AOC is backing Comrade Bernie

Good day all. In a surprise to no one, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is backing Comrade Bernie Sanders and his plan to institute communism in the United States. She apparently isn’t alone in this. The other members of the “Squad” as they like to call themselves, are also backing Sanders and his plans to start a civil war.

The original report from Fox News made the announcement that these four fools were backing Comrade Bernie:

Three members of the so-called “Squad” of far-left freshman members of Congress are lining up behind Sen. Bernie Sanders for president.

Fox News has learned that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., will appear with Sanders on Saturday in Queens, N.Y., at a “Bernie’s Back” rally designed to generate excitement for the senator’s campaign following his recent heart procedure. Rep. Ihan Omar, D-Minn., will also endorse the candidate, Fox News confirmed.

In addition, CNN reported that Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will endorse Sanders as well. It was not immediately clear if Omar and Tlaib will appear at Saturday’s event.

“Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity and geography,” Omar was quoted as saying in a statement posted on Twitter by the Sanders campaign — and that Omar retweeted on her own Twitter page.

A working class movement? You and the other 3 idiots represent the “Gimme free stuff now! Class. The “Working class” you claim to support would be destroyed under Comrade Bernie economic plans. Between Comrade Bernie and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the other Progressive Totalitarians, the United State economy would completely collapse in months were they to institute their ideas.

The follow up to this was Comrade Bernie holding a rally in Brooklyn Saturday October 19th. This was a rather large one, for a change. Occasional-Cortex was also there spewing her idiocies as well. Here are these details, also from Fox News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. gave her endorsement to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination at a New York rally on Saturday, claiming that his 2016 bid had “fundamentally changed” U.S. politics — as the 78-year-old lawmaker spoke at his first campaign rally since heart surgery this month.

All Comrade Bernie did in 2016 was throw a scare into the von Pantsuit campaign, and Felonia’s people promptly moved to rig the primaries so Bernie had no chance. If, by some miracle, he had ended up as the nominee, President Trump would have won in a landslide. The Democrats have no intention of allowing Comrade Bernie to be the nominee. If they did and he was, no matter how much vote rigging the Democrats did, it would still be a blowout for the GOP.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has quickly become one of the most prominent left-wing House lawmakers since taking office in January, backed Sanders formally at the rally in Long Island City. She credited Sanders with having inspired her to embark on her own long-shot political bid, in which she ousted longtime Rep. Joe Crowley last year.

Her defeat of Crowley was not all that spectacular. Crowley had been redistricted, and he was also arrogant. Occasional-Cortex campaigned door to door, and even still, barely won the primary. The only reason she did was low turnout. Considering how she has pissed off a large number of people, not to mention destroying 10’s of thousands of high paying jobs, (Amazon HQ moving into the state), there’s no guarantee she will win a second term in 2020.

In her remarks, she talked about her own personal story of growing up in New York and painted a grim picture of America, telling the crowd: “We are all always, it feels like, one accident from everything falling apart and we have to change the fundamental logic of a system and a politics that puts corp profit ahead of all human and planetary costs.”

This lying bitch grew up in a middle class family and went to an expensive college. (Where she learned nothing apparently) She has been filled with Socialist drivel and has no understanding of how thew world works. When you try to educate her, she shuts down and accuses you of being a racist.

But she said Sanders had spent decades for fighting for those things to make life for her better, such as the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), universal health care, and student debt forgiveness.

Bernie Sanders did not do these things because they were popular and that’s what we need to remember,” she said. “No one wanted to question this system and in 2016 he fundamentally changed politics in America.”

They aren’t popular because people are running the numbers. There isn’t enough money on Earth to fund this garbage. The other problem is that Comrade Bernie’s, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and all the other Democrats plans all do one thing. Strip away the rights of people and make them slaves to the State. Comrade Bernie has watched his ideology crash and burn repeatedly and he can’t accept that Communism, Marxism and Socialism just don’t work and never will.

In the end, I don’t think these endorsements will matter. Comrade Bernie is 78 years old, looks like his in his 90’s and just had a heart attack. By the time the next president is sworn in, Comrade Bernie will be 80. Come to think of it, he would look a lot like his heroes in the old Soviet Union.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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