WEF leaders queried on how to Trump Proof their economies

Good day all. Even though the World Economic Forum has finished their usual “We must make the peons and serfs bow before us!” meetings, people, such as myself, are continuing to lambaste them for the idiotic things that were said.

One of the questions thrown at the Elites of the WEF was how they would “Trump Proof” their economies. Here are the details from Fox News:

Bloomberg Television host Francine Lacqua asked leaders at the World Economic Forum Friday about how they would prepare for the very real possibility of Donald Trump’s reelection. Lacqua hosted a panel on the “The Global Economic Outlook” on the closing day of the forum in Davos, Switzerland, where Trump’s return is viewed with concern. 

Now you may wonder why the WEF members are worried that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, may be reelected? The answer is simple. President Trump isn’t a Transnational Uniparty Globalist. He has and will put America first. This isn’t what the Global Elites want of course. They see the United States as their own personal piggy bank.

If/When President Trump is reelected, they know he is going to undo all the damage that the Biden Maladministration, under order from Barack Obama, who is following his instructions from the WEF, have done to the American Economy. They also know that President Trump can pull it off.

Francine Lacqua first turned to David Rubenstein, the co-founder and co-executive chairman of The Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest private equity firms, and asked, “David, a number of leaders have expressed concern of what Donald Trump in the White House means for fragmentation, for foreign policy. Is there any way that the rest of the world can Trump-proof their economies?”

“Ummm, if somebody has a way to do that, I think they should patent it and probably sell it to somebody else,” he began. “It’d be very difficult to do.”

Try impossible dumbass. Trump is a standard American when it comes to dealing with people such as you and the other Globalist elites. He either ignores you or holds you in utter contempt.

Lacqua then turned to Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner and asked how he thinks “Europe should prepare.”

“I think we are talking too much about Donald Trump in Europe, and we should prepare ourselves for a possible second term for Donald Trump by fostering our European competitiveness,” Lindner said. “Doing our homework is the best preparation for a possible second term of Donald Trump, and this includes our capabilities to defend ourselves.”

Well, it appears that someone may actually have a clue. President Trump is going to cut off the gravy train that Europe has been living off of for decades. He issued a warning in his first term that Europe needs to start meeting their obligations. Next time, I suspect he’s just going to announce that Europe is on it’s own.

He went on to argue that working to be an “attractive partner on eye-level” in terms of economics and NATO is the best way to ensure a good partnership with the United States, to the point that it won’t matter whether Biden or Trump ultimately win the presidency in 2024.

The Eurotrash Elite hate President Trump with a passion, yet they love Dementia Joe Biden. (From a distance of course) President Trump won’t bow to them. Biden will, and do whatever they tell him to do. Then he will probably do something embarrassing.

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde answered, “I think the best defense, if that’s the way you want to look at it, is attack. And to attack properly, you need to be strong at home. So being strong means to have a strong deep market, having a real single market.”

That should be amusing to see. One thing President Trump has proven he can do is unleash the American economy. The one thing the Eurotrash elites have shown is how to throttle it with regulations and government control.

She further argued for a transition for the European economy toward becoming a “greener economy, which relies, certainly for a period of time, on fossil fuel, but less so, as was indicated in the last COP28, and moves towards renewable, where investment is badly needed.”

Good luck on your economic suicide. Europe is learning just how reliable “Green” Energy is. It’s so reliable that Germany is firing up new fossil fuel plants. (I believe natural gas), and looking to start building more nuclear power.

This is one of the problems with the idiots attending the World Economic Forum, (With a few exceptions of course). They are completely out of touch with what’s happening around them. Many European countries are starting, albeit very slowly, to move away from the socialist systems they’ve allowed to take control. In many cases, it’s almost to the point of flat out rebellion.

In south America, the first crack in the WEF’s plans for world domination happened with the election of Javier Milei in Argentina. When President Milei was invited to speak at the WEF, he did, and he ripped them all a new one. I foresee great possibilities between President Milei and President Trump in his second term. The European elite are right to fear a second Trump term. He isn’t going to be as polite with Europe as he was the last time.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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