VA. Governor Blackface announces more civil rights violations

Good day all. As we approach Christmas, the Democratic CommuNazi governors are doubling down on their declarations of Martial Law and the suspension of the Constitution and civil rights, using the Great Panicdemic of 2020 as their excuse.

The latest declaration comes out of Virginia where Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam has decided to jail the entire state. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

The governor of Virginia issued a slate of coronavirus restrictions for his state on Thursday. The executive order from Gov. Ralph Northam includes, among other rules, a curfew and will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Monday and remain in place until Jan. 31.

So much for Christmas, but I believe that was the intent. Can’t have any Christian holidays getting in the way of worshiping The State now, can we?

Under the restrictions, a curfew, or stay-at-home order, will be in place between midnight and 5 a.m., with exceptions for those traveling for work, seeking medical attention, or trying to get food or goods. Administration officials told the Washington Post that the governor purposefully did not include an enforcement mechanism for the curfew and that police will not be stopping people during those hours.

So there is no enforcement of this order? So what is the point? I suspect it was typical Progressive moonbat feel goodiness, that’s all. That and the fact the order is unenforceable, both as a matter of law and common sense. (May police are refusing to enforce these orders, not just in Virginia, but nationwide)

Social gatherings must be limited to 10 people, down from the previous 25. Religious, employment, and educational settings will not be included in this restriction, though the governor is encouraging church leaders to hold services outside and online.

So, no more then 10 people can get together? Good luck with that chump. As for exempting churches, the supreme court, before they fully discredited themselves, the Supreme Court put a stop to those restriction.

A universal mask requirement will also be implemented. Virginians were already required to wear masks in indoor and outdoor public spaces. Masks will be required in private spaces, as well.

“New daily case numbers are higher than they have been at any previous point in the pandemic, and while the trends in Virginia are better than most of the country, we are taking action now to slow the spread of this virus before our hospitals get overwhelmed,” Northam said in a statement. “We already have strong public health measures in place, and with these additional steps, we can turn this around. Virginians, if you don’t have to be out, stay at home. Whenever we are around other people, we all need to wear a mask, indoors and out.”

Yeah you can take your mask mandate and shove it where the sun don’t shine Blackface. As to the excuse that “We need to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed,” that has been completely discredited. Hospitals are now suffering financially because you totalitarian idiots won’t let them take in patients.

People have had enough and are realizing that if someone comes down with the Wuhan Flu, they are going to recover. It’s only those who have some sort of preexisting condition that weakens their immune system that are at risk. Those who may be at risk should take precautions, the rest of us? We need to return to our daily lives. As for Blackface Northam? He needs to be removed from office and put in a nice 6×6 cell somewhere.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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