Guess who is going to be running the 87,000 armed IRS goons?

Good day all. The recent Build Back Broke Lite law, passed with the able assistance of the backstabbing weasel, Joe Manchin, had a provision in it to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, of which 70,000 would be armed.

This has raised a number of red flags, since the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis have been saying that these agents would only be used to audit “The rich.” However, you don’t need what amounts to a fair sized army to audit ledgers and tax records. You do need people with a good head for numbers. Now they have selected the person who will be leading these storm troopers, and this should really worry you once you see who it is. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will reportedly be establishing a centralized office in which a majority of the new 87,000 IRS agents will implement new provisions of the tax and spending bill signed by President Joe Biden last week. The woman who will head the office, Nikole Flax, was among those IRS agents who claimed, along with Lois Lerner, that her computer crashed, erasing correspondence that Congress asked for as they sought to uncover an IRS scheme targeting conservative political groups.

Oh terrific. This person belongs in prison, and instead they are giving her a private army? Yeah, this can’t possibly go wrong now, can it?

Lerner later admitted that the targeting was wrong, though Congress declined to hold Lerner, or those agents that claimed a computer crash erased documents Congress asked for that could have proved their guilt, in contempt.

That was back when a lot more RINO’s and TransRepublicans were in office. Most of them have either left or been defeated by the Republican Ultra MAGA Deplorable Bitter Clingers. I suspect the next congress, assuming that things proceed as expected, is going to be looking into all of this.

In an email message sent on August 19 to all IRS employees, obtained by the Daily Signal, IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig wrote: “This is a historic time for the IRS, and we are working to move quickly to begin work on the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law earlier this week.”

“A key part of our efforts will be the creation of a new, centralized office for implementation of all IRS-related provisions. Building off our successes implementing other major legislative bills, the IRA 2022 Transformation & Implementation Office will work across the IRS and oversee our implementation efforts.”

This needs to be shut down and fast.

Rettig said that Nikole Flax, deputy commissioner in charge of the Large Business & International Division, will head the establishment of the IRS’ centralized office.

“We have a unique, once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the IRS in a way to help taxpayers and fundamentally improve our tax administration work that is vital to the success of our country,” Flax is quoted as saying in Retting’s memo to staff. “This is an exciting opportunity, and we will be moving quickly with our work.”

Let me guess. Your “Work” will involve essentially Violating every single aspect of the Constitution of the United States? Considering you previous actions, and the fact that you actively worked to suppress the Tea Party movement, I think it’s safe to say that will be a firm “Hell YES!”

Flax had previously been in hot water, when in 2014 it was revealed that she and six other IRS officials claimed that they had experienced computer crashes that had erased their email correspondence, and made it impossible for the IRS to cooperate with congressional investigations regarding the IRS targeting conservative political groups, according to the Daily Caller.

While hard drives do fail, there are tools available to recover data from them. I know because I’ve used them. To have seven drives, all being using by key people in a potential conspiracy fail?

Flax has demonstrated her contempt for the Rule of Law and the rights of the People. Providing her with what amounts to an army is begging for trouble. This whole thing needs to be shut down and soon, otherwise it will lead to “Bad things,” things that I do not want to see happen.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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Doctor of Retrophrenology
Doctor of Retrophrenology
1 year ago

The FBI has a whole division dedicated to recovering supposed lost and deleted data. The NSA has those emails on file. Any excuse for not producing them in therefore invalid.
I think that government employment, whether elected, appointed or hired, should explicitly prohibit fifth amendment protections for any subject related to public business.
If I raised 70,000 armed troops, the government would be rightly concerned as to the purpose of my new regiment. Why is it not appropriate that I be concerned with theirs.