Florida Federal Judge postpones Trump trial indefinitely

Good day all. Well, another shoe has dropped in the case against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump regarding the documents in his possession. About a week or so ago, Judge Cannon ordered the unsealing of all the document that Jack Smith and his band of thugs were fighting to keep sealed and away from the Trump defense team.

When the documents were unsealed it was a gold mine for lawyers and others who started digging through them. There was collusion, threats against defense attorneys, information that the government actually had the documents in question and told President Trump’s people to come and get them. The latest bit of information was an admission by the prosecutors that they had essentially tampered with the documents and that they couldn’t show a true chain of custody.

All of this information has been landing on Judge Cannon’s desk and it looks like she’s just about had it with Jack Smith. She has announced that the trial has now been postponed indefinitely. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former President Trump’s classified records trial stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation has been postponed with no new date, Fox News has learned.

The trial was set to begin on May 20, but Judge Aileen Cannon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida postponed that date to Tuesday.

In a filing Tuesday, Cannon said that due to the “myriad and interconnected pre-trial” issues “remaining and forthcoming,” it would be “imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions.”

“The Court therefore vacates the current May 20, 2024, trial date (and associated calendar call), to be reset by separate order following resolution of the matters before the Court, consistent with Defendants’ right to due process and the public’s interest in the fair and efficient administration of justice,” Cannon wrote.

Judge Cannon, who has been coming across as an honest and fair judge, has no real choice now. The information from all the files that have been unsealed are painting a picture that Jack Smith, the Garland DoJ and the Biden White House were desperate to keep hidden. That picture is of what amounts to a frame up of President Trump. Just the information that’s come out in the last week or so is damning for the Biden Maladministration.

Cannon scheduled a hearing on May 8, a hearing on May 20 and a nonevidentiary hearing for defendant Waltine Nauta’s motion to dismiss on May 22.

I have a suspicion that Judge Cannon may grant that motion and do so with prejudice, meaning the case is dead against Mr. Nauta. The next motion will no doubt come from the Trump team.

Cannon also scheduled deadlines for reports on May 31, June 10, June 17 and another nonevidentiary hearing on a motion to dismiss on June 21, “based on unlawful appointment and funding of special counsel.” 

That one is another major problem for the Garland DoJ and the Biden Maladministration. Smith was not vetted by the Senate. Other counsels and investigators such as John Durham, Robert Hur and David Weiss have all been confirmed for other positions in the DoJ by the Senate and could be assigned to look at the cases they did. Jack Smith was a private citizen when Garland appointed him as a special counsel and he was never vetted or confirmed by the Senate. If Judge Cannon rules that his appointment is illegal, the federal cases against President Trump and the others are basically dead.

The judge also said an additional hearing would take place from June 24 to June 26 and set deadlines for disclosures from the special counsel for early July and the defendants’ speedy trial report for July 19 – the final day of the Republican National Convention.

I wonder what else will come out between now and June regarding the outright corruption of Jack Smith’s “investigation?” What’s come out to date is pretty damning in my unschooled opinion.

The move to indefinitely postpone the trial comes after Cannon unsealed a slew of documents related to the FBI’s investigation into the former president and the FBI’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago, Florida, estate in 2022.

One of the little things that has come out was how this all started after the classified documents were found in Biden’s garage. While there are arguments regarding President Trump’s ability to declassify while president, there is no such argument regarding the worst president* in American history, Joe Biden. He had none. (I won’t even bother with Felonia von Pantsuits criminal mishandling of classified information. She should be rotting in jail right now) This is when Meritless Garland authorized a full scale investigation into President Trump.

Also, last week, Smith and federal prosecutors admitted in a court filing that documents seized during the raid on Mar-a-Lago are no longer in their original order and sequence.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” Smith’s filing states.  

The prosecutors had previously told the court that the documents were “in their original, intact form as seized.” 

This is a major issue. As I mentioned above, Smith is now admitting that the Chain of Custody was broken and they couldn’t verify what boxes contained what files. One of the other big issues was the infamous picture of folder marked top secret scattered on the floor at Mar-a-lago. It now looks like that the FBI did this intentionally and any papers that were in those folders, if any were at all, had been removed and not documented.

Smith also charged Trump in a separate jurisdiction – in Washington, D.C. – out of his investigation into election interference and Jan. 6. Trump pleaded not guilty to those charges as well.

Another bogus charge by a crooked prosecutor.

That trial is also postponed indefinitely. The Supreme Court is considering arguments on presidential immunity and whether Trump is immune from prosecution in Smith’s case.

We are watching the complete demolition of Jack Smith’s so called investigation and criminal case against President Trump slowly collapsing. If and when President Trump wins in November, the Federal cases are over. When he is sworn back in in January 2025, and his new Attorney General is confirmed, the new investigations into the Garland DoJ and the abuse of power begin. One person with a big judicial target on his back will be Jack Smith. Frankly, Judge Cannon should just dismiss all the charges against everyone with Prejudice, (Meaning they can’t be refiled) and call it a day.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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