Trump railroaded by corrupt New York court

Good day all. This is breaking news. The biased jury in the New York case against President Trump has come back and convicted him an all counts.

This travesty has just insured that the Democrats will be hammered in November. What happens now, of course is up to that crooked judge, Juan Merchan. That unethical POS, basically did everything he could to make sure that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, would be convicted on what almost all ethical lawyers on both sides of the political spectrum have said was a garbage.

Now what happens? I have no real clue. Merchan is just stupid and arrogant enough to try and put President Trump into jail. The Secret Service will have something to say about that, potentially with automatic weapons. (The Details generally like President Trump and his family. He treats them like people. Biden uses them as dog food) One thing is certain, the appeal is going to be filed almost immediately.

While I’m not a lawyer. I’ve been watching a number of lawyers on both sides of the political aisle and they have been, at least the ethical ones on the left, uniform in their condemnation of this entire farce. Merchan has actively interfered with President Trump’s defense, to the point of threatening one of the Defenses witnesses because he raised an eyebrow.

The jury was actively stacked with Trump haters and the jury instructions had lawyers scratching their heads in wonder at how Merchan handled them. The instructions themselves were a joke. There were so many errors in this case that the appeals court has no choice but to vacate this miscarriage of Justice.

One thing this and the other cases have done is open an oil drum of worms. Now Joe Biden can be prosecuted under the Espionage Act for his stealing classified documents for decades. The same goes for Felonia von Pantsuit. Even with this bogus conviction, President Trump can still run and serve as President. The Democrats have no idea of the Hell on Earth that they are going to face next year.

Stay tuned.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Trump railroaded by corrupt New York court

  1. An Old Country Doctor says:


    There were so many errors in this case that the appeals court has no choice but to vacate this miscarriage of Justice.

    Hopefully, the NY Court of Appeals – the highest court in that state, will not only vacate it, but rule that jeopardy has attached, so that DA Bragg (D-Soros) et alia will NOT be able to refile.

    • Frankly, I won’t be surprised if something bad happens to Bragg and Merchan. I expect that scumbag in the White House to try and pull President Trump’s Secret Service detail.


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