Govno Hair Gel Newsom in China, manages to insult Americans again

Good day all. One of the worst Governors currently in office is Govno Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom. Under his reign of incompetence, Kalifornistan has actually lost population for the first time ever. He is also being seen as the replacement for the Worst President* in American History, Dementia Joe “Hair Sniffer” Biden.

Newsom has denied that he will see the Democrat nomination in 2024, but he is doing all the things a Progressive Liberal Democrat does who is going to run, such as go to China and bow to his masters. He also managed to piss off a lot of the people he would need to get the nomination. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Several California lawmakers came out swinging after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom promoted a Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker during his diplomatic visit to China.

On Tuesday, Newsom traveled to Shenzhen and test-drove a hybrid vehicle manufactured by BYD Company, a massive Chinese manufacturing corporation and automaker. According to a 2019 report published by the Alliance for American Manufacturing, BYD boasts direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s industrial policy apparatus and has received billions of dollars in grants and subsidies from the Chinese government.

That EV is going to cost on the order of $160K, meaning it’s not something most people would even look at if they wanted to buy a politically correct, nicely woke electric car.

Newsom’s visit to Shenzhen came on the second day of his weeklong trip to China. He first traveled to Hong Kong and is set to travel to Beijing, Jiangsu and Shanghai.

Time for some due diligence. I’ve been to China twice, although I didn’t hit Hong Kong or Shanghai. There is nothing wrong with the country or the Chinese people. My issues are with those currently running things, but that’s something for another day.

In any case, there was a video of Govno Hair Gel talking about the car and the company that makes it. It also mentions a few interesting things, such as a no bid contract for face mask from Kalifornistan to the tune of a billion dollars, along with other items. This set off the few remaining Republicans in the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornistan.

“Governor Newsom ought to know that China isn’t a trusted partner and shouldn’t be an example for us to follow,” Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., told FOX Business. “Endorsing Beijing manufacturing — so much of which is stolen from American innovators — may advance partisan climate politics, but it won’t do anything to deliver real prosperity to Californians suffering under the failed policies of Sacramento and the record inflation of Bidenomics.”

“Governor Newsom is more interested in promoting Chinese companies than American,” Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., added in a statement to FOX Business. “Ultimately, anything produced in China will be dirtier and produced with potential slave labor.” 

“To promote China’s polluting industry while destroying California jobs and making everything more expensive, is a text book example of democrat priorities,” LaMalfa continued. “A bit of a tip to him — his shadow Presidential campaign should be focused on supporting American exceptionalism, not pandering to the Chinese Communist Party.”

It should, but the Democrats have no interest in in American Exceptionalism or making America great. What they do believe in is destroying everything about the United States of America and turning it into a vassal state of China, the EU and anyone else who will let them rule over the masses and maintain their privileges. Hair Gel Newsom is a classic case.

Prior to the trip, Newsom pledged to use it to further California-China cooperation on various climate issues including “cleaning the air, accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, protecting people from extreme weather and conserving lands and oceans.”

The Chinese Communist Party doesn’t care about any of those things and never has.

“It is slap in the face to Californians to see Gov. Newsom promote the CCP’s electric cars, built off the backs of slave labor,” said Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif. “Meanwhile, he and the Democratic party discourage the mining of critical minerals required to make the batteries for these cars.”

I suspect he’s getting a piece of the action. I doubt he’s getting 10 percent. He isn’t the “Big Guy.” I suspect he’s getting less then 1 percent, and that is from the net, not the gross.

“U.S. domestic mining is the cleanest and safest in the world and would bring huge economic benefits to California and the United States,” she continued. “Gov. Newsom choosing to promote the Chinese Communist Party over the welfare of his state makes clear where his priorities lie.”

Of course he does. The CCP are his kind of people. Absolute rule by the elite few. And while he’s been ruling the people of Kalifornistan, those that haven’t fled the state yet, he’s been busy enriching himself even further.

Meanwhile, Newsom’s trip comes as he continues to aggressively push a green energy transition in California. As part of his climate agenda, his administration issued environmental regulations in August 2022 banning gas-powered cars and mandating electric cars by 2035. 

Newsom celebrated the EV mandate, saying his state would continue to “lead the revolution towards our zero-emission transportation future.” However, in a bipartisan vote last month, the House voted to strike down the mandate by revoking a waiver the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted California which enabled the regulations.

That isn’t going to happen for a whole host of reasons. One big one are the ports and all the shipping that comes in. Those containers won’t even make out of the state using some battery powered tinker toy truck. Then there is the issue of the Kalifornistan power grid. It’s collapsing. Of course, when the goal is to keep the serfs from being able to leave, it all makes sense.

“I find it ironic that Gov. Newsom is using his time in China to promote the Chinese-produced BYD hybrid when his own administration is attempting to restrict sales of hybrid vehicles like the one he drove,” Rep. Jay Obernolte, R-Calif., told FOX Business. “I hope he will reconsider his misinformed attempt to limit the sale of hybrids and withdraw his request for an EPA waiver that would allow him to impose this decision on California consumers.”

He won’t. For Newsom, it’s all about power and privilege. He sees how his party has been wrecking the United States and like his President* Joe Biden, (Who he would love to replace with himself and a closet full of hair products), sees China as his way to being a vassal president.

Hair gel Newsom has stated that he isn’t running for President. However, the Biden Maladministration’s utter and complete failure at everything makes his winning reelection, by hook or by crook, less likely by the day. The usual “Heir Apparent” if Bide should step aside would normally be the Vice President, but Kamala Harris is despised even more by the Democrat base and has no chance of winning even with massive cheating.

This leaves a very light bench and the “Powers behind the throne” are looking for someone who might step in. Their main issue is their usual virtue signaling. How would it look to toss Harris over the side for a rich white guy? I don’t think they care any longer. They will do what their masters in China tell them to do and if President Xi wants Newsom, then Newsom it will be. Of course, Govno Hair Gel has to stop shooting himself in the foot with idiot things like pushing a Chinese hybrid over something made in America. (Like a Tesla, much as I consider them to be toys)


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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