If Biden steps aside, what happens to Harris?

Good day all.This is another post I wrote prior to the assassination attempt of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. With that and the successful coup against Biden, this one is a bit, (Ok a lot), out of date.

As I write this, the pressure is on the Bidens to have the dementia patient step down and let someone else run in the 2024 election. By default, that should be the retired prostitute and current Vice President Kackling Kamala Harris.

There is a problem with this however. Harris’s brain might be working normally, but she is stupid and incompetent all on her own. Add to this that no one likes her. The only reasons she was named by Biden to be his VP were, She was somewhat black and she was impeachment insurance.

Now it looks like the Democrat elites are working to get rid of Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden and by extension Joe Biden. How they do this is up in the air of course. The next question will be, who will be the Democrat’s Presidential nominee? Most of the Democrats want almost anyone else but Harris. This is raising another issue. Harris’s own supporters. (Yes, she has a couple) They are threatening the DNC of they bypass her. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

Kamala Harris delegate Areva Martin said they are going to blow up the Democrat Party if they choose a white man that isn’t Joe Biden as the party’s nominee. During an appearance on Stephen A. Smith’s podcast, Martin said, “You’ve got to build consensus, and there is no consensus right now.”

You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.”


Don’t you just love how the Democrat’s high dive into identity politics and putting everyone into groups is coming back to bite them in their big fat political asses?

The Democrat infighting is a self-inflicted wound they caused by putting identity policies before who is actually the best person for the job.

If Democrats elect Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), Gavin Newsom (D-CA), or Andy Beshear (D-KY), those who want Harris will undermine the party by not voting for them, essentially causing it to self-destruct.

There are other issues as well. One of these, and it’s a major one, are the inroads into the so called minority vote by the Republicans. These former Democrat voters are realizing what many have known for decades. The Democrat Party is structurally racist and always has been. They only judge people by their skin color or gender. (Although these days they can’t even figure that out)

To make matters worse for Democrats, Harris’ polls appear to be higher than at any point during the Biden presidency.

That isn’t saying much. Harris might be polling a bit better then Biden, but that’s due to the Democrats keeping her in a broom closet and out of public view. Whenever she shows up, she screws up and badly.

While Newsom and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) are down by five against Trump nationally, Harris is down by just two points in the same poll.

I looked at the poll in the article and it’s a CNN poll. That makes it about as trustworthy as CNN itself.

In terms of baggage, Whitmer would be a stronger candidate than Newsom.

The only reason Wretched Gretchen is seen as stronger is that she isn’t as well known nationally as that incompetent loser, Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom. Her actions during the “Great Panicdemic of 2020” were outright tyrannical and she’s also selling out to the People’s Republic of China. The GOP will tear her apart if she tries to run.

However, the chances of Biden stepping aside are still slim as long as mega-donors, such as LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and former Mayor of New York City Mike Bloomberg, continue to fund his campaign.

Actually, unless he is forced off the ticket, the chances are none. As for Hoffman? He’s a communist and he’s terrified that President Trump is going to have him arrested for being a complete and total jerk. Bloomberg? That fraud supports any Democrat who will tear up the 2nd Amendment and start confiscating guns.

While Martin said she would still vote for Biden, she expects to see Harris as Biden’s replacement if needed.

Nobody’s told me who it [Ideal Democrat candidate] should be,” Martin said.

And then tell me how you’re gonna get the four thousand delegates, which I am one of them.”

I’m a delegate coming from California.”

So you will be supporting Govno Hair Gel Newsom then?

In addition to Newsom and Whitmer, there are also rumors that Hillary Clinton is biding her time before swooping in as Biden’s vice president.

If the Democrats are dumb enough to push out Kackling Kamala for Felonia von Pantsuit, then they deserve everything that will happen to them. I would estimate Both Biden’s life expectancy to be measured in weeks if they somehow won with Felonia as the VP.

As we highlighted last week, Washington Post Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Kathleen Parker argued that Vice President Kamala Harris having to “step up” to complete Biden’s second term could be bad for the Democratic ticket ahead of November’s presidential election.

However, Hillary Clinton’s appointment as vice president would ultimately mean she would become president if or when Biden steps aside or miraculously dies before his second term.

Miraculously dies? It will be a miracle if he doesn’t die under mysterious circumstances.

Just 40 percent of voters believe Clinton would make a good president, while 51 percent thought she would not, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll.

She would be a horrible president and would probably trigger something really bad. Besides, with all the baggage she has, along with her pushing that fake Russian dossier that she paid for, the GOP would tear her apart. Felonia von Pantsuit may think she would have a chance, but the reality is she doesn’t. As for Harris? The only way to get rid of her would be the Democrat Convention. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that doesn’t actually happen too. The next few months are going to be interesting to say the least.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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