President Dementia calls Flaming Cuomo “The Gold Standard” for Communazis

Good day all. Never let it be said that Dementia Joe, the senile Pedophile, won’t say something that has incredibly bad timing or shows what a complete idiot he truly is. When Flaming Cuomo threw in the towel and resigned Tuesday, (August 10th), people were happily ripping him apart for his treatment of women.

In yet another case of foot in mouth disease, President Dementia, rather then either saying nothing or saying something noncommittal, decided that the best thing to say was that Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo was the “Gold Standard” that all Communazis should aspire to. Here are the details from Newsmax:

When President Joe Biden said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has “done a hell of a job” on Tuesday, it wasn’t the first time. In fact, when he previously made the exact same statement in April, he called Cuomo “the gold standard” for governors for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Back in April the charges that eventually forced Govno Pervert Cuomo to resign were just being looked at. What people really wanted to hang him for was the mass murder of tens of thousands of elderly patients due to his incompetence and stupidity.

Biden held a press conference on the infrastructure bill Tuesday in the wake of Cuomo’s announcement he would resign amid sexual harassment allegations that resulted in a report last week from the New York State Attorney General’s Office. One of his accusers has filed a criminal complaint against him.

All the while, Cuomo has also been under fire from critics over his handling of the pandemic, for which he praised himself in a book long before the result of his efforts to fight COVID-19 was ever known — a book for which he had sought a $4 million deal.

Shall we review some of the great decisions made by the Govno that President Dementia thinks is the gold standard Communazis should emulate? First, there was his order to Nursing homes to take in patients recovering from the Wuhan Flu who were still infectious, even though the nursing homes were not set up to handle this and told Flaming Cuomo they couldn’t handle it. He threatened the owners of the Nursing homes, in some cases with arrest, if they didn’t comply.

Then there is demanding that New York go to the top of the list for all the Personal Protective Equipment and Ventilators, to the point he was stealing shipments meant for other states. Almost none of this equipment was used.

How about the hospital ship USNS Comfort that was deployed to New York in anticipation of the massive numbers of patents, along with all the temporary hospitals set up that were never used at the behest of Flaming Cuomo? (Granted, early on, we all fell for the drivel put out by Fauci and the CDC, but it was quickly known that all these things weren’t going to be needed. Flaming Cuomo could have used them instead for the recovering patients, but instead kept sending them to infect sick and elderly patients who mostly died)

Finally we have the reports that under orders from Flaming Cuomo, the actual number of people who died as a result of his orders was covered up so as to avoid his being charged with mass murder and, potentially, crimes against humanity.

The New York Times noted that Cuomo forced nursing homes to take back COVID-19 patients once they had recovered, thus increasing the number of nursing home deaths recorded, according to critics. The state health department said that while the policy did not increase the number of deaths, it did raise questions about how the state was reporting deaths.

Oh, it did increase the number of people who died. If you put people who are infectious among those with weakened immune systems, odds are they’re going to get really sick and probably die, which is just what happened. Thanks to the cover up and probable destruction of records, we may never know just how many people were killed by that murdering fiend, Flaming Cuomo.

Cuomo admitted undercounting nursing home deaths, saying he feared the Trump administration would use the numbers for political purposes against him.

Yeah, he only admitted it because he had been caught. Even then, he continued lying about it.

But in April, the Times found the numbers had been hidden even more than previously known.

President Dementia, if he had a brain made of actual neurons and stuff instead of moldy tapioca pudding, wold have known this. His staffers did know it, and should have prepared a note card for the next, obvious, question. Instead, Dementia Joe wonders off script…again.

On Tuesday, a reporter asked Biden about Cuomo, noting that he is “one of the Democrats through the years that you spoke with about infrastructure the most was Andrew Cuomo who is resigning today. … You called on him to resign. You condemned the behavior. You spend a lot of time with governors and mayors. How would you assess his 10 1/2 years of governor of the state?”

“In terms of his personal behavior or what he’s done as a governor?” Biden first asked. Then focusing on his professional accomplishments, he said: “He’s done a hell of a job. He’s done a hell of a job. I mean, both on everything from access to voting, to infrastructure, the whole range of things. That’s why it’s so sad.”

New York is losing at least one house seat when they do their redistricting. (Bets are on redistricting Alexandria Occasional-Cortex out of a job), perhaps two. Taxes have skyrocketed, and the tax base has moved to places like Florida and Texas. The state is slowly collapsing because of that narcissistic turd with hands he doesn’t keep to himself. Frankly, he needs to spend some quality time in a nice New York state prison. As for his being the gold standard for the Communazis?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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