Obama Judge sides with foreign company over Florida

Good day all. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has been one of the governors leading the charge to get things back to normal after the Great Panicdemic of 2020. He was one of the first to end mask mandates, (Over the objections of Communazis down there), and has put a stop to demands for internal passports proving you have taken the experimental China Virus vaccine.

He has also told cruise lines, which have been devastated to come on in, but also said no to the passports and masks. (He is fine if you want to get “The Jab” just doesn’t believe in forcing it on people) Recently, one of the Cruise lines was unhappy with the actions of Governor DeSantis sued in Federal Court. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

A federal judge has for now sided with Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. in its bid to invalidate Florida’s rule that bars businesses from requiring proof of Covid-19 vaccination from their customers.

U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams in Miami on Sunday granted the cruise operator’s request for a preliminary injunction that prevents the enforcement of the Florida ban on its vessels departing from the state. The company last month sued Florida’s surgeon general, Scott Rivkees, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

“While litigation is a strategic tool of last resort, our company has fought to do what we believe is right and in the best interest of the welfare of our guests, crew and communities we visit,” said Daniel Farkas, Norwegian’s general counsel.

Typical of all the Obama judges, this bitch is exceeding her authority. As far as I’m concerned, if the Cruise Line is so worried about things in Florida, don’t come.

The decision comes as Norwegian is set to offer cruises from Florida to the Caribbean starting Aug. 15. Florida is a cruise hub that in 2019 accounted for about 60% of cruise embarkations from the U.S., according to the industry group Cruise Lines International Association.

The company is sticking with its policy to require full vaccinations for all crew and passengers, including children, for initial sailings through Oct. 31 after more than a yearlong hiatus and billions of dollars in losses.

And I repeat, if you don’t like the policies and laws in Florida, don’t come. As for the Obama Judge, my recommendation to Governor DeSantis is simple. Ignore her. She, like all the Communazi and Obama judges, (Not that there is much of a difference), believes that she is the ruler of America. I would simply inform her that she is welcome to her opinion, but good luck trying to enforce it.

Governor DeSantis is being groomed as presidential material, either in 2024, if President Trump decides not to run, or in 2028 when President Trump completes his second term. He has been in a rather public fight with President Dementia, (actually, it’s been so one sided, Governor DeSantis might be accused of elder abuse), over his handling of the Panicdemic.

The Fake President, or at least his handlers, (Who knows what’s going on inside that pile of mush Dementia Joe calls a brain), wants to go full totalitarian and lock up every American. Governor DeSantis is actually looking at what is going on and has gone in the other direction, opening the State of Florida back up. Yes, there has been some increase in Wuhan Flu cases. Big Deal. What isn’t generally being remarked on is how many people are in the hospital for it, and what preexisting conditions they had. Stick to your guns Governor and tell Norwegian Cruise Lines to take a flying leap at a rolling donut.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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