Maine Secretary of State orders Trump removed from Primary ballot

Good day all. On the heels of the illegal actions by the Colorado State Supreme Court, the Secretary of State for Maine has also said that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump will be off the Republican Primary ballot.

Barking Moonbat

(Just a side note. I wrote this post a few days ago and events have kept me from posting it.) The Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, is a hard left Democrat, and has shown nothing but contempt for the system of government she has worn an oath to uphold. She decided that President Trump was guilty of Insurrection and that people should not be allowed to vote for him. Here are some of these details from Fox News:

Maine’s Democratic secretary of state on Thursday disqualified former President Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot. In her ruling, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which bans from office those who “engaged in insurrection.” 

This is the exact same crap that the four “Judges” in Colorado threw out there. Of course, like the four crooked judges, Bellows has no authority to make that decision. It violates most of the Bill of Rights regarding trials, due process, juries, etc, but then Democrats care nothing for any of those items.

Bellows made the ruling after some state residents, including a bipartisan group of former lawmakers, challenged Trump’s position on the ballot.

Bipartisan group my left butt cheek. It was a mix of Democrats and TransRepublicans. If Bellows were an actual honest Secretary of State, she would have replied that she had no authority to prevent President Trump from being on the Primary ballot. Instead she showed her true colors, and they are Communist Totalitarian Red. As to who Shenna Bellows is, here are a few of those details, also from Fox News:

The Maine official who moved to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot on Thursday visited the White House this year to meet with President Biden and previously referred to the Electoral College as a “relic of white supremacy.”

Bellows went down to Washington to have her hair sniffed by Biden twice. The first time was in March of this year. She was invited to attend a Women in History event. The second one makes me want to go “Hmmm.”

Bellows’ second trip came on June 6, when she traveled to the White House with more than a dozen others to meet with Justin Vail, a special assistant to Biden. That trip, according to social media posts by others who made the journey with Bellows, appears to have been organized by Issue One Reform, which describes itself as “the leading crosspartisan political reform group” in D.C. that works to “unite Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to fix our broken political system and build an inclusive democracy that works for everyone.”

On it’s face, this would seem to mean that they were going to take a look at all the questionable things that happened in 2020. That isn’t what they are talking about. In their eyes, what’s broken about the election system are things like demanding voters provide identification before voting, people demanding that voter rolls be scrubbed of people who are either dead or have moved out of the voting area, and making sure that only actual votes cast are counted and that the votes are for candidates the voter intended them to be for.

Shortly after taking office, Bellows penned an op-ed for a progressive platform known as the Democracy Docket. In her writing, titled “Voting Rights for Our Neighbors Matter As Much as Our Own,” Bellows touted her efforts to make “voting more accessible” and said she sought the position of secretary of state in Maine because she “was truly frightened for our democracy” following the 2020 presidential election.

Like all Progressive Totalitarian Democrats, she failed civics. The United States is not a Democracy and never has been. It is a Republic. The founders knew what happens in a true democracy and wanted to avoid that. (A democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner)

Bellows also took aim at the Electoral College in her column, claiming it is “the relic of white supremacy” that prevents voters from being represented fairly.

In an October 2020 post to social media, Bellows said she was “excited to vote for Biden and Harris.” Before that, in October 2020, Bellows questioned on social media whether the “obsession” with 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was because people “just can’t deal [with] the magnitude of fears of what Trump presidency brings.”

Ok, let’s take a look at what President Trump was able to accomplish even with the ongoing coup attempts. The border was being secured and illegal aliens crossing into the United States was seriously degraded. The economy was doing very well until the release of the Fauci bioweapon into the wild. This was followed by Fauci flat out lying to President Trump and causing him to take actions he normally wouldn’t have. The world was generally at peace and by and large Americans were feeling pretty go about things.

Now if you want to compare this to Felonia von Pantsuit? Ok. Felonia is guilty of espionage, destruction of evidence, conspiracy, corruption, (Selling her offices for cash), accessory to rape, and if the rumors are true, murder. But then, she was a Democrat so in your twisted world view, she could do no wrong.

Bellows has faced backlash over her decision to remove Trump from the state ballot from multiple Republicans and those within her own party, including Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine.

“I voted to impeach Donald Trump for his role in the January 6th insurrection. I do not believe he should be re-elected as President of the United States,” Golden said Thursday night. “However, we are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot.”

The simple fact is that President Trump, and in fact no one, has been charged with, let alone been tried for insurrection. That hasn’t stopped Bellows and her plans to interfere with the 2024 election.

Bellows defended her move while responding to Golden’s criticism during a CNN interview on Friday.

“I reviewed Section Three of the 14th Amendment very carefully and determined that Section Three of the 14th Amendment does not say ‘conviction,’ it says ‘engage,'” Bellows said.

“And, let’s go back and keep in mind that the events of January 6, 2021, were unprecedented and tragic,” Bellows continued. “This was an attack, not only on the Capitol and the government officials, the former vice president, members of Congress, but an attack on the rule of law.”

“And the weight of evidence that I reviewed indicated that it was, in fact, an insurrection,” she added. “And Mr.  Trump engaged in that insurrection under Section Three of the 14th Amendment.”

So you have set yourself up as judge, jury and executioner. You are the one who is guilty of election interference and possibly sedition. You have, as I along with others who have an actual education in the law, taken authority that you do not have. I suspect that you know this, which is why you have suspended your ruling until the Maine Superior Court rules on this.

If they are actually honest judges, they will say that neither you nor they have any authority to make a ruling on this. I have no idea what the Maine Superior court is like. They may be just as criminally minded as those for corrupt judges in Colorado.

As it is, this is going to the United States Supreme Court, and as much as Rogers doesn’t want to have to do his job, they will have no choice but to make a ruling. As for Bellows, a Republican member of the State Legislature is looking to initiate impeachment proceedings against her. I have no idea how that will play out of course.

What I do know is that the Democrats are so terrified of President Trump returning to office, that they will stop at nothing to prevent it from happening. What I would love to see is that in 2025, the Trump Department of Justice starts indicting these clowns for trying to interfere with the people’s right to chose who they want to be president. (Who knows? Maybe throw in a sedition charge or two?)


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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