Kalifornistan won’t buy cars because Trump

Good day all. The People’s Demokratik Republik of Kalifornistan is racing to it’s inevitable collapse. When the Environmental Protection Agency was created, a regulation was created that allowed Kalifornstan to tell car makers what cars they could make and sell in Kalifornistan.

Because of the costs of making to types of cars, manufacturers just used the Kalifornistan specifications for the rest of the country. The problem was, it raised the price of cars and didn’t actually help anything. Now, President Trump has rescinded that regulation and taken that privilege away from the Kalifornistan regulators. This has really angered the Progressive Totalitarian elites out there and they have decided to retaliate. Here are the details from Fox Business:

California’s government is escalating its emissions battle with the Trump administration, announcing it will halt all purchases of new vehicles from General Motors, Toyota, Fiat Chrysler and other automakers that backed the White House’s decision to strip the state of its power to regulate tailpipe emissions.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to implement the ban in January 2020.

“Carmakers that have chosen to be on the wrong side of history will be on the losing end of CA’s buying power,” Newsom wrote on Twitter.

CA will stop purchasing vehicles from carmakers that have refused to protect our air & chosen to follow the regressive ways Donald Trump.”

Newsom is basically a scumbag. He is working very hard to turn Kalifornistan into the totalitarian slave state the Democrats have been pushing for, for decades. They have been imposing their views and laws on the rest of the America, and frankly in violation of the Commerce Clause and the 10th Amendment. They also, like all Progressive Liberal Democrat CommuNazis, have no clue about things like science and engineering.

Last month, GM, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler sided with President Trump on the emissions rules, breaking from Ford Motor, Honda, Volkswagen and BMW, which in July agreed to back a deal with California for stricter fuel standards. “Ensuring that America’s vehicles are efficient, safe and affordable is a priority for us all,” the companies said in a statement.

The agreement they are talking about was basically caving in to Kalifornistan’s unrealistic demands.

Under the agreement, automakers would have until 2026 to produce cars that reach a minimum of 50 miles per gallon, in line with standards championed by President Obama. Trump wants to maintain the current standard of 37 mpg until 2026.

The Kalifornistan regulators, besides being stupid, also fail to understand the marketplace. People do want cars that are good on gas, and the manufacturers that come up with designs that have better fuel efficiency will probably pick up market share. However, if the cost of those cars are to much for the average buyer, they will go with a competitor. Basically, people will run the numbers and decide for themselves what they need and can afford.

People do not want Kalifornistan mandated econoboxes that are so small and light as to be useless for most people. There is a reason that minivans and SUV’s are so popular. They can carry a lot of stuff in them and they can take a hit in an accident. Those gawd awful smart cars? Ugly, to small and nothing more then rolling death traps.

California and 23 other states sued the administration over that decision, arguing the White House unlawfully removed the state’s waiver, which was granted under the Clean Air Act.

Once again, the Progressive Soviet Totalitarians of Kalifornistan’s ruling elite believe that they are the ones running things in America, not the federal government and certainly not the American people. As I understand it, the waiver was granted not by congress, but by the EPA under it’s regulatory authority. (We will discuss that authority another day) The EPA is part of the administrative branch, and the waiver was not granted by Congress as a law. In other words, it can be revoked. Of course, the Moonbats will once again go to their favorite Obama judge and get a ruling they desire, and then the United States Supreme Court will slap them down, again.

According to data from the California Department of General Services, compiled by Cal Matters, California spent $74 million on its fleet of passenger vehicles last year. The state’s decision could hit GM hard: In 2018, it spent about $270 million on GM-owned Chevrolet vehicles. Comparatively, it spent just $3.6 million on vehicles from Toyota and $3 million on Fiat Chrysler.

And now for a nice big does of reality. The Kalifornistan proletariat, formally known as the individual citizen, are the ones buying most of the cars, not the government of Kalifornistan. The only way Kalifornistan’s ruling elite could really hut the automobile manufacturers would be to flat out ban the sale of any of the “Banned” companies products. That would fly directly in the face of the Commerce Clause and the Party General Secretary, Gavin Newsom and his Chief Prosecutor, Xavier Becerra, would be slapped down hard.

A GM spokesperson, however, told The New York Times the state is depriving itself of the low-cost electric vehicles it needs to meet certain environmental objectives.

In a statement published Friday, the California Department of General Services said that effective immediately any sedans purchased by state agencies need to be electric or hybrid vehicles.

Well, it sounds like they’re going to further subsidize Elon Musk’s Tesla motors. Of course, that does beg the question, how are they going to recharge those cars when PG&E keeps shutting down the power? Kalifornistan is rapidly reaching the point where their government is a flat out threat to the safety and security of the rest of the country. It’s time to consider declaring the Kalifornistan government in rebellion, desolve the state and probably most of the local governments and put the whole bunch in jail.

Hey, I can dream can’t I?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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