The Cassidy Hutchinson Affair

Good day all. Recently, during one of the so called “Hearings” of the Star Chamber group known as the House January 6th commission, former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson appeared and made a number of claims, including that President Trump attacked a Secret Service agent and tried to grab the wheel of the presidential limousine.

There was a small problem with this testimony. It was all made up. Cassidy appears to have flat out lied under oath to the commission. Cassidy was an assistant to Mark Meadows, the Chief of Staff at the White House. She claimed that President Trump “Lunged” at a secret service agent and tried to take the wheel of the Presidential Limousine among other things. The problem is, it wasn’t true and the Committee knew this before hand. Here are the details from Fox News:

The January 6 Committee didn’t reach out to the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) before its Tuesday hearing regarding an allegation that former President Donald Trump lunged at one of its agents and tried to grab the steering wheel of a presidential vehicle, an agency spokesman said. 

And this is where the first detonations occurred. When they heard about the “testimony” of Cassidy, the agents concerned offered to testify to the committee, under oath, that what she said never happened.

USSS spokesperson Anthony Gugliemi confirmed to Fox News Wednesday that the committee did not contact it in the days ahead of the hearing, after it was first reported by Politico. The committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News. 

Nor will they ever respond to the Fox requests. What would they say? “Yes, she lied under oath and we facilitated those lies.”?

This comes after Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified Tuesday to the committee that Tony Ornato, the former deputy chief of staff for operations, told her about the incident involving Trump. According to Hutchinson, Ornato told her Trump repeatedly demanded that the Secret Service take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6. Ornato further told Hutchinson, according to her, that Trump lunged at a Secret Service agent and tried to grab the wheel of a presidential SUV when agents would not allow that.

There is just a small problem with this statement.

However, a source close to Ornato told Fox News that he watched the hearing yesterday and was shocked when Hutchinson made the allegation about the steering wheel.

Apparently, Mr. Ornato was shocked because what this bimbo said was a flat out lie. It seems they she never actually spoke with him at all. To add to this, the agents who were with President Trump at the time the alleged incident was supposed to have occurred, said “WTF, Over?

Both Bobby Engel, the top agent on Trump’s Secret Service detail who was in the car, and Ornato, who was not in the car, testified to the January 6 Committee in private over the past year, the source close to Ornato said. 

If President Trump had done the things this lying bitch said he did, the committee would already know and would have spewed it all over the place.

Fox News previously reported that a source close to the Secret Service said both men are willing to testify under oath that Hutchinson’s story about Trump is not true.

These agents will not be called back to the committee for one simple reason. They were the ones promulgating this flat out lie about President Trump trying to grab the steering wheel. There have been a number of people posting diagrams of the Presidential Limousine, and all of them show that it is impossible for anyone in the back to “Lunge pass the 8 inch armored glass and reach the steering wheel. This doesn’t include the actual distance from the back seat to the front seat. (It’s measured in feet. Lots and lots of feet.

Finally there is the part where President Trump wasn’t using the Presidential Limousine. He was in an armored SUV, and most of the same issues, including the armored partition apply. This is just another “Russia Dossier” moment by the Democrats to try and “Get Trump! As usual, it has failed miserably, and almost immediately after the liars testimony completed.

God help the Democrats if Donald Trump runs for reelection and wins, since no one else will. He has learned from his first term and this time, he’s not going to let the Deep State and the Democrats run roughshod over him. I suspect he is going on the attack, day one and that a large number of Democrats, as well as federal agents may be looking at criminal charges. One can only hope.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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