Comrade Bernie wants to be Secretary of Labor

Good day all. The Great Steal of 2020 hasn’t been completed yet, but the Communists are already salivating at the damage they can do. One of these is Comrade Bernie Sanders. He has announced that he would be happy to accept a post in the Harris Biden Administration.

The post that Comrade Bernie would like is the Secretary of Labor. In that post, he can achieve his dreams of mandatory unionism and seizure of businesses. Here are the details from Fox News. (Note, I am no longer linking to the stories. Fox, among other things, is purging their older content and breaking my links)

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said on Wednesday that he would accept a position if President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet if one was offered. Leading progressives have floated Sanders, who caucuses with Senate Democrats, as a potential candidate for the labor secretary position in the incoming Biden-Harris administration in recent days. The longtime senator, 79, confirmed that he was open to the possibility.

“What’s true is I want to do everything I can to protect the working families of this country who are under tremendous duress right now. Whether that’s in the Senate, whether that’s in the Biden administration, who knows,” Sanders said during an appearance on CNN. “Let’s see how that unfolds.”

Comrade Bernie protecting working families? Oh that’s rich! Comrade Bernie’s entire political life has consisted of policies that wreck financial ruin on the country and anyone who has a job. This incontinent fool has been a total failure his entire life and now he wants to push his failed ideas on the rest of us? According to CNN, yes, he does:

CNN reported Tuesday that Sanders has started to ramp up a campaign to become Labor secretary in Biden’s Cabinet and is seeking the support of top labor leaders. Sanders’ push comes amid intensified jockeying over the powerful Cabinet position from inside the labor movement.

In his quest to become the Secretary of Labor, Comrade Bernie has been reaching out to the Unions. You would think they would love to have someone who supports mandatory union membership enslavement. Apparently, they aren’t all that thrilled with the idea.

A longtime senior labor leader told CNN on Tuesday that Sanders has personally called union chiefs asking for their backing, but that his overtures have been met with mixed reactions. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who is among those Sanders has contacted, favors Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for the job, the senior labor leader said. Meanwhile, Michigan Rep. Andy Levin, a Democrat who is a popular progressive, has also built a base of support among union leadership, including the Communications Workers of America, the senior labor leader said.

Meanwhile, Comrade Bernie is also thinking about what sort of damage he can do if he stays in the Senate.

In public statements and in an interview with CNN before the election, Sanders spoke about his desire to lead a push from inside the Senate to send an ambitious suite of progressive legislation to Biden’s desk.

That “Ambitious suite of progressive legislation” would consist of forcing states to end their right to work laws, (Problematical under the 10th Amendment), mandatory union membership, and taking control of the boardrooms and putting it in the hands of the government bureaucrats. Basically every single Socialist, Marxist, and Communist idea that has been tried and failed for the last 100+ years. There is also the issue of whether or not the Senate flips and the Communists take over.

But those plans may have been complicated by the uncertainty surrounding control of the body, after a disappointing election night for Democratic Senate challengers. The caucus will likely need to win both of the January run-off contests in Georgia now to gain a majority.

There is also the massive amount of election fraud that the Democrats committed to put the senile pedophile and the retired prostitute into the White House. As of now, not a single vote has been certified, and Georgia has announced they are doing a complete hand recount of the ballots.

Finally, there is this little matter that most people in the Private Sector have no interest in being part of a union. They do not see any benefit, and in fact, see unions as being detrimental to their job prospects. The unions have been trying to get into the auto manufacturing plants in the Southern States, (Which are all Right to Work States), and have failed even when the corporate boards invited them in. (That would be the idiots from Europe)

Unions only exist through ignorance, intimidation and violence. When they started growing in the mid to late 19th century, it was due to both the idiot management processes of the old robber barons and the flat out ignorance of the people being unionized. Many were first generation immigrants and were poorly educated. Today, the work force is far better educated, and all the things unions used to “Get” for their members are already in place. In fact, in many cases, the union’s goals are actually less valuable to the working people then what they can get for themselves.

If Bernie Sanders were to gain control, he will make Robert Reich’s tenure look positively brilliant. I’ve heard a story that Reich went into a company to close it down and someone, realizing he was going to lose his job, went after him with a wrench. It’s probably just an urban legend of course. I do see why Comrade Bernie might want to fail upwards. He’s 80 years old and frankly, it’s doubtful he will be able to run for anything again. As it is, even without Comrade Bernie’s help, if Harris and Biden take control, they will wreck the economy all by themselves.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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