Kackling Kamala was for taxing tips before she was against it

Good day all. A few weeks ago, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, remarked that he would end taxing tips and gratuities. This is extremely popular for those in the service industry that make most of their income from tips, such as wait staff.

Now the kackling communist prostitute, Kamala Harris, has decided this is a great idea and she has, is trying to steal it from President Trump. There is just one problem. She was fully on board with Dementia Joe Biden’s taxes on tips. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Vice President Kamala Harris told Las Vegas, Nevada, she will copy Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “no tax on tips” campaign promise, but the Trump campaign is exposing Harris for hypocrisy on the issue — not just the theft of it.

Harris is fixing something President Joe Biden’s administration — which she is a part of as vice president — has done: actively working to hunt tip tax income via an IRS memo in February 2023.

“Copy Cat Kamala’s deliberate cribbing of President Trump’s proposal continues her pattern of taking positions in her Presidential campaign that are the exact opposite of the failed, weak, dangerously liberal policies she has always touted and implemented throughout her career,” a Trump-Vance campaign memo read Sunday.

Kackling Kameltoe has never had an original idea in her life. Stealing President Trump’s idea for political purposes is Standard Operating Procedure for her.

“In this case, it contradicts the radical Biden-Harris administration’s position of wanting to collect more tax on tips, which they rolled out just last year by launching a new enforcement program through the IRS to collect more taxes on tips.

They need to have something for those 80,000 new IRS agents to do. Harassing lower income workers is just their speed.

“If she actually wants to end taxes on tips, why won’t she do it now, considering she’s part of the administration currently in charge?”

I know! I know! She won’t do it because she never had any intention of doing it. She’s just making promises she has zero intention of keeping.

Harris pandered to hospitality workers in Las Vegas on Saturday, copying Trump’s June 9 announcement on “no tax on tips.”

“It is my promise to everyone here when I am president we will continue to fight for working families, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers,” Harris said.

The Retired Prostitute saw just how popular an idea this was for President Trump and either she or her managers thought “Hey! We can take this and get these people to vote for us! We don’t need to actually do it.” Right now she is in her “Honeymoon” phase which the Democrat Propaganda Corps is working hard to extend. The problem for them is that President Trump and the Republicans are going to throw Harris’s record right into her face.

When the Coup against Biden succeeded, Kackling Kamala and her handlers thought it would be a great idea to challenge President Trump to a debate on ABC. President Trump’s response was “Let’s wait until after the Democrat Convention to make sure Harris is the actual nominee. President Trump also has some legal issues going on with ABC.

Harris and her decided “Ha! We can use this to get Trump!” They tried shaming President Trump. As usual for Harris, it backfired badly. President Trump said “Ok, fine. How about three debates with one on Fox? At that, Harris went silent, finally agreeing to one debate. Since she is bereft of any actual ideas, she is reduced to stealing them from the Republicans. Now she’s being hammered yet again on what she’s actually done. I can’t wait for the debate. Where Biden mumbled and couldn’t complete a sentence, Harris will provide a nice, fresh tossed word salad. This is an interesting election season.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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