Progressives now pushing progressive Supreme Court justice to resign

Good day all. With the likelihood that Dementia Joe Biden won’t in the White House come come the afternoon of January 20th, 2025, progressives are beginning to get a bit worried with regards to the Supreme Court. Actually, slipping into a blind panic would be a better description.

The reason for all this is their memories of what happened in 2016 and again in 2020. In 2016, the hated, (From the progressives point of view), Justice Antonin Scalia suddenly passed away…with a pillow over his face. (No, not suspicious at all) At the time, the Senate was controlled by the GOP and in one of the few smart things McConnell did, he stopped Barack Obama from putting Merrick Garland on the court. (History has shown we dodged a major bullet there)

In 2020, Progressive heroine, (And not a lover of the United States Constitution. She preferred the South African one), Ruth Bader-Ginsberg finally assumed room temperature.


The Republicans still controlled the Senate and President Trump reached into his list of judges and replaced her with Neil Gorsuch, who in general does support the plain language of the Constitution. This gave the Constitutionalists a firm control of the Court for the first time in 80+ years.

Now the Progressives are worried that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, will be reelected and get the chance to plant one or two more progressive justices. They are looking at Sonia Sotomayor, who is not in the best of health, and are pushing for her to “Retire,” so that Dim Bulb Biden can appoint another unqualified replacement while the Democrats still control the Senate. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

Some liberals are beginning to publically voice the opinion that 69-year old Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor should retire before the election to open up her seat for a younger Democratic appointee.

Enabling President Joe Biden to appoint a younger liberal justice now would head-off the possibility of a 7-2 conservative majority, should former President Donald Trump return to the White House in 2024, multiple liberal columnists argued this week. The arguments echo similar calls from early last year, when Politico reported some Democrats close to the Biden administration are of the same opinion, though they remained unwilling to suggest publicly that the “first Latina justice” should step down to secure her seat for the party.

That is one of the many problems for the Democrat Party. (And to some extent, the Republican Party) They see the courts as their way of stripping away people’s rights by using the novel theory of a “Living constitution.” When President Trump assumed office in 2017, he had a list of judges who are, by and large, strict Constitutionalists who believe that the Constitution says what it means and means what it says.

They also understand that the Constitution doesn’t so much guarantee the Rights of the People as it restricts the power of the Federal Government. This is the dead opposite of the thinking of the Democrat Party and goes back to the threats by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to “Pack the court” if they didn’t rule the way he wanted them to. (The USSC had been shooting down large parts of the New Deal. When FDR tried to pack the court, they panicked and started giving him what he wanted)

“You’re worried about putting control of the court completely out of reach for more than a generation, but you can’t criticize an official who’s putting your entire policy project at risk because she is Hispanic?” Republican-turned-Democrat writer Josh Borro wrote Monday. “If this is how the Democratic Party operates, it deserves to lose.”

I did a quick lookup on this guy. He is a die hard never Trumper who thinks that TransRepublican Mittens Romney is a great man. In other words, he’s just another deep state uniparty Transnational Globalist who hates America. No great loss in other words. However, like a broken clock, he is right once in a while.

Weeks before the 2020 election, when the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death left a vacancy on the court, the Senate was able to confirm Trump’s nominee, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, along party lines. Ginsburg had declined to retire during Obama’s presidency — and many Democrats are afraid of a repeat.

I believe the issue isn’t Sotomayor’s age, it’s that she is a diabetic and has been having health issues because of this. I have read that she now travels with a medic in case she goes into diabetic shock or has some form of reaction to her insulin. However, I think she’s probably in better shape then Bader-Ginsberg was. They had her obituary on hold for the better part of a decade. This also isn’t the first time the Proggies have tried pushing out a member of the Court.

In 2021, Democrats urged former Justice Stephen Breyer to retire so Biden could “appoint the first-ever Black woman” to the Supreme Court. Breyer retired in June 2022 at 83 years old, allowing Biden to appoint Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Brown Jackson was and is not qualified to be on the bench, She is a classic “Diversity Hire.” Still, like the proverbial broken clock, she occasionally gets things right, such as the recent 9-0 slapdown on some states trying to ban President Trump from the ballot.

Conservatives have secured major victories over the past two terms with decisions rejecting affirmative action in higher education, protecting religious liberty, most notably, overturning Roe v. Wade. This term, the court faces controversial questions on abortion pills, censorship, the Second Amendment and former President Donald Trump.

Those decisions have enraged the Progressive Totalitarian Left. The Court has been moving back to the actual meaning of the 2nd Amendment, and has been going after progressive assaults on the 1st Amendment, both speech and religion. With Roe v Wade, all they did was send this back to the states to be decided by the State voters and their representatives. (Me, I want Abortion made obsolete. Women won’t have them because they don’t need or want them. Problem solved) I don’t know anything about the abortion pills so can’t comment on them.

As Borro made the case, the next time Democrats will have a shot at appointing a new justice may be further away than a single election cycle — it could be multiple, meaning they are “making a bet that she will remain fit to serve through age 82 or 84.”

Now why would it be multiple presidencies? Is it due to the country starting to reject the hard left socialist totalitarian ideas of the current Democrat Party?

If Democrats lose the bet, the court’s 6-3 conservative majority will turn into a 7-2 majority at some point within the next decade,” he wrote. “If they win the bet, what do they win? They win the opportunity to read dissents written by Sotomayor instead of some other liberal justice. This is obviously an insane trade.”

The Daily Caller has a number of quotes from Leftists and it really shows their mindset. They hate everything that made this country great and unique. They have seen the courts slowly turning away from what the Progressives see as their role. To protect the Socialists plans to collectivize the United States and end individual rights and freedoms in favor of collective privileges and punishments.

We still see some courts trying to do this, such as the 9th Circus. With the Constitutionalists now outnumbering the Progressives, and the neutering of John Roberts, along with a high probability that President Trump will be reelected and a new GOP majority in the Senate, the panic of the Progressives makes sense. I have just one thing to say.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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