Man targeted by Biden for political imprisonment now running for Congress

Good day all. About a year ago, the Meritless Garland sent his FBI goon squads out to arrest a Pro-Life protester for allegedly blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic and assaulting one of the workers. In response, a full FBI raid team attacked the home of Mark Houck and arrested him.

The initial investigation by the local police found that the Mr. Houck was not blocking the door and was some distance away. They also found that “worker” actually went out, crossed the street and attacked Mr. Houck’s 12 year old son. Mr. Houch shoved him away from his son. The local police saw that this was a father protecting his son from a violent attacker and decided no charges were warranted.

These facts didn’t matter to Garland and his thugs and they went in, terrorized the entire Houck family, dragged Mr. Houck away in shackles and tried to put him in jail for 10 years. The case went to trial and the defense team produced videos showing that Mr. Houck didn’t do what he was accused of and was actually a victim by a Progressive Liberal lunatic. He was acquitted of the charges earlier this year. Now he has announced that he is running for Congress. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Mark Houck, the anti-abortion activist who was acquitted earlier this year of charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, will run for the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania. Houck announced his campaign to unseat Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., on Aug. 2. 

“The republic is falling apart. Perhaps for such a time as this, I have been called,” Houck said in a statement to The Washington Times.

I don’t know anything the current representative, Brian Fitzpatrick. According to Wikipedia, he’s a former FBI agent, (Strike 1), and was first elected in 2016, replacing his brother. (Strike 2. Don’t need family owned seats) Looking at the Wikipedia article, (Yes, I know), it looks like he’s just another Deep State Uniparty RINO. (Strike 3! Yer out!)

He recounted his arrest by the FBI in September 2022 after he was accused of assaulting a 72-year-old volunteer at a Planned Parenthood center. Houck was charged with violating the FACE Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct a reproductive health clinic with threats or violence, but was later acquitted by a jury.

“My family was raided,” he said. “I don’t want any other American citizen to have to experience that.”

Sending out FBI raid teams has become the Standard Operating Procedure for Meritless Garland and the Biden Maladministration. This isn’t the way a law enforcement and investigative agency is supposed to operate in a Democracy/Republic. This is how things are done in a dictatorship.

Houck later said that he planned to sue the Department of Justice and Planned Parenthood over his arrest.

The evidence of the, call it what it was, political persecution of Mark Houck was so blatantly obvious, in his favor, that the DoJ’s attempt to put him in jail is not just a civil matter, it should be criminal as well. The whole incident was caught on video, which is why the local police didn’t press charges against him. Everyone involved in the decision to try and railroad an innocent man into prison needs to be prosecuted and, if convicted, jailed.

If the DoJ keeps doing these things, there is going to be a reaction and it won’t be a good one. The Bundy Ranch should have been a warning to these thugs with badges. I am afraid it’s going to take a full on battle between Federal Agents and armed citizens, with the Feds flat out losing and being wiped out before any changes will be made. Perhaps electing Mr. Houck and others like him, replacing RINO’s and TransRepublicans where needed, can short circuit that event from ever happening. That, of course, is the preferred goal. Good luck to Mr. Houck in his endeavor.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Man targeted by Biden for political imprisonment now running for Congress

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    People with power don’t give up power without their blood being spilled. Prove me wrong.


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