Experts have serious questions on Democrats plans for SCOTUS

Good day all. Recently, the worst president* in American history, Dementia Joe Biden, announced his plans to alter the Supreme Court so that it would better reflect the goals of the Democrat party. These include things like term and age limits. The problem with this was how Biden, his handlers and the Democrat party intend to do this.

First a little background for my nonexistent progressive readers. The Supreme Court is constitutionally a separate branch of government, just like the legislative and administrative branches. Each branch has specific duties and rights that may not be controlled by the other branches except as specified by the constitution. This is where the problems arise. The Democrats want to impose all their ideas via legislation and not through the amendment process. This is causing legal and constitutional scholars to say “Whoa there! Hold on a minute!” Here are the details from Fox News:

Legal experts are crying foul on possible plans that President Biden could support to make drastic changes to the Supreme Court.

Before he abruptly dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the ticket, news reports indicated that Biden was considering supporting legislation that would attempt to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices and a new enforceable ethics code.

There is a major problem with this path. It’s flat out unconstitutional and illegal. However, since when has Dementia Joe or the Democrats ever concerned themselves with the constitution or the law?

Such legislation would be a radical shift for Biden, who has historically resisted calls to expand the high court or push for any substantive changes. 

So what changed? That would be the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

But since the Trump administration, which gave Republican appointees the majority, Biden could be shifting his views to accommodate the more extreme members of his party just months away from the presidential election. Legal experts warn, however, such congressional action “undermines democracy.”

In other words, President Trump appointed judges and justices who actually read the Constitution and rule accordingly instead of a court system that the Democrats have historically used to do an end run around the will of the people.

“The question of whether President Biden and his left wing could impose term limits or age limits on Supreme Court justices by statute alone and not a constitutional amendment is, at best, highly debatable and dependent on the devilish details that have not yet been released,” John Shu, a constitutional attorney and former official in both Bush White Houses, told Fox News Digital. 

Debatable? There is no debate. The answer is a flat out no, which Shu, if he were an actual Constitutional scholar would know. Here is the relevant sections of the Constitution of the United States:

Article Three, Section One:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Basically, Congress has to pay them and can’t cut their pay. Then we have Clause 2: Tenure.

The Constitution provides that judges “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” The term “good behaviour” is interpreted to mean that judges may serve for the remainder of their lives, although they may resign or retire voluntarily. A judge may also be removed by impeachment and conviction by congressional vote (hence the term good behavior)

Basically, judges are on the bench until the resign/retire, die or are removed via the impeachment process. There is no mechanism to legislate term limits or age limits.

“Attempting to do so definitely undermines democracy and separation of powers, as well as the Constitution’s very structure. It also tries to delegitimize the court as an institution. A constitutional amendment would be the cleanest way to impose term or age limits on Supreme Court justices, but it’s a terrible idea for many reasons,” John Shu said. 

“It is colossally stupid and dangerous to wreck the Constitution and an entire branch of government just because certain people don’t like some of the current court’s rulings,” he added. 

Mr. Shu obviously doesn’t understand the Progressive Liberal Democrat’s end game. Their goal it to create a Socialist totalitarian state run by the Democrat elite. Destroying anything that stands in their way is, in their Communist minds, must be not just destroyed, but annihilated.

Mike Davis, former chief of nominations in the Senate and president of the Article III Project, said the reported proposals Biden is considering endorsing are “a radical assault on judicial independence, and a grave threat to democracy, which Biden pretends he’s protecting.”

Dementia Joe has never cared about Democracy, which the United States is not, (We’re a constitutional republic), or the Constitution that he was sworn, repeatedly, to uphold.

It’s unclear if Biden will still pursue such an attempt to alter the court’s structure, with the legalities of such a move in question — and further, if he was considering the legislation for political reasons as the pressure was mounting for him to drop out of the race. 

Excuse me Mr. Davis, are you having memory problems like the mental basket case in the White House? This Fox story was published after Mush for Brains was pushed off the ticket. As to your question wondering if Biden and company were doing this for political reasons?

The “plan” is already facing opposition with some Democrats questioning it. (Especially those in tight races) What Biden and his handlers have done is shown once again just how little the Progressive Liberal Democrats care about this country. Since President Trump won in 2016, the facade came off. This is just more evidence that the Democrat Party needs to be destroyed, root and branch by every lawful and constitutional means available. The good news is that this “Plan” is dead on arrival.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Experts have serious questions on Democrats plans for SCOTUS

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Why has biden not been removed from office – he clearly is not fit to serve, much less make decisions about our Country’s future. INVOKE THE 25TH.


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