UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield boasts about a strongly worded press release

Good day all. The Epic Biden Failure of the Fall of Kabul seems to be bringing out the Flaming Stupid in President Dementia’s staff, such as United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield is a career state department drone. She doesn’t seem to have accomplished much that I can determine, and her recent pronouncement on how President Dementia’s maladministration intends to deal with the Taliban does not fill one with confidence. Here are the details from Fox News:

United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield boasted Tuesday the U.S. had used a “very strongly worded press statement” from the U.N. Security Council to tell the repressive Taliban it must respect women’s rights and humanitarian law.

A strongly worded press release? Oh the Taliban has to be quaking in their sandals, probably due to laughing hysterically.

As reports of violent repression against women and U.S. allies by the Taliban alarm the globe, Thomas-Greenfield told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer the U.S. would be “watching” closely. 

“We are hearing from people in Afghanistan that they are getting threats from the Taliban, and we have expressed in no uncertain terms here at the United Nations through a very strongly worded press statement from the Security Council that we expect the Taliban to respect human rights, including the rights of women and girls,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “We have also indicated that they have to be respectful of humanitarian law and that we do not expect to see that Afghanistan will become a safe haven for terrorists. But, again, it is not their words that we will hold them to. It is their actions that we will be watching.”

How did anyone this stupid manage to become Ambassador to the UN? Granted, the United Nations is a joke, but it’s still considered to be very prestigious among the Striped Pants, (Or in this case, Skirt), Brigade. I’m not alone in wonder what was going through this dimbulb’s brain.

Actress Patricia Heaton summed up the feelings of many critics at the clip, simply writing “wut.”

I had to look up Ms. Heaton. She has an interesting background on the political scene. She opposes the death penalty and abortion. She also is quite willing to engage in a discussion with people about her beliefs and theirs, and not drop to the level of a Progressive and start shouting “Racist!” if the argument goes against her. In other words, She’s an adult.

Others compared it to the 2004 comedy “Team America: World Police,” where U.N. official Hans Blix demands North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il allow a search for weapons of mass destruction or else “we will be very angry with you.”

Team America was meant to be a parody of how Americans react to world events, going to the extremes on both sides of the political spectrum. No one expected it to become reality, at least on the Progressive side. (God help the world if America goes full Team America, there won’t be much left standing)

The Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy called it “a turn of phrase that really does seem to capture the debacle that is this current moment.”

a very strongly worded press statement” is a turn of phrase that really does seem to capture the debacle that is this current moment.

The lambasting of Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield continued in that vein and deservedly so. The level of incompetence of President Dementia maladministration is stupefying. It isn’t in just a few areas, it’s across the board. Reach Around Psaki is another who seems to enjoy the taste of her shoes.

The Biden White House already came under fire when press secretary Jen Psaki said the Taliban needed to consider its role in the “international community.”

Do these fools even think about what they’re saying? The Taliban has no respect for the maladministration and is already rounding up girls and women. 12 and up to be turned into “Wives” for their terrorists. If Psaki or Thomas-Greenfield were captured by the Taliban, they would be filling in for the Taliban forces usual “Girlfriends” in very short order.

Or maybe not. Even the Taliban have some standards. They’d probably just set them on fire, or cut their heads off. What the Taliban are not doing is paying any attention to Strongly Worded Press Releases” from the desk of President Dementia Joe.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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