NYC businesses to de Blasio, “Drop dead”

Good day all. The worst mayor in America, Comrade Bill de Blasio recently issued an edict that if you didn’t have proof of getting injected with the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, you were relegated to second class citizen status. Businesses were told they were required to check people’s status or refuse them service.

Bill de Blasio is in his second and final term as the worst mayor in America. (He doesn’t have the money to buy a third term the way former mayor Michael “Bloomers” Bloomberg did) Under his maladministration, the city has backslid into the 1970’s. He is also a Communist and like all communists, thinks that he’s special and that his word is law. However, a lot of restaurants in New York City are pushing back. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

Some New York City restaurants will defy Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D.) order to ban unvaccinated people from entering businesses.

De Blasio’s mandate, which officially takes effect next week but will start being enforced Sept. 13, requires anyone who enters an indoor business in New York City to show proof of vaccination. The proof can come in the form of either the city’s “Key to NYC Pass,” the state’s “Excelsior Pass,” or a vaccination card.

As I understand this, it’s an executive order and isn’t an actual law. It’s also typical of de Blasio who thinks he’s the king and demands the privileges of royalty along with his belief in ruling absolutely. The problem for the little Hitler is that a lot of businesses are ignoring his order.

But Pasticceria Rocco in Brooklyn won’t be requiring any passes from its customers, manager Mary Josephine Generoso told CBS New York. The award-winning Italian pastry shop and restaurant posted a sign in its window that reads: “We do not discriminate against ANY customer based on sex, gender, race, creed, age, vaccinated or unvaccinated.”

“Whether you’re vaccinated or not, you are welcome,” Generoso said. “I just don’t think that we’re going to be the vaccination police.”

Other New York restaurants are also striking a note of protest against regulations they consider government overreach.

Michael Musto, the owner of Cargo Café in Staten Island, told the Associated Press that he will return to all-outdoor dining, to which de Blasio’s mandate does not apply.

“I just don’t see myself doing that, asking for proof,” Musto said.

It isn’t just businesses that won’t be following the orders of “His Imperious Majesty, King Bill,” the City Council has a few members questioning this order.

Critics, including city councilman Joseph Borelli (R.), have noted that the mandate will be especially tough on black and Latino New Yorkers, who have low vaccination rates and will thus be banned from restaurants, gyms, theaters, concerts, museums, and other indoor businesses under de Blasio’s order. Only 43 percent of Latinos and 32 percent of blacks in New York City are fully vaccinated, according to city health department data.

So, de Blasio is showing his true Progressive colors. He’s a racist. This isn’t surprising for anyone who has watched white Progressive’s, white Liberals and white Democrats, (I know, I’m repeating myself), when it comes to those who aren’t white. They consider them lower life forms, to ignorant to do anything for themselves, and that they must be told how to act, behave and everything else. I’m sure these groups are going to be so happy that they will not be allowed into any place of business because of their skin color vaccination status.

How the city will enforce the mandate is unclear. City officials have suggested that businesses that do not comply will be fined.

And how are they going to prove it? And how are they going to deal with the accusations of discrimination that will be leveled at de Blasio and the city? Frankly, I would tell any business owner who the city tries for fine to shove it, and be willing to back it up with force. If the city thinks the police will be willing to roust businesses that won’t comply with His Nibs tyrannical, racist order, they need to think again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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