Envirowhackos want another go at the Bundy’s

Good day all. I recently wrote up a post on the conclusion of the Bundy Saga. Cliven Bundy and several others had been on trial for not allowing the Bureau of Land Management steal their cattle, destroy their property and allow themselves to be brutally beaten and killed.

The entire case fell apart when the judge learned that the Department of Justice had flat out lied to the court and hidden exculpatory evidence from the defense. The judge was so angry she dismissed all the charges “With prejudice” meaning that as far as the courts were concerned, the former defendants were not guilty and could not be retried.

This hasn’t stopped the ever so merciful Progressively minded Social Justice Warriors for the Environment to have the federal government give it another go and this time make sure they kill all the Bundy’s. Here are the details from Fox News:

It’s hard to imagine how the 2014 federal effort to impound Cliven Bundy’s cattle could have gone any worse, but environmentalists are demanding that the Bureau of Land Management go back and try it again.

Days after a federal judge threw out the case against Mr. Bundy and two of his sons, environmental groups urged Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to remove the family’s cattle from the property near Bunkerville, Nevada.

We urge Interior not to leave this business unfinished. Time is of the essence,” reads the letter to Mr. Zinke on Wednesday. “Interior must round up these cattle to ensure that a pattern of lawlessness backed up by violence does not perpetuate itself across the public lands of the Western U.S.”

The Bundy’s attorney was not amused with the Morons, Moonbats and Progressives of the Environmentally sensitive Tree huggers for Social Juctice.

In response, Bundy attorney Larry Klayman replied: “I would say, make our legal day.”

Perhaps the only silver lining from the 2014 Nevada standoff was that it didn’t end in bloodshed after hundreds of Bundy supporters descended on the ranch, prompting the BLM to cancel its effort to impound 400 head of cattle over Mr. Bundy’s refusal to pay federal grazing fees.

First, I believe that Mr. Bundy was perfectly willing to pay the fees, only to the state of Nevada. As I recall, and I am fully prepared to be corrected, this whole mess started when the BLM took the range from the state and then began running off the ranchers whose families had been there since long before Nevada was even a state.

The second thing was the actual standoff. The BLM agents were effectively outnumbered and definitely outgunned by the citizens militias that came in to protect the Bundy family and their property. The militia groups showed a tremendous amount of restraint and discipline, unlike the government thugs of the BLM.

If the BLM had actually tried to start something, the odds were very good they would have lost, and been wiped out. If that had happened, then things would have exploded out of control probably culminating in the overthrow of the Obama Administration and most of these envirowhackjobs being hanged.

While green groups have zeroed in on the Bundys, Republican lawmakers are taking a hard look at the BLM in the aftermath of the trial, which revealed allegations of misconduct and bias, including religious discrimination, by agents against the Mormon ranching family.

The Republicans are looking into this because of many things. Videos of BLM agents assaulting pregnant women, the complete collapse of the case against the Bundy’s due to the DoJ’s utter contempt, (Under Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Barack Obama), of the rule of law and the constitutional rights of anyone who wasn’t an Obama rumpswab.

Two House Republicans — House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop and Oversight and Investigations subcommittee Chairman Bruce Westerman — have asked BLM interim Director Brian Steed for information on the agency’s “apparent culture of impunity for law enforcement misconduct.”

The failures in the Bundy case and previous cases display serious misconduct by BLM law enforcement officials, and strongly suggest there are systemic issues within BLM’s law-enforcement operations,” they said in their letter Wednesday.

Among some of the reforms I would like to see would be stripping the Bureau of Land Management of ANY law enforcement authority. If they need someone to come in and make an arrest, then call the U.S. Marshals. (Please note, I didn’t not say call the FBI. I want them stripped of their enforcement roles as well)

The collapse of the Bundy case came as a stunning defeat for federal prosecutors, who were admonished by U.S. District Chief Judge Gloria Navarro for withholding potentially exculpatory evidence in her decision to dismiss the charges against the four defendants.

A case that once seemed like a slam-dunk for the prosecution fell apart amid evidence of misconduct as outlined in a Nov. 27 whistleblower memo from BLM special agent Larry Wooten, and the loss of the government’s star witness, former BLM agent-in-charge Dan Love.

Fell apart is putting it mildly. Imploded faster then a collapsing Black Hole would be more descriptive. As for the Thug in Charge? They fired his ass.

Mr. Love, who led the April 2014 operation to impound 400 head of cattle, was fired shortly after an Aug. 24 report by the Office of Inspector General found he had pilfered artifacts, finagled Burning Man festival tickets for family and friends, and pressured subordinates to cover up wrongdoing.

And the only reason he was fired was our current President, Donald Trump.

If this had been the maladministration of Felonia von Pantsuit, Love would have been promoted and given a big bonus, and the entire Bundy family would have committed mass suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head several times.

As for the Envirowhackos? These fools still want a repeat of the Branch Davidian massacre with the Bundys in the role of David Koresh.

Environmentalists said none of that should absolve Mr. Bundy, 71, who has refused to pay an estimated $1.3 million in grazing fees over his contention that the land belongs to Clark County, not the federal government, despite court rulings against him.

Bundy is still an outlaw when it comes to his grazing actions, and the prosecutorial failings in the Bunkerville case do not excuse him from the decades of unauthorized livestock trespass on our public lands,” Greta Anderson, deputy director of Western Watersheds Project, said in a statement. “BLM needs to enforce the law and remove his cattle, which are destroying habitat for threatened species.”

Other groups urging Mr. Zinke to impound the Bundy cattle include the Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.

You WILL note the part where Cliven Bundy was perfectly willing to pay the fees to Clark County. Of course, this means nothing to the SJW’s and Environuts. You can see the seething hatred for not just the Bundy’s, but for anyone who won’t bow before their god, Gaia. Anyone who doesn’t bow down to their demands should be killed. (Most of these groups are extreme anti-human as well and want mostr of the human race exterminated)

Running cattle in the dry, arid region became problematic after the Fish and Wildlife Service listed the local desert tortoise as threatened in 1989, prompting other ranching operations to move, a point made during Mr. Bundy’s press conference Wednesday in Las Vegas.

Someone asked a question, ‘What about all those other ranchers that are paying grazing fees?’ And somebody else shouted out, ‘Well, there are no other ranchers. Cliven’s the only one left,’” said Mr. Klayman. “I would call it Bundy’s last stand.”

There were a number of other rumors that came out from the standoff. One was that the whole thing was orchestrated by former Senate Majority Leader, Dingy Harry Reid. He wanted the land for some solar project that would have poured millions into his family’s Cayman Islands bank accounts.

Frankly, I doubt that. Still, the nuts from the Environmental Movement, like all Progressives, can’t conceive of what would happen if the BLM once again tried to move in on the Bundy’s. Excluding the fact that President Trump would probably land on the bureaucrat who started it, the chances of a shootout would be geometrically higher then the last time. Still, Progressives are the same everywhere.

“If at first you don’t succeed, keep doing the same thing, and failing, over and over again.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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