Komrade Kackling Kamala’s answer to inflation? Price controls

Good day all. A story came out Wednesday, August 14th, that Kackling Kamala had come up with a “Brilliant Economic Policy” to solve the inflation problem she helped cause. This plan is supposed to be released Friday August 16th. What is her “Cunning” plan? Price controls.

Harris’s plan has been tried many times before including in the United States and has failed each and every time, usually with complete economic collapse shortly after the implementation. The last time this was tried in the United States was back in the 1970’s under Richard Nixon. Inflation was, like today, out of control and Nixon was up for reelection.

He announced his his plan before the election, and as anyone has an inkling how economics knows, quickly caused shortages and a black market. Shortly after he was reelected, Nixon quietly shut that disaster down. Now it looks like Kackling Kamala and Tampon Tim, to flat out Marxists, want to try again. Here are the details we have to date from CNN:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday is expected to call for a federal ban on price gouging to lower grocery prices and everyday costs for Americans in her first economic policy speech in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The proposal is part of Harris’ efforts to prevent corporations in the food and grocery industries from hiking prices on consumers and is one component of a larger plan she will roll out to tackle high costs and inflation, according to a news release from the Harris campaign.

This just shows how stupid Harris is. I wonder if she dreamed this up all on her own or if it was fed to her by some staffer who is even dumber then she is? Grocery stores work on very thin margins as it is. I’ve her it’s between 2-5 percent. You issue an order that they can’t raise prices and very quickly they will shut down. Why? Because their suppliers will raise prices to cover their costs. If Komrade Kackling Kamala wants to push this garbage down to the farm levels, (And farmers are working on an even narrower margin), look for food lines and starvation.

As part of her first 100 days in office, the vice president’s campaign said she would implement a plan to keep costs down that includes authorizing the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general to investigate and implement harsh penalties on companies that violate the federal ban, resources that can detect price-fixing, and more support for small businesses to potentially grow into competitors of large companies.

Good luck with that. While the Blue state AG’s might be on board with this, look for the Red State AG’s to tell the FTC to go pound sand. In short order, you will see people going hungry in place like New York, Kalifornistan, and other Democrat mismanaged states.

Harris’ policy speech comes as the economy remains a critical issue for voters. An NPR/PBS News/Marist poll released last week found that Americans trust former President Donald Trump over Harris to handle the economy – but opinions were closely split, with 51% saying Trump would be better at handling the economy while 48% said Harris.

An NPR poll? Yeah I’m sure that was super accurate. NPR is actively supporting Harris and the Deep State to the point of manufacturing fake news.

Harris on Saturday backed the elimination of taxes on tips for hospitality and service workers, endorsing a policy first suggested by Trump. The proposal was one of the first notable policies the vice president has offered since ascending to the top of the Democratic ticket last month.

Correction, she stole it like the good little Socialist totalitarian that she is, and she’s being called out over it, not that you will see anything in the various Democrat Propaganda sites. (MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC. NY Times, etc)

In her speech, Harris will draw a contrast between her and Trump’s economic agendas and argue that his plan would increase inflation and costs for middle-class families. She will also make the case that former president’s economic policy will impose hidden tariffs on everyday household items.

Nice try Kameltoe. We have President Trump’s first term to see how his basic economic plans worked. They worked very well, and would have been even better if it hadn’t been for the Fauci Flu. Then we have the last 3½ years of the worst administration in American history. You might try to hide what you’ve done, but even the MSM Democrat Propaganda Corps can’t bury the story. People can just look at their bank statements.

Ahead of Trump’s economic speech on Wednesday in Asheville, North Carolina, the Harris campaign blasted the former president over his agenda.

Oh this should be entertaining

No matter what he says, one thing is certain: Trump has no plan, no vision, and no meaningful interest in helping build up the middle class. We already know who Trump’(s) Project 2025 economic agenda is designed to benefit: Donald Trump and his wealthy friends,” the campaign said in a news release.

First, this Project 2025 was never President Trump’s. It was something cooked up by a think tank. (I have not read the plan so do not know the details of it) Second, the Trump campaign and president Trump disavowed it long ago. Third, when it comes to helping the rich, you are projecting again. The Democrats are the ones helping the rich. President Trump’s tax plan back in his first term actually hit “The Rich” in their wallets. But hey, Liberals and lies go together like peanut butter and jelly.

The campaign also criticized Trump’s record during his presidency, arguing he “cost the country millions of jobs, left us on the brink of a recession, and gave massive handouts to billionaires and big corporations.”

Projecting again, aren’t you? Unemployment went down massively, especially among the black and Hispanic communities. Thanks to the Fauci Flu and the sheer idiocy of most of the governors and their lock downs, we did have a short recession, but were already pulling out of it by the election. Then you and Biden came in and promptly began destroying energy sector, construction and other high paying jobs.

Inflation is at its lowest in over three years and our economy is strong,” Harris campaign spokesperson Joseph Costello said in a statement. “Donald Trump’s agenda would take us backwards, giving tax handouts to the same big corporations that are price gouging Americans, while raising prices on the middle class by $2,500 and driving our economy into a recession.”

We are in a recession now you slut. The economy has been in the dumpster since you and that corrupt mush brained pedophile sleazed your way into office. If you would like to know who President Trump is probably looking at, look no further then Argentina and President Javier Milei. He’s turned the Argentinian economy completely around and they are showing budget surpluses, inflation is coming down fast and employment is skyrocketing.

Kackling Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz are showing what they are. Incompetent socialist totalitarians. They are already getting ripped apart for this idiocy along with other items that Komrade Kamala has been releasing. Of course. The Kackling Kow is claiming that she’s for the middle class and this is all for them.

During her remarks, the campaign said, Harris will highlight her “lifelong commitment to fighting for the middle class,” and make clear to voters that lowering costs will be a “day one priority.”

Hey Kamala! You’ve been in office for almost four years. Why didn’t you fix all this back then? Oh, I know. Because you and that Dementia Patient the Deep State have been to busy CAUSING all the problems we’re now seeing. You don’t give a damn for the middle class or anyone else who doesn’t help you get what you want.

For those that can, you will do whatever it takes, up to and including spreading your legs as long as they give you what you want. I look forward to the debates with President Trump, and the debate between the Marxist deserter and J.D. Vance. They are already showing what you two are. Two people who should never have been let near any positions of responsibility.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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