All GOP presidential Candidates say they will Fire Wray, except one

Good day all. President Trump, who is the Greatest President of the 21st Century, did make mistakes when he was in office. Most of these involved trusting people he shouldn’t have. One of these is the current directory of the FBI, Christopher Wray.

Wray is now seen as no better then the head of a corrupt secret police agency that is working directly with the Biden Maladministration and the Democrat Party. Every single Republican candidate for President has announced that if elected, Christopher Wray will be fired as soon as he or she takes the oath of office. There is one, notable, fat exception. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

Nearly all Republican presidential candidates have either vowed to reform the top ranks of the FBI upon assuming office, enact sweeping structural reforms or dismantle the bureau entirely.

Many of the current candidates have said that they would reform the FBI. They have also said firing Christopher Wray was on the table. One has said he would disband the FBI entirely.

Ramaswamy has floated the hardest position on the FBI. He would “dismantle the entire agency,” spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin told the Caller.

That is about the only way the agency can be “Reformed.” You start by firing everyone and then rebuilding from the ground up. It may involve scrapping the name of “Federal Bureau of Investigation,” or not giving the new department any powers of law enforcement, only investigation.

Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Pence and Scott have pledged to fire Wray as well as the other “corrupt” officials at the bureau.

If anyone has a reason to level the FBI and the DoJ, it’s President Donald Trump. I don’t trust Pence at all and why Scott is running, I have no idea. He’s a good guy and all, but isn’t ready for prime time.

Under a second Trump term, the “weaponized” departments and agencies will be “completely overhauled” by “firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus,” the former president said in a March campaign video. He has also vowed to purge the agents who have investigated him.

All of the candidates responded to the Daily Caller with a base plan, which includes lots of terminations. (Sadly not with extreme prejudice) At the top of the list is Christopher Wray. However, as mentioned, there is one fat RINO slob who won’t fire the Director of the FBI.

Only one major GOP candidate — former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — has explicitly said he would not fire FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Christie has taken a different line on the FBI compared, saying that he doesn’t believe the agency has been weaponized under President Joe Biden and that he would not fire Wray. The former governor recommended Wray for the job under Trump.

That was one of the mistakes President Trump made. He listened to the recommendations of that fat RINO. At the time, he didn’t know that he shouldn’t have trusted Christie and that he is part of the Deep State Uniparty.

Christie has said, however, that “we need change at the Department of Justice,” and that if he were president, “you can be guaranteed that we’ll put an attorney general in there who will lead without fear or favor and clear out anyone who does show partisanship.”

In other words, Christie plans on doing absolutely nothing about the problems with the DoJ and the FBI. He just intends to put them to work for him. Add this to his remarks that he’s just fine with mutilating children and Govno Chris Christie gone from being an GOP(e) RINO to a full blown TransRepublican. He identifies as a Republican, but he is actually a Progressive Liberal Democrat Groomer. In any case, he has no shot at the presidency. We just need to make sure he simply goes away and rots in obscurity.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to All GOP presidential Candidates say they will Fire Wray, except one

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Good Read! Somehow I expected it would be Crisco Christie!


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