Thanks to Biden’s open border, how may Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists are in the U.S.?

Good day all. When the stumbling disaster that is the Worst President in American History, Joe Biden, was installed into the oval office, one of the first things he did was throw open the borders to foreign invaders more commonly known as illegal aliens.

Among the millions of criminals that have crossed into the United States illegally, the border patrol has identified hundreds that are on the various terrorist watch lists. These are almost exclusively Arabs. With the current war between Israel and Hamas, the question now is will there be terrorist attacks in the United States? It’s certainly a concern with the Customs and Border Protection people. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Customs and Border Protection (CBP) memo is warning staff of the risk that foreign terrorist fighters engaged in the Israel-Hamas conflict could soon be attempting to enter the United States via the besieged southern border.

Oh I think that ship has already sailed and that there are a large number already in the United States and simply waiting for their activation orders. Iran, which controls and funds these groups, (With the help of Obama and Biden), has already threatened the United States. (Yes, again)

In a Friday, October 20th, memo by the agency’s San Diego Field Office’s intelligence unit, obtained by Fox News, the agency warns that individuals “inspired by, or reacting to, the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border.”

“Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the US to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico.”

I do believe that there are individuals who are working on their own, however I also think that there are groups coming in that are being supported by hostile foreign governments. (Iran) The Border patrol has been catching a large number of men of military age, with many from the Middle East and China. It makes you wonder how many slipped past the Border Patrol or were released by the numb skull in the Oval Office?

The memo, first reported by the Daily Caller, specifically mentions Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah. 

These are groups that Israel is currently shooting at. Hopping over to the Daily Caller story:

Amid record illegal immigration at the southern border, Border Patrol has recorded a major influx of encounters of individuals whose names appear on the terror watchlist.

Border patrol encounters with illegal aliens on the terror watch list at the southern and northern borders hit 172 in fiscal year 2023, up from 98 in fiscal year 2022.

As I mentioned earlier, these are the ones they happened to catch. How many slipped in? I’m afraid we may find out in the next few months.

CBP has seen no indication of Hamas-directed foreign fighters seeking to make entry into the United States,” an agency spokesperson told the DCNF.

First, just because they have no indication doesn’t mean they aren’t here. Second, Hamas is a little busy at the moment, raping and slaughtering unarmed people and now getting wiped out by the IDF. Basically, they have a pretty full plate. Returning to the Fox News story:

The watch list, now officially called the Terrorist Screening Dataset, is the U.S. database that contains information on terrorist identities and includes not only known or suspected terrorists but also affiliates of watch-listed individuals.

I wonder how many people on that list are actually terrorists and not people who support President Trump, the Constitution, want to reduce the size of the government and aren’t all that thrilled with abortion or having their children groomed by the unionized professional educators?

The Department of Homeland Security’s FY 24 threat assessment warned that agents have encountered a growing number on the watch list and warned that “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

“Individuals with terrorism connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the United States,” the assessment also said.

This is the problem. Thanks to the Progressive Liberal Democrats and Dementia Joe’s handlers, we no longer have a secure border. One of the things that the Greatest President of the 21st Century was doing, was locking down the border and working to keep criminal aliens out. As soon as that Senile Psychopath was sworn in, he ended as many of the policies President Trump put into place. The results? A flat out invasion.

Since the terror attack against Israel, DHS has said the agency is “closely monitoring unfolding events and will continue to engage in information sharing with our intelligence and law enforcement partners at home and abroad.”

“This information sharing helps ensure that we are positioned to help mitigate any risks to national security or public safety,” a spokesperson said. “Our multilayered border security efforts include various screening and vetting processes that work to detect and prevent individuals who pose national security or public safety risks from entering the United States.”

Don’t make me laugh. The Department of Homeland Security is and always has been a joke. Under Obama and now Biden, it’s been used to target enemies of the regime, in other words, Americans who won’t toe the Progressive Liberal Democrat line.

However, those assurances have failed to assuage Republicans, who have repeatedly claimed that the current state of the border poses a significant national security risk to the American people.

“Our wide-open Southwest border is a major national security threat,” Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, said in response to the memo. “Individuals on the terrorist watchlist are being caught crossing the Southwest border at alarming rates – 169 in FY23. And those are just the ones we’ve caught. 


Biden and his handlers have managed to bring the world closer to World War III then at any time since the end of the Cold War. With millions of aliens crossing the borders, not to mention all the contraband coming in from the Cartels, (And not all of it is drugs. I’ve read reports that they’ve also discovered military grade weapons including rocket launchers and grenades), border security is a flat out joke.

Now the States are beginning to take action, which will trigger a constitutional crises. Texas is stringing razor wire and putting barriers into the border rivers. The Federal Government is cutting the wires and trying to force Texas to remove the barriers. It may come to the point where a federal judge, siding with the maladministration, (Probably an Obama or Biden Judge), issues an order to cease and desist against the States and the States flat out refuse.

If we have a terrorist incident, such as pressure cooker bombs or something a lot larger with mass casualties such as a car bomb, or of we have Islamic Terrorists start shooting up malls and schools and pulling a repeat of the October 7th attack in Israel, the reactions won’t be pleasant for the Biden Maladministration or the Democrats. It will be even worse for them if such an attack happens and armed citizens engage the enemy and even stop the attacks. (The Democrats want a defenseless population. It’s easier for them to control)

We need to start rounding up and shipping out all the illegal aliens and lock down the border. If that means deploying troops and laying minefields, then so be it. Sadly, the current maladministration not only won’t do this, they are actively aiding Illegal Aliens, and quite likely, terrorists in crossing the border and disappearing into the United States. I’m wondering now if that was always the plan. Let a major terrorist attack happen in the United States so the Ruling elites could finally do away with the Constitution and declare martial law?

I’m sure I’m just being paranoid and this is nothing but an Alex Jones level of conspiracy theory.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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