This is why the Durham inquiry is now a criminal investigation

Good day all. About a month ago, the Durham inquiry was changed to a criminal investigation. Many people wondered what he had found that caused this change. Several former Obama minions wet their pants on national television when they were told about the change. Last Friday, information came out that someone played fast and loose with the FISA court.

For some time, Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been quietly looking into a number of things regarding the FISA warrants and other interesting items. We have been waiting for quite a while now to see what his investigation may have found. He has been working with John Durham and Attorney General Barr, and it looks like his report will be made public on December 9th. As is the case, there have been a few leaks and this is why we think Durham is now switching gears. Here are the details from Fox News:

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has found evidence that an FBI lawyer manipulated a key investigative document related to the FBI’s secretive surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser — enough to change the substantive meaning of the document, according to multiple reports.

The show-stopping development comes as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News that Horowitz’s comprehensive report on allegations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant abuse against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page will be released on Dec. 9. “That’s locked,” Graham said.

The new evidence concerning the altered document, which pertained to the FBI’s FISA court warrant application to surveil Page, is expected to be outlined in Horowitz’s upcoming report. CNN first reported the news, which was largely confirmed by The Washington Post.

Wait a minute. This was reported by CNN first, and then picked up by the Washington Compost? How did that happen?

But the Post, hours after publishing its story, conspicuously removed the portion of its reporting that the FBI employee involved worked “beneath” Peter Strzok, the FBI’s since-fired head of counterintelligence. The Post did not offer an explanation for the change, which occurred shortly after midnight.

The person under scrutiny has not been identified but is not a high-ranking official — they worked beneath former deputy assistant director Peter Strzok, according to people familiar with the investigation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss material that has not yet been made public,” The Post wrote in its now-deleted paragraph.

Then they came back with a “Correction.”

The paper eventually added a correction to the bottom of its piece, reading, “Correction: An earlier version of this story erroneously stated that the FBI employee being investigated for altering a document worked underneath former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. The employee was a low-level lawyer in the Office of General Counsel and did not report to the deputy assistant director.”

Uh huh. Yeah, right. I wonder if this was Strzok’s “Girlfriend” Lisa Page. I thought I read somewhere that some of the texts messages made public, thanks to Judicial Watch, mentioned something about “Correcting” some forms? I may be mistaken of course.

Nevertheless, Horowitz reportedly found that the FBI employee was involved enough in the FISA process to falsely state that he had “documentation to back up a claim he had made in discussions with the Justice Department about the factual basis” for the FISA warrant application, the Post reported. Then, the FBI employee allegedly “altered an email” to substantiate his inaccurate version of events. The employee has since been forced out of the bureau.

Hmm, it was a man? Well that lets Page off the hook in this instance. As to which one it may be? There have been a number of people forced out thanks to this fiasco by the Deep State. Well, we’ll find out in a few weeks. Meanwhile, the real “Teeth” of this investigation have been sharpened and I suspect a lot of people are very nervous.

Sources told Fox News last month that U.S. Attorney John Durham’s separate, ongoing probe into potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct in the run-up to the 2016 election through the spring of 2017 has transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation — and that Horowitz’s report will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry.

Durham has reportedly taken up Horowitz’s findings concerning the falsified FISA document, meaning the ex-FBI lawyer who made the changes is now under criminal investigation.

The Post indicated, however, that the document was not central to the legality of the FISA warrant obtained against Page.

Meanwhile, the primary, well secondary target, the primary has always been President Trump, Carter Page, has been pretty much vindicated, (The official “Vindication will probably occur in December when the report is released), and is going after a number of organizations.

Despite being accused by the FBI of being a Russian agent in the FISA application, and being secretly surveilled for more than a year, Page has not been charged with any wrongdoing. He has since sued numerous actors — including the DNC — for defamation related to claims that he worked with Russia.

It isn’t just Carter Page. We have Michael Flynn, who was basically blackmailed into pleading guilty to a crime that didn’t happen, George Papadopoulos who was pretty blatantly set up by the DoJ and the Intelligence services, (He smelled a rat and the major charges they wanted to bury him with never happened because he sought legal assistance on something questionable), and the recent conviction of Roger Stone by a biased judge and jury. (We shall see what happens on the appeals) The abuse of power by the Obama Administration is finally being documented, and the liberal cockroaches are trying to hide now that the lights are on.

The current attempt to Impeach President Trump is seen by some as a way to distract people from the Horowitz report and the Durham investigation. Yes, Schifthead and Pelosi would love to have President Trump removed from office, (Along with Vice President Pence), then they would take over and bury everything in a swimming pool full of whitewash.

To bad for them that the latest coup attempt by Schifthead is falling apart, and the Senate, if they actually get the bill from the house, will use it to go after the Democrats. When President Trump is reelected, I think the gloves will come off. Who knows? It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the Democrat party could be named a “Continuing Criminal Enterprise” and get slammed with a nice series of RICO charges and lawsuits. Won’t that be nice?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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