President Dementia gave Taliban a list of names

Good day all. There is way to much going on right now. There has been a terrorist bombing in Kabul and at least 13 American servicemen have been killed. (More on that later) We also have a report that the Maladministration handed over a list of names of Americans and Afghans to the Taliban.

The list, allegedly is of people who were supposed to be given free run to the Kabul airport. What is is, is a death list. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden did not deny a report circulating Thursday that officials in his administration had provided names of Americans in Afghanistan to the Taliban in order to help usher them safely to the airport. 

“There have been occasions where our military has contacted their military counterparts in the Taliban and said this bus is coming through…made up of the following group…let it through,” the president said. “Yes, there have been occasions like that.”

Military counterparts in the Taliban? The Taliban is a terrorist organization and not a military force. They are also committing massive crimes against Humanity. They should have been exterminated decades ago. The only reason they are still alive is due to previous administrations refusing to do what was needed.

Biden added that to his knowledge, the “bulk of that group” has been let through but can’t say with “certitude” that there was a list of names passed to the Taliban.

“There may have been,” the president said.

You GAVE it to the Taliban you senile moron!

Biden was responding to a Politico report, confirmed by Fox News, that U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies in an effort to grant them entry to the airport which resulted in outrage from military officials behind the scenes.

Whoever provided that list, along with whoever authorized it, should be taken out and shot for treason and murder. They have signed the death warrants of every person on that list. The rage over this is exploding all over the internet.

Biden was widely criticized over the report with many disgruntled social media users referring to the list as a “kill list.”

“Absolutely reckless and horrific,” Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn tweeted. “The Biden Administration gave the Taliban a kill list while lying to us, saying they didn’t have details on every name and whereabouts. Every single person involved must resign or be impeached.”

No Senator, They need to be removed from whatever position they now hold and criminally charged. We should start at the top, and remove Biden, either through the 25th Amendment or by impeachment. If the latter is needed and San Fran Nan Pelosi refuses, she should be removed from her position and expelled from the House of Representatives.

This who situation should never have happened, and it if hadn’t been for some shenanigans last November, we would be in the second term of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and not in the only term of a mental basket case who is unfit for anything but eating ice cream. I have no idea what the next few days will bring, but it will not be good.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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