Evidence tampering by DA in McClosky case

Good day all. The McClosky Affair continues to get stranger by the minute. They were recently charged with a multitude of crimes after they used firearms to defend themselves and their home from a mob of thugs from Black Lives, (And no one else’s), Matter, broke down the gates and stormed into their privately owned neighborhood.

The video of the McCloskys waving an AR-15 and a pistol are all over the internet. Now no shots were fired and there are some questions on whether or not the AR-15 was even loaded. We do know that the pistol waved around by Mrs. McClosky was nonfunctional, and this is where things get interesting.

The pistol had been deliberately rendered inoperable by the McCloskys so they could bring it into a courtroom for a case they were working on. The pistol had not been restored to firing condition before the raid by the forces of evil known ans BLM.

As I understand Missouri law, in order to charge someone with what the McCloskys were charged with, (Something about threatening people with guns. I’ll let the legal beagles provide the exact terms), the gun has to be ready to use. In a story from KSDK.com, it seems that one of Kim Gardner’s minions ordered the lab techs to restore the pistol to firing condition.

The gun Patricia McCloskey waved at protesters was inoperable when it arrived at the St. Louis police crime lab, but a member of Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s staff ordered crime lab experts to disassemble and reassemble it and wrote that it was “readily capable of lethal use” in charging documents filed Monday, 5 On Your Side has learned.

In Missouri, police and prosecutors must prove that a weapon is “readily” capable of lethal use when it is used in the type of crime with which the McCloskeys have been charged.

Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley ordered crime lab staff members to field strip the handgun and found it had been assembled incorrectly. Specifically, the firing pin spring was put in front of the firing pin, which was backward, and made the gun incapable of firing, according to documents obtained by 5 On Your Side.

Firearms experts then put the gun back together in the correct order and test-fired it, finding that it worked, according to the documents.

And that was when they charged the McCloskys with daring to use inoperable firearms to bluff terrorists into backing down. There is a term for what the ACA did. It’s called “Tampering with evidence, and I do believe that it is a felony in most jurisdictions. This is going to be yet another nail in the coffin of Kim Gardner and her staff of felons.

The State Attorney General is already working to have the charges dismissed, and I suspect that if the story about returning a disabled firearm to firing condition is accurate, he’s going to be looking at bringing some charges against Gardner. I wonder if it will be before or after Gardner is crushed at the polls in a few months? I hope she looks good in orange.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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