), it’s quite likely that President Trump’s new team will start implementing the original plans, suitably updated, to clear out the Bureaucratic Swamp. This has led the Deep State to have the Senile Hair Sniffer to sign some orders to block President Trump from doing this. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

President Joe Biden’s administration announced its plan on Thursday to protect bureaucrats from being fired by a potential second Trump administration.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) finalized a rule that protects employees in the civil service by preventing the removal of their status and protections involuntarily, according to a press release. Under the new rule, an administration wishing to shift federal employees to a new category making them easier to fire would have to go through an elongated process, a move meant to be more time-consuming for a future president, Politico reported.

Career federal employees deliver critical services for Americans in every community,” OPM Director Kiran Ahuja said in a press release. “This final rule honors our 2.2 million career civil servants, helping ensure that people are hired and fired based on merit and that they can carry out their duties based on their expertise and not political loyalty. The Biden-Harris Administration is deeply committed to the federal workforce, as these professionals are vital to our national security, our health, our economic prosperity, and much more.”

I hate to tell this loser this, but anything you put in place can and will be reversed as soon as the new administration takes office. The second thing you might want to consider is that if both the house and senate flip to the Republicans and in a major way, they just might decide it’s time to look at rewriting the law that created the Civil Service in 1871. (Being 150+ years old, it needs a review in any case)

The rule is widely viewed as a response to an executive order signed in 2020 by former President Donald Trump, Politico reported. The executive order targeted federal workers, removing protections from some employees and make it easier for the president to hire and fire them.

One of the reasons that the Civil Service was created was to put an end to the crony system that Presidents used when they took office. They would put friends, family and “Donors” into government jobs. They would also fire others to make room for their people or because they didn’t like them. When the Civil Service law was passed and the Civil Service system put into place, we had far fewer people working in the government and they were generally a lot more competent and interested in the success of the young nation.

Today you have a few of those, but most are just there for the platinum health care and gold plated pensions. Many are not that competent and far to many are only interested in themselves and their department/agency. (See Anthony Fauci) The American Bureaucratic state has become an actual threat to the Constitution, the Rule of law and the security of this country. This is why President Trump was looking to get rid of the worst of the worst.

The executive order took some entrenched bureaucrats “in positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character” and put them in a different category considered “Schedule F,” making them easier to fire. The OPM rule quotes this language directly, even referencing “Schedule F.”

That should tell you something right there. This is a rule that, frankly, should only be handled by Congress, not some jumped up bureaucrats.

The final rule advances “policy goals,” the press release states, by “clarifying that the phrase ‘confidential, policy determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating’ positions—a term of art to describe positions that lack civil service protections—means noncareer, political appointments. This rule prevents that exception from being misapplied to career civil servants.”

Schedule F,” the OPM press release stated, would have rid employees of their civil service protections which ensure that employment decisions are “based on merit, not political considerations.”

Well, if you want to go with just merit, OK, we can do that. Most of the bureaucrats out there need to be fired for incompetence and refusal to follow instructions from the Administration. If we use your merit system, (Now that is a laugh riot), I would hazard a guess that 80% of the federal work force, and 90% or the federal management needs to be fired.

This rule is about making sure the American public can continue to count on federal workers to apply their skills and expertise in carrying out their jobs, no matter their personal political beliefs,” OPM Deputy Director Rob Shriver told reporters, according to Politico.

That nonsense about all these federal workers not having a personal agenda is not only a joke, but provably false. Might I remind you of people like Lois Lerner? She was the IRS worker who abused her authority to shut down conservative groups, then lied about it.

In addition to Trump’s executive order, conservatives have pushed the importance of remaking the federal bureaucracy, and Trump allies have indicated it could be a key priority in a second term. In 2023, a majority of political donations made by federal employees went to President Joe Biden and fellow Democrats, a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis found.

And there is the reason they Democrats want to protect the Civil Service. They don’t care about the people working in it. They just care about the money they send to the Democrat party. For decades the Federal Bureaucrats have been running roughshod over the American people and we have had enough of it.

The Deep State sees this and knows that if/when President Trump gets back in, ripping the living guts out of “Fedzilla” is going to be one of his priorities. What a shame that any rule the Maladministration puts in place can be just as easily removed. There is an old saying, that goes “A new president should fire everyone he can and a few he can’t.” This is something president Trump should do early in his second term in 2025.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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An Old Country Doctor
An Old Country Doctor
13 days ago

for starters, reverse JFK’s idiodic EO allowing Federal Employees to Unionize.
Second, take Reagan’s actions against PATCO, and apply them across the board against anyone striking due to #1.
Those will be a major start in clearing out the deadwood.

Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
14 days ago

I just hope he’s learned to go with his instincts and not with “professional” advice.
He would have been better served pulling a name out of a hat (filled with the names of DAs in the country’s least populous counties) to choose an Attorney General than any of the swamp dwellers he was presented with. The DOJ is now universally loathed and a prime example of government titles (like the “Inflation Reduction Act”) meaning the exact opposite of the plain English.