Heels Up Harris all set to end the Filibuster

Good day all. One thing you can say about Kamala “Heels Up” Harris is that she is consistent in her epic stupidity. Because of the 50-50 split in the Senate, the Republicans have been able to mitigate some of the damage the Democratic Communazis have inflicted on the United States. This is due to the Filibuster.

The GOP senators have been using the Filibuster to put a stop to the more egregious legislation pushed by the Communazis as well as having used it to block the confirmation of some appointees that were so bad, that, quite literally, people could have been killed if these nominees had been approved. This has pissed off the “Usual Suspects” on the left, and they have been trying to end the filibuster. With no filibuster, it would be a simple majority votes with Harris acting as the tie breaker. Harris is now saying she “Looks forward” to ending this procedure in the next congress. Here are the details from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris said over Saturday that she “can’t wait” to cast her vote to end the “archaic” Senate filibuster in order to advance measures that protect abortion at a federal level and implement voting reform legislation.

Harris’ remarks came during a speech at the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting at National Harbor in Maryland, where she urged support for Democratic Senate candidates in the November midterm elections.

“With just two more seats in the Senate, we can codify Roe v. Wade, we can put the protections of Roe in law,” Harris said. “With two more seats in the United States Senate we can pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Two more seats.”

In all probability, the Senate is going to flip to the Republicans, unless that scheming, treasonous Deep State piece of shit Cocaine Mitch McConnell manages to screw things up.

“You know, our President Joe Biden, he’s been clear. He’s kinda done with those archaic Senate rules that are standing in the way of those two issues,” Harris said of the Senate filibuster – . “He’s made that clear and has said that he will not allow that to obstruct those two issues. And, you know, for me, as vice president, I’m also president of the Senate.… I cannot wait to cast the deciding vote to break the filibuster on voting rights and reproductive rights. I cannot wait! Fifty-nine days.”

Harris and her Neo-Nazi pals on the Left are drooling at the thought they might be able to end American’s freedom. They will pass laws ordering the confiscations of firearms, massive tax increases, banning the internal combustion engine and basically ending the United States.

For instance, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act is a flat out unconstitutional power grab stripping the states of their constitutional role in handling elections. Thanks to the massive cheating done in 2020 by the Democrats, states have been locking down and securing the ballots. This is the last thing the Democratic Communazis want since anything that blocks their ability to cheat means they can’t win elections.

While speaking to those in attendance for the event, Harris claimed the party has “momentum on our side” and predicted that Democrats would maintain its majority in the House and “expand” its Senate majority.

“We need to hold on — and we will — hold on to the House of Representatives and expand our majority in the United States Senate,” Harris said. 

“On that point, allow me to lay out two very real scenarios for you. First, imagine — I don’t want to — but imagine if we lost our Democratic majority in the Congress. Republican Party leaders have made it clear they want to ban abortion nationwide and they won’t stop there,” she added.

Harris has always been delusional. There is no “Momentum” to keep and increase the Democrats hold on the House and Senate, just the opposite in fact. The recent escalation by Joe Biden Mussolini and the other Progressives on half the people in the United States indicates they know what the real polls are showing, and it’s not a “Blue Wave.

Harris insisted that “marriage equality” and “contraception” will be “on the line” if Republicans retake the majority of Congress.

This is the latest load of crap coming from the Democratic Communazis. They are now saying that the Republicans will ban all forms of contraception and outlaw so called “Interracial” marriages. (There is no such thing as the “White race, Black Race or Asian race,” only the Human race) This is, of course, a flat out lie by a bunch of flat out liars.

The only ones who have been talking about banning so called “Mixed marriages” and contraception, have been the Progressive Liberal Democrats. Even abortion isn’t being banned across the nation. It’s back in the hands of the states and the voters, where it should have been all along. (Some states are restricting it, others are not. Regardless of where you may stand, it’s back in the hands of the people and that is what the Democrats can’t abide)

“Without a Democratic majority in Congress, who knows what other rights they will come after,” Harris questioned. “Now, imagine a better future. Imagine what we can do if we defend the five seats we need to hold onto the majority in the House. Imagine what we can do if we protect, and better yet, expand our majority in the Senate. Imagine. We can then fight to ensure every worker has paid family leave. We can fight to ensure every family can afford childcare, we can fight to ensure every childcare provider is paid fairly, also.”

Harris has always wanted the rest of the country to be just like Kalifornistan. A complete failure that people are fleeing. Like all incompetent Progressives, she is happy to spend trillions of dollars that we flat out do not have, and has no problem ordering companies to institute social programs they might not want to or can afford to. Can we say “Economic collapse?” Sure we can!

The odds of the filibuster being ended are very low and would require a large majority of Senators who are both hard left and politically, (possibly literally), suicidal. The Progressive know full well that most Americans flat out reject their socialist totalitarian views. If the Communazis actually did manage to end the filibuster and started ramming through their wish list, we would see states pulling out of the union in self defense. We saw what happened with that the last time and no one would like to see a repeat of it. Well, we shall see what happens in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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