The Great Panicdemic of 2020: Newsom to finish off the Kalifornistan economy

Good day all. Hot on the heels of his decision to unleash the greatest crime wave in Kalifornistan’s history, Numbnuts Newsom has decided to relock down the state because people might be testing positive for the Wuhan Flu virus.

Granted, thanks to the riots that Numbnuts and the others allowed to take place, more people were exposed to the China Virus. However, what isn’t being reported are the actual numbers of people who are being admitted to the hospital solely due to the Kung Flu and not for other reasons. This means nothing to Numbnuts. He likes wielding absolute power and has decided to kill his economy completely. Here are the details from Fox News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday ordered a halt to indoor activities at certain businesses statewide as cases of coronavirus surge in the country’s most populous state. Newsom, a Democrat, announced during a press briefing that all bars across the state must close up shop and that restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, family entertainment centers, zoos, museums and card rooms must suspend indoor activities.

The governor also announced that all gyms, places of worship, malls, personal care services, barbershops, salons, and non-critical offices in counties on the state’s “monitoring list” had to shut down under the new order. The order affects more than 30 counties which are home to about 80 percent of California’s population.

As you might expect, this is going over like a lead balloon, not that Numbnuts Newsom gives a damn. Small businesses and churches are fighting back against this tyrants unilateral decrees. One fitness center is staying open despite Numbnuts orders. Here those details from Fox News:

CycleBar Culver City and Santa Monica owner Steph Sklar-Mulcahy told Fox News that she is “not going down without a fight” in the wake of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest coronavirus shutdown order.

Whatever they throw at me, I will come up with a solution in order to stay open, and if they say that I can’t do that, then I’ll come up with another solution,” said Sklar-Mulcahy. “My actions right now are really for my members and for my staff because I just don’t want to let them go and I don’t want to let any of them down”

The reason Numbnuts Newsom is putting everyone back into house arrest is the usual garbage about preventing hospitals from being flooded. We know this is a flat out lie from previous experience. Hospitals never came close to being maxed out from Kung Flu patients. In many cases, hospitals sent staff home because they had no patients at all. As for Ms. Sklar-Mulcahy, she’’s finding workarounds to defeat the tyrant’s decrees.

Sklar-Mulcahy explained that on the same Monday Newsom issued the closures, she had a spin class scheduled for later in the day. Instead of closing again, however, she decided to pivot and move her bikes, DJ stand, and classes outdoors.

What the government said was that we had to stop all indoor activities, but if it could be moved outside, that it would be OK, so immediately I switched gears,” recalled Sklar-Mulcahy. “By 5:30, we had a full class…people were just so happy, and really, for the first time in three months, I felt the joy from them and for myself.”

Other groups and organizations are taking the lawsuit route, primarily churches. Several have filed lawsuits against Numbnuts for violating the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Here are those details, again from Fox News:

In the latest battle between Gov. Gavin Newsom and houses of worship over coronavirus restrictions, three Northern California churches sued the governor on Wednesday, seeking to overturn his ban on singing during religious services.

Did I read this correctly? Did Numbnuts Newsom outlaw singing? So it isn’t just religion this fascist is suppressing, it’s also speech.

The suit, filed on behalf of Calvary Chapel of Ukiah, Calvary Chapel of Fort Bragg and River of Life Church in Oroville, seeks to block Newsom’s July 1 ban on singing in houses of worship to stop the spread of coronavirus because of an alleged double standard.

Places of worship must, therefore, discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower,” new guidelines read as state health officials recommend churches have members sing online from their homes.

The suit, filed by attorneys who have previously led lawsuits against Newsom’s ban on in-person services, said the Democratic governor banned singing and chanting inside churches but not anywhere else. They also noted that the governor “has been unwavering in his support of massive protests” against police brutality.

On or about July 2, 2020, following implementation of the Worship Ban, when asked to explain whether people should heed Newsom’s mandate and avoid large crowds and gatherings, Newsom refused to place the same restrictions on protesters and explained ‘we have a Constitution, we have a right to free speech,’ and further stated that ‘we are all dealing with a moment in our nation‘s history that is profound and pronounced … Do what you think is best,’” the lawsuit stated.

Newsom couldn’t care less about the Constitution and the individual rights of the people. The Kalifornistan legislature has walked away from their duties and allowed Numbnuts Newsom to act like any Turd World dictator. He needs to be removed from office, either by recall, impeachment or arrested by the Department of Justice for criminal civil rights violations. Perhaps, considering his refusal to do anything about the Antifa and BLM terrorists, he can be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist organization. One can only hope.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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