The Great Panicdemic of 2020: Flaming Cuomo is now threatening travelers

Good day all. Governor Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo, fresh off his murder of thousands of elderly people, has been busy denying people the right to freely travel between the states.

Cuomo, trying to make it look like he actually knows what he’s doing, has decided to block people from pretty much the rest of the country from coming to New York. Now, if you cross the borders, Flaming Cuomo has decreed you will be fined $2000. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Travelers flying into New York from states with high infection rates of COVID-19 will be required to provide their contact information upon arrival or face a fine and court summons, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted Monday.

Passengers flying in from the 19 states on New York’s rolling quarantine list are now required to fill out a form detailing where they came from and where they’re going before they leave the airport, Cuomo announced during a press conference Monday.

The order comes one day after roughly one percent of over 50,000 people tested in the state, once the epicenter of the pandemic, had tested positive for the virus. Meanwhile, infection rates in other states around the country have skyrocketed. In order to keep history from repeating itself, Cuomo alongside other governors in the tri-state area are keeping a watchful eye on the rest of the country where cases are surging.

Yeah, about those tests, we’re finding out that the numbers regarding who might be positive aren’t entirely, or at all, accurate. It was recently announced that a number of Florida testing labs hadn’t bothered to report negative test results. What they were sending up were reports of a 100% rate of infection. The actual numbers are significantly lower.

Then there is a report that the CDC would take one confirmed infection and add 15 more people to it. This was done under what passes for reasoning at the CDC that for each confirmed case, there has to be at least 15 others who they don’t know about.

If a traveler leaves the airport without filling out the form they will immediately be handed a summons with a $2,000 fine. What’s more, a traveler could then be ordered by a court to complete a mandatory quarantine, Cuomo added. The order will be enforced at every airport in the state, Cuomo said, adding that “none of this is pleasant but we have gone through this before.”

There are so many things wrong with this it’s hard to know where to start. To begin with, when other states did this to New York Flaming Cuomo sued them in federal court. Then there is the blinding and criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of thousands of elderly people. Then, of course, there is the little problem of the Constitution of the United States, and Flaming Cuomo’s interference with interstate commerce. I suspect the first time this moron tries to enforce this, it will hit a federal court and Flaming Cuomo will be slapped down hard.

I have a sneaking suspicion that after President Trump is reelected in a landslide next November, that a number of U.S. Attorneys are going to be looking into Flaming Cuomo, Wretched Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Numbskull Newsom and a few others for massive civil rights violations. Well, we shall see, won’t we?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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