Democrat Controlled UAW sues Musk and Trump

Good day all. Recently, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, returned to TwitterX and had a live video stream with Elon Musk. While I didn’t see it, from what I’ve read it had tens of millions of views. One of these viewers was the head of the United Auto Workers.

The UAW has, to the surprise of no one, endorsed the Retired Prostitute and the Cowardly Deserter ticket. (I doubt the leadership bothered to ask the rank and file what they wanted) During the Musk/Trump interview, they discussed unions. Like most CEO’s neither Elon Musk or President Trump have mush use for unions and they voiced their opinions about them. This led the UAW to indulge themselves in some election interference. Here are some of the details from Fox Business News:

The United Autoworkers Union (UAW) on Tuesday said it filed federal labor charges against former President Trump and Tesla CEO Elon Musk for allegedly attempting to threaten and intimidate workers during their Monday night discussion on Musk’s X platform.

The comments in question occurred after Trump was discussing his efforts to reduce spending on the new Air Force One by renegotiating with Boeing, the lead contractor on the project, which prompted Musk to suggest the creation of a government efficiency commission that he then volunteered to participate in.

“I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and ensures that the taxpayer money – the taxpayer’s hard-earned money – is spent in a good way. And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission if it were formed,” Musk said.

Considering that we have a shattered budgeting process, this makes sense. Find all the waste and duplication and get rid of them.

“You’re the greatest cutter. I mean I look at what you do, you walk in and you just say, ‘You wanna quit?’ I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone, so every one of you is gone,'” Trump replied.

Federal law prohibits companies from firing workers who participate in a strike whether they’re members of a union or not.

That law seems to me to be constitutionally questionable. I don’t know if it’s been challenged or not. If it hasn’t, it should be. Unions have long since, in most cases, been an actual benefit to the workers and have shown just how destructive to businesses they can be. Companies have collapsed because of the actions of unions and all their members? Permanently out of work since their jobs went bye bye.

The UAW said in a statement that Trump and Musk violated federal labor laws protecting striking workers with their comments.

“When we say Donald Trump is a scab, this is what we mean,” UAW President Shawn Fain said in a statement. “When we say Trump stands against everything our union stands for, this is what we mean.”

“Donald Trump will always side against workers standing up for themselves, and he will always side with billionaires like Elon Musk, who is contributing $45 million a month to a super PAC to get him elected. Both Trump and Musk want working class people to sit down and shut up, and they laugh about it openly. It’s disgusting, illegal, and totally predictable from these two clowns,” Fain added.

No, what Fain is doing is illegal. We’ll start with election interference and move on to civil rights violations. That communist piece of trash is trying to shut down speech he doesn’t approve of. I have no doubt that Fain is angry at Musk because Tesla is nonunion.

The UAW has been very destructive to their own membership as well as car makers. Many manufacturers have moved their production lines either to Right to Work states or out of the country entirely. The reasons? Costs and the ability to reward good workers and get rid of bad ones.

The plants in the Right to Work states have had UAW organizers come in and try to unionize them. They have generally failed in the attempts and have resorted to the usual tools of the Unions. Threats and intimidation and the occasional assault against the workers. Even their attempts at cheating have failed. Today’s work force is a lot better educated then they were when unions formed and they can run the numbers. They generally don’t see any benefits of being in a union, and in many cases serious detriments.

This suit should be dismissed in short order and I think that both President Trump and Elon Musk counter sue the UAW leadership. They are obviously trying to block President Trump’s and Elon Musk’s 1st Amendment right of free speech and intimidate them. (It won’t work) The Democrats started Lawfare, it’s time to use it against them and their cronies and see how they like it.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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