UpChuck Schumer is now being slammed for demanding that Netanyahu be replaced

Recently, Senator Charles “UpChuck” Schumer demanded that Israel hold an election and replace the current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. This has not gone over well with a lot of people who happen to be Jewish. (And a lot more who aren’t)

Last week, Schumer criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu on the floor of the Senate. Here are those details from CNN:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday criticized Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, calling for new elections in a speech on the Senate floor on the Israel-Hamas war.

As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me: The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed, radically, since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” said Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in America.

Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask: must we change course?” he continued. “At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.”

There is no question that the October 7th attack that butchered 1200 Israel men, women and children will rank as one of the worst intelligence failures in history, up there with the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor and the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States. Without question, once Israel has finally crushed Hamas, there will be an accounting.

That isn’t what UpChuck is looking for. The Democrat Party is splitting between the NeoNazi Socialist wing and the regular Socialist wing. A number of Democrat members of Congress have called for Israel to basically surrender and are now threatening the Biden maladministration of they don’t stop Israel from utterly destroying Hamas.

The Democrat split may now cost the Democrats the White House and they are looking for ways to fix things with their more demented members of the Democrat Base. This is why UpChuck gave the speech he did. If he thought this might fix things, it’s backfiring spectacularly. Here are those details from Newsmax:

A political group supporting Jewish Republicans lashed out Thursday, March 14th, at Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s call for Israel to hold new elections and oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid the continued bombardment of Gaza.

In a stinging response to Schumer’s “anti-Israel speech,” Republican Jewish Coalition leader Matt Brooks declared the New Yorker had “crossed a real red line.”

“As Israel continues to righteously fight to defend itself from barbaric terrorists, the most powerful Democrat in Congress knifed the Jewish state in the back,” a RJC statement said — deriding the Schumer speech as having “demanded that Israel’s democratically-elected government be evicted from power and replaced by one more to his liking.”

“Sen. Schumer crossed a real red line,” the statement said. “It is outrageous and unacceptable to meddle in Israel’s domestic politics by demanding that a democratic ally hold elections on our timetable, particularly when the Jewish state is fighting for its very survival.”

One thing that Americans who are Jewish are finding out is just how antisemitic the Democrat party really is. Not just the Democrats, but Progressives, Modern Liberals and most of the major universities in this country. These were people and organizations that they thought actually supported them and they returned that support.


UpChuck Schumer may be Jewish, but he will always put himself and the Democrat Party first and second. Since a lot of the younger Progressive voters have been brainwashed by the Communists and Socialists running the education system, (And who despise Israel), he’s worried that they will not vote Democrat, specifically the Democrats who Schumer thinks should be running things.

The lashing noted that Schumer “has frequently described himself as the so-called ‘Shomer’, or guardian, of the Jewish people, but that his remarks Thursday were “a ‘Shanda’, a disgrace.”

I made a comment in this Newsmax article when I compared Schumer to a Kapo. Believe me when I tell you that calling someone who is Jewish a Kapo is a real insult. A response to my comment used the word “Shanda.” I had to look it up since I don’t speak Yiddish and had never heard it. Yeah, it does fit Schumer. He is a disgrace and not just to the Jewish faith, but to America and everyone who has had it with Islamic terrorism.

The denouncement ended with “a clarion call to take back the White House and US Senate from this radical Democrat leadership,” accusing those leaders of “waging political warfare on our key ally Israel and rewarding terrorists.”

American Jews are figuring out who they can actually count on, and it’s not the Democrats. It’s Christians, Conservatives and the Republican Party. The Democrats have slandered The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, calling him a Nazi and antisemitic. He is anything but and it’s beginning to sink into a lot of Americans who are Jewish that it’s long past time to walk away from the Democrat Party.

The searing criticism comes as Senate Republicans question Schumer’s outrage.

“Chuck Schumer’s demand for new Israeli elections is inappropriate and offensive,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., wrote in a statement on social media. “Israel is a close ally and a healthy, vibrant democracy. The last thing Israel needs is the ‘foreign election interference’ that Democrats so often decry here.”

This isn’t the first time that the Democrats have actively interfered with Israel’s internal politics. Barack Obama hated Israel and wanted it to go away. This is why he was happily giving the Iranians literal pallet loads of cash. He knew they would use it to fund their terrorist proxies and they did.

Recently, we’ve started seeing the Worst President* in American History, Joe Dementia Biden, turn on Israel. He started doing this when Israel changed how they deal with terrorist attacks and instead of the old style tit for tat they’ve been doing for decades, decided that enough is enough and it was time to flatten Gaza and wipe out Hamas.

At first Biden, or more than likely, his handlers and Jill “Call me Doctor, Damn It!” Biden, were all in on giving Hamas a bloody nose. Then Israel flat out declared a state of war and that Hamas had two choices, Unconditional Surrender or annihilation. Hamas, at first, announced that they would never surrender. Israel said, “Ok, Fine. Game on!” Now Israel has cornered Hamas in a city called Rafah and are getting ready to clean them out once and for all.

This set off the Progressives and Socialists, (As if there were a difference) in the Democrat Party. It was at this point that Biden, or someone told Biden, that this was it. Biden wasn’t going to allow Israel to go into Rafah and that he was going to talk to Netanyahu make him have a “Come to Jesus” moment. (Funny since Netanyahu is Jewish and not a Christian) Israel’s response to this was “Oh yeah? Here, hold our beer and watch this!

Now we have Schumer calling for the ouster of Netanyahu before Hamas is destroyed. Schumer is now backing terrorists who slaughtered over a thousand people in ways that would make a Nazi death camp guard puke. Upchuck Schumer has now shown his true colors and it’s time for Everyone, not just those who are Jewish, to show that weaselly, two-faced scumbag the door.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to UpChuck Schumer is now being slammed for demanding that Netanyahu be replaced

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    I demand Chuck Schumer be replaced NOW! He is pure evil.


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