Surprising no one, Cocaine Mitch protects Joe Biden

Good day all. The evidence that Joe Biden is a corrupt, incompetent psycopath who appears to have been selling his office for decades increases daily. Speaker of the House McCarthy, (Kevin, not Charlie), is considering an impeachment hearing to determine if there really is any “There” there.

Impeaching Biden only requires a majority of the House of Representatives. It’s the conviction in the Senate that is the problem. This would require the Democrats to actually turn on Biden if the evidence proves that he should be removed from office. Joe Biden could rape and murder a 12 year old on the white house lawn in front of the media and the Democrats still wouldn’t vote to convict.

Regardless of the fact that the Democrat Party is utterly corrupt and tyrannical, sending an impeachment to the Senate with a huge amount of proof would put the Democrats between the literal rock and a hard place. How lucky they are that Cocaine Mitch McConnell is on their side and will work to prevent an impeachment from even happening. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has gently nudged his Republican counterparts in the House of Representatives to pump the brakes on chatter of impeaching President Biden.

I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing,” McConnell told the New York Times in an interview published Tuesday.

Impeachment ought to be rare,” he added. “This is not good for the country.”

It looks like McConnell is suffering an attack of the Swamp Vapors at the thought that he might actually have to remove one of his Uniparty comrades due to the increasing obviousness of his corruption.

A growing number of House Republicans have called for Biden’s impeachment, with most of them citing the border crisis and his involvement in influence-peddling by his son Hunter.

This isn’t like the two political attempts to “Get Trump!” Those were nothing less then outright coup attempts by the Democrats. The few accusations of corruption, financial corruption, fell through quickly thanks to documentation. With the Bidens, we have Dementia Joe’s own words that he used his office as VP to have a prosecutor removed from the Burisma investigation. Now the House is following the money and at least 10% of it appears to be going into Joe’s pockets.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) called Monday night for the president to “give us his bank statements” to prove he did not profit from his offspring’s endeavors.

I think there’s enough proof out there that this Biden family needs to come forward and show there wasn’t a pay-to-play,” McCarthy told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

Charlie Kevin McCarthy isn’t calling for an impeachment just yet, He’s asking for an impeachment inquiry to determine if there is enough evidence to go to a full impeachment. (There is in my opinion)

The speaker has tried to differentiate between an impeachment inquiry, which he has suggested since late last month, and impeachment proceedings, which would follow.

Other members just want to go full bore into the Impeachment proceedings.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) unsuccessfully pushed to impeach Biden over the border situation in June. The move prompted fellow firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to call her a “little b—h” and accuse her of copying articles put forward by Greene.

Much as I hate to say this, I agree there should be an inquiry first to gather as much evidence as possible before proceeding with a full impeachment proceeding. My reasoning is simple. If the House impeaches Biden and proceeds with the trial in the Senate, you want to have a ton of hard evidence, the kind you see in a court of law, presented to the Senate. You have to make it so blatantly obvious that Joe Biden is a crook that the Democrats will have no choice but to vote to convict.

There have only been four presidential impeachments in the 247-year history of the US — three of which took place within the past 24 years. Moreover, two of the past five presidents have been impeached — former President Bill Clinton and former President Donald Trump, who faced it twice.

The Trump impeachments were classic cases of politics. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, which is a criminal act. If Biden is impeached, it will be for actual crimes.

The often quiet-spoken and at times enigmatic McConnell has not always been in sync with his House GOP counterparts.

Last year, for instance, he enabled passage of a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package, much to the chagrin of lower chamber Republicans who wanted to use a potential government shutdown as leverage for fiscal concessions.

That pretty much finished McConnell’s political career in Kentucky. He was able to hang on to his seat in the last election thanks to, wait for it, President Donald Trump. Now his constituents have had it with him. His last trip back to Kentucky, he was heckled nonstop with calls for him to step down and retire.

McConnell is like Pelosi, Feinstein and most of the “Senior” members of congress. The only way he’s leaving is if the voters in Kentucky boot him out in 2026 or if he drops dead before then. He’s invested to much in protecting himself and his privileges, at the expense of both the Republican Party and the nation to walk away now. This is why he won’t work to remove Biden. He sees in him a kindred spirit. Over the hill and corrupt.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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